Datta Giri is like Kailash Giri -1

14 Apr 2016 6158 Views

Experience the Silence and Sacredness of Dattagiri Ashram by Jagadeesh


(NOTE:  We went to see the unique Dattagiri Ashram about 20 kilometers from Hyderabad going toward Vijayawada. It is about 15 kilometers from Ramoji Studios. Please read about the true story behind the construction of this Dattagiri Ashram on a top of a mountain overlooking miles of open land, greenery and mountains.

Why Ganapathy Sachchidananada Swamiji said that “the fruits of doing parikramana for Datta Giri are same as ding parikramana of Kailash Giri and Arunachalam.”)

Message from Jagadguru Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji, Peethadhipathi of Avadhuta Datta Peetham, Mysore: (December 13, 2013)

Dattatreya Samarambham Nrsimhadhika Madhymam
Sachchidananda Parayantham Vande Guru Paramparam

Great Spiritual Souls are different from ordinary mortals.  Their observations, actions, words have deep embedded meaning and often have a purpose.   Their casual appearing behavior also has deep meaning, actions have a deeper purpose of benefitting the devotees and serve as a guide in their lives.  Such seers are called Sadgurus.

When you read the history of how Dattagiri came to be established and how a devotee by the name of Jagadeesh experienced mental turmoil and the efforts his Sadguru made invisibly to motivate him, one understands the definition of a true Sadguru and a true disciple.  One also can realize how a Sadguru helps his devotees to undertake humungous tasks singlehandedly and carry it till the goal is achieved. Dattagiri is like Kailash Giri.

Everybody should take advantage of this Center/ Temple.  Residents in the nearby places and villages should visit this place and take advantage by performing Pujas, Homas, and Vratas and obtain peace and happiness.  May Adi Guru Datta Swami's Krupa be showered upon Jagadeesh and his family, give him more opportunities to do more and more Seva.

Message from Sri Datta Vijayananda Teertha Swamiji, Junior Pontiff of Avadhuta Datta Peetham, Mysore: (December 12, 2013)

Muukam Karothi Vachal Pangum Langayate Giri


Yatkrupa Tamaham Vande Sachchidandam Sadgurum Guru

means immense strength.  It is this strength that motivates and creates good thoughts, good speech, good actions, good attitude and perspective.  It is this strength that brings to life positive and beneficial outlook and actions.

This Strength provides opportunities for further contacts with spiritual persons, Satsangs, and enhances good thoughts, resulting in constant supervision by the Sadguru. Due to Guru's blessings devotees’ progress.  Jagadeesh is such a type of devotee who obeys Swamiji's orders and follows the path suggested by His Holiness.

Jagadeesh, by establishing Datta Kshetram found a place in Swamiji's heart and is constantly under the guidance of his Sadguru.  All of you should spread the word about this Kshetra.  May Jagadeesh's family be blessed? I wish them long, healthy, and prosperous life Message from Sri Kuppa Krishnamurthy Seers and spiritually elevated persons are familiar with the range of hills constituting Sahyadri Mountains.  It is also said in books on Datta Charitra that Dattatreya used to wander in these hills and it was His abode.  Sahyadri Mountains are a range of hills in the south called Arunachala in Tiruvannamalai.

Kaveri River called Brahma Kunda where Sri Sri Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji is said to be born.   Amidst natural surroundings resembling afore mentioned Kshetrams, Dattagiri is located with small hills ranging in a sporadic fashion.  It is located about 40 miles from Hyderabad on the way to Vijayawada.  Sri Swamiji being considered as an incarnation of Lord Dattatreya recognized this isolated place surrounded by thick forest amidst range of hills as sacred place of Lord Dattatreya's abode in the past.

He has constructed 30 temples during the last three decades.  Recognizing Dattatreya's energy in the area Swamiji made it another Datta Kshetra in Dattagiri.  He mentioned that this Kshetra needs to be considered as Lord Dattatreya's body.  In the north is Kailash Mountain, in the south is the Arunachala and in the middle is Dattagiri.

