
09 Apr 2007 2531 Views

Hindu Temples, Institutions & Hinduism itself are unfairly targeted by Governments in India.  Using Hindu Temple Endowment Act Looting, Selling, Encroachments are occurring all over India.  Particularly alarming is the situation in Andhra Pradesh (AP). 

Awareness Campaign to  Save Temples


Please Join the Protest during AP CM Samuel Reddy visit at TANA/ATA reception

Sun. May 6, 2007 at 4:30 PM

Donald Stephens Convention Center

(5555 N. River Rd. Rosemont, IL, 847-692-2220)


Out of state people can join and come in a car pool. For more details please visit and register at  or send email to




Hindu Temples, Institutions & Hinduism itself are unfairly targeted by Governments in India.  Using Hindu Temple Endowment Act Looting, Selling, Encroachments are occurring all over India.  Particularly alarming is the situation in Andhra Pradesh (AP). 


Under AP CM Y. Samuel Rajasekhar Reddy (YSR) About 34,000 Temples are under Govt. control & only 18% is said to be given back for temples maintenance. Looting, Massive sale of temple lands, Demolition, Encroachments, aggressive religious conversions in temples vicinity occurring all over AP.   Govt. which is supposed to be a protector has become perpetrator that threatens the very existence of Hindu Institutions.  Even world famous Tirupathi temple is not spared.



Tirupathi : Govt. attempted to take over 5 out of 7 Tirumala Hills for Church and Tourism Purposes.  Samuel Reddy is alleged to use TTD money for Hockey tournament in his parents name. Govt. eyed only Hindu (TTD) funds for Jala Yagnam to tune of 500 crores. (The Hindu: 7/17/06, Deccan Chronicle:3/8/07,,3/22/06).



  •     Demolition: Recently 15 temples were demolished for Golf Course. Samuel Reddy's son blew up a temple in Anantpur (Hindu 8/27/2004 Deccan Chronicle:3/8/2007, Jyoti).


·             Illegal occupation and Land scams:  Valuable temple properties, estimated at hundreds of crores, is under encroachment.  More than 50 per cent of the `land-grabbers' seem to have strong political connections, while others include those `patronized' by the Endowments Department. Samuel Reddy's brother Vivekananda Reddy build personal property on Gurkul Trust Lands worth many crores (The Hindu, 3/9/07).



·            Mass Land Sales:  Tens of thousands of acres of endowment lands, meant for sustenance in perpetuity are being sold without approval of the Hindu community and without any justification. Eg., 3000 acres temple land in East Godavari was sold.  Sold 9201 acres of rural temple land and decided to sell 7000 acres of urban lands worth 20,000 crores (Deccan Chronicle, 4/31/06, Eenadu, 3/30/06,   Deccan Chronicle 4/8/06).



·            Take Over: On 3/12/2007 State Govt. announced plans to takeover cash rich 181 mutts and all religious trusts in the state with many crores of assets, the first step in looting them (Deccan Chronicle, 3/12/07).


·            AP Govt. allocates 1.1 crores for Mosques, 6.5 crores for Churches. Pays Haj trips (12,000 Rs per pilgrim) with pending proposal to Bethlehem. Compare this with 50% bus fare surcharge on Maha Sivarathri day taxing poor Hindus similar to Auranazeb's Jizya tax (Deccan Chronicle: 8/23/06, 12/18/06, Eeenadu, 2/16/07).  Hindu Festivals Holi, Krishna Janmashtami and Rama Navami (in AP) are no more Govt. Holidays .(Jyoti, 4/5/07)



More Data on Assault on Hindu Institutions

The actions of Samuel Reddy Govt. suggests a well designed plan to decimate Hinduism in Andhra Pradesh through destruction of Hindu Institutions and abetting massive illegal conversions.   The entire state infrastructure is made available for these activities.  



Areas surrounding every major Hindu Temple has become center of intense conversion activity.  Endowment Dept. permits enormous Christian prayer meeting on temple lands with advertisements in temples.   All these activities are to encourage Hindus to convert. 



The Major chunk of temple money is transferred for various political schemes while more than 40,000 Priests are given salary below Rs.500 /- Month  and over 3,000 Priest are paid only  Rs. 400 /- for the whole year.   While Muslim and Christian institution funds are left untouched, Govt. relentlessly targets Hindu (e.g., TTD) money for various projects.


Per YSR son-in-law Mr. Anil Kumar, YSR believes he attained position of power only due to his faith and not the Pada Yatra that mobilised people who voted him to power, largest percentage of which are Hