Dr. Subramanian Swamy to Release “REVIVING HINDUISM” book written by Dr. Prakasarao Velagapudi in Mumbai

04 Jun 2017 3111 Views


Venue: Bombay Stock Exchange Complex
Date & Time: June 18; 8:00 am – 2:00pm

The book contains 18 chapters written with the purpose of reviving the greatness of Sanatana dharma from the doldrums, indifference, ineptitude, negligence, and silence of Hindus. The book addresses the richness of Hinduism, the need for declaring India as Hindu Rashtra, the importance of Bhagavad Gita and why it should be mandatory, the quintessence of Guru concept in Sanatana Dharma, the consequences of the dereliction of dharma, mother’s everlasting love and compassion, the significance of Gomata as described in the scriptures, the cow mafia’s brutal atrocities, Ramayana’s eternal values that spread far and wide of the universe, and the transcendentalists effort to prepare the American soil to implant yoga.

The book also points out the true nature of secularists, intellectuals, communists, media, Christians and Muslims and how they are determined to wreck the Hindu edifice. If the Hindus must live in peace and harmony without being decimated, two possible, may be improbable options were offered.  To prevent Hindu holocaust, either two nation theory be implemented or benign dictatorship be instituted.  

Donations to Print the Book

We appreciate any donations to print the book or anybody who wants to buy certain number of copes. For information, please contact Prakasarao Velagapudi at / India cell 85007 38140. You can reach him at: dycusa@gmail.com.

Table of Contents

Foreword by Dr. Subramanian Swamy
Foreword by Sri Swami Paripoornananda
Foreword by Dr Ghazal Srinivas
Hinduism- Panacea for Human Existence
Declare India as Hindu Rashtra
Revise School Curriculums across Bharath
Bhagavad Gita should be Mandatory in Schools
Bhagavad Gita - Importance and Significance
Guru – Quintessence of Knowledge and Culture
Mother - the Embodiment of Sacrifice and Protection
Remembering Mother
Dharma and Dereliction of Dharma
Cows are Sacred; Respect and Worship
Cow Slaughter Mafia
Ramayana Spreading Immortal Values Across the Globe
Yoga – Triad who plowed the American Soil: Emerson, Thoreau and Whitman
Intolerant Intellectuals belittle Bharath
Equate Tolerant Hinduism with Intolerant, Violent Christianity and Islam?
Christian Deceptive Conversions
Two-Nation Theory: Either Implement or Declare Benign Dictatorship



Please DONATE. Your donations are appreciated to continue the work.

NOTE: GHHF is exempt from federal income tax under section 501 (c) 3 of the Internal Revenue code.   

Our tax ID # 41-2258630

Donate at:  https://www.savetemples.org (click ‘Donate’ button on right side).

Where to send your DONATIONS?
Global Hindu Heritage Foundation
14726 Harmony Lane, Frisco, TX 75035.
Your donations are tax deductible. Our Tax ID: # 41-2258630
Any questions, call: Prakasarao Velagapudi 


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