By circumambulating this sacred Center, Swamiji mentioned that one gets the merit of doing Pradakshina/circumambulating all the three places in one attempt and their wishes are fulfilled. He made sure that walking facility is provided for such Pradakshina in the range of hills there.  He said that those who offer services in any fashion to this Center will have Dattatreya's grace on them. The idea of Datta Giri was initiated ten years back.

Since then, facility for access to the Temple, roads, housing for pilgrimages, parking, small cave for meditation has been ongoing.  How all this is accomplished in such a short period is a miracle that Lord Dattatreya only knows. The real hidden significance of this Kshetra will not be revealed for sometime as mentioned by Sri Swamiji in 2008 in one of His speeches.  Whoever does Seva in this Kshetra will definitely receive blessings and will be able to achieve success in their endeavors.

The inside story of DATTAGIRI from conception to completion

How Jagadeesh got involved in establishing Datta Giri?

“Jai Guru Datta”, “I am addressing you only”, somebody said from behind, as I was coming out of Datta Temple in Mysore Ashram.  He came close to me and made sure by asking if I spoke Telugu and if I had come from Hyderabad.  When I responded, “yes”, he asked me to wait right there in front of a room saying Swamiji is coming down and wants to talk to me.  Surprisingly, I mentioned that I had not asked for an interview and probably he was mistaken.  But he insisted that I should wait.

During this visit I was not a devotee and was not interested in meeting anyone in particular.  I had just accompanied my sister Kasthuri (Sandhyarani) as she was a devotee.  She was excited to hear that Swamiji wanted to talk to me thinking that she would get to have interview with Swamiji along with me.

Neither I nor my children were excited about visiting the Ashram nor meeting His Holiness.   We were forced to accompany her. In a short time someone came to us informing us that Swamiji wanted us to enter the room one by one.  My sister went in first and returned in five minutes.  Next was my turn.  I went in the room and sat at the feet of “Sadguru” in whom I did not believe at the time.  The minute I entered, Swamiji looked at me with a smiling face.  I prostrated at His Feet.  Few seconds passed in silence, I was speechless with feelings of indescribable happiness and some kind spiritual connection.  I was attracted to His Holiness.

He inquired about me and said, “I am your Guru, but you do not trust your Guru.”  I responded, “Swamiji, I did not come here planning to meet my Guru.  In fact I was forced to come here.  In such situation the question of faith in Guru does not arise, I said without hesitation.”    Swamiji laughed loudly and said, “I am your Guru, have faith in him and try to increase it.”  I was spell bound and speechless.

He said, “Since you came here, ask for a boon.”  I felt as if I was in a different world.  Again I repeated, “Swamiji, I have everything.  I did not come here to ask for a boon.  At this time Swamiji, put His hands on my shoulders, looked into my eyes and said, “You are still doubting your Guru.  Believe me, I am your Guru and do not doubt it.”

At that time I thought, “Though I am reluctant to ask anything, He is insisting and He is Older that I am, so, let me ask, “Swamiji, I ask for the welfare of others, let me not hurt anyone.”  Swamiji laughed loudly and said, “Is that all you want?  Increase your faith in the Guru and keep visiting Mysore and gave me Prasadam.”  I went to Datta temple and sat there contemplating on the circumstances that made me visit the Ashram.

I was bank manger with middle class income.  My parents and two children were in Hyderabad.  While I was working there, our close family friend who was Chairman of the bank was located in Bangalore.  We wanted to meet him and congratulate him on getting this position.  At this time, I was also trying for transfer to Hyderabad bank.

My sister was a close friend of this Chairman in Bangalore bank with whom she worked for twenty years.  I requested her to accompany me along with my two children who were having holidays.  She consented to come on the condition that I take her to Mysore since she was a devotee of Sri Swamiji.  At the time I was not an atheist but I did not want to follow anyone unless I knew and understood the system.  In fact, I warned my sister to be careful in following Swamijis and take care of her family matters. We finished our work in Banagalore and drove to Mysore.  On April 4, 1999, we reached the Ashram at 4:30 p.m.

My sister took me around the Ashram.  We attended the evening Bhajans.  Still, I had my own doubts of Sri Swamiji.  I thought to myself, “What is this show off, decoration, Simhasan, what kind of Yateeshwar!”  Since we planned to stay for only one day, I thought it was not my business to comment upon what I was seeing since my stay there was just for one day. In the night I went to dining hall for dinner.  I was told that unless I wear Datta Vastram I will not be served.  I refused to buy it for my children and myself since I was not a devotee.

We all went to bed fasting unintentionally.  The whole night I was deliberating on the situation and came to the conclusion that we have to follow the rules of the Ashram regardless of how I look at the whole play that was going on.  Next morning we bought Datta Vastram for all of us, convinced the children that we need to observe the rules of the Ashram and went to attend Sri Chakra puja. Sri Chakra puja was performed by Swamiji Himself.

His expression was serene completed engrossed in the Puja. He announced that He would not give Anugraha Bhaasham (speech as a blessing) and requested devotees to go about their business and do whatever Seva they could.  He stood up to leave the hall. Something happened and He took the mike and said, “Many new people come here and instead of understanding the system of the Ashram they look at decoration, etc. and give importance to them.”  That comment pricked me.

Swamiji started by saying that many new people visit and what they see is “show” instead of observing the manner in which Ashram operates.  This statement pricked my conscience.  He continued saying that new devotees fail to realize the Tattvam or principle behind what goes on and how it is done in the Ashram.  He advised, “Look at God and the principle behind it.  Swamiji’s Tattvam resembles a small baby or child.

A child plays with clay toys and is equally happy playing with gold bangles.  Relatives around him decorate him with gold waist band, anklets, chain, etc.  But, for the child it makes no difference and is equally happy with or without it.  Swamiji’s Tattavam is also similar to it.  He is only interested in seeing that His devotees are happy.

Swamijis feel the same whether His seat or throne is like a Simhasan or made of clay.  What you see is not real.  Find out the underlying Truth.”  Giving this short message He left for Guru Nilayam.”  I realized for whom the message was directed at.

Outside the bell rang for indicating that breakfast was ready and headed toward it since I was extremely hungry and had not had my dinner the previous night.  I heard about Lord Venkateswara  Swamy’s temple being constructed and headed toward it.  After seeing the site, I started toward my room when I heard someone asking me if I speak Telugu and if I am from Hyderabad.  After he heard my positive response to the two questions, he asked me to follow him so that he can explain and show more details of the construction going on.

He explained to me for three hours Aagama Shastra dealing with rules of temple construction, what Swamiji did in different parts of the temple, took me into the cellar, etc.  All this made a lasting impression on me.  After coming out of temple area I asked him if this was his duty to give information to all those who visit.

He said that somehow when he saw me he felt the urge to explain everything.  I said good bye to him and after that contact I never saw that person ever again. Next day we got ready to leave after putting the entire luggage in car.  I had to return the key in the office.  I saw Ramesh who works in the office coming running toward me and informed me that that Swamiji has sent a message for me.

He took me to his office and informed me that on June 21, Lord Venkateswara Swamy’s temple is planning to have Kumbabhishekham after which Mandal puja for 40 days will be performed by Swamiji and that His Holiness wanted our family to participate one whole day in the ceremony. I did not have financial capacity to participate. I told him, “Please forgive me.”  My sister immediately said, “Please do not refuse, Swamiji has suggested this.”  Reluctantly, I consented upon my sister’s insistence, thinking I will decide a day later after going to Hyderabad.   I left the Ashram.



Part 2 of the article will be forthcoming soon



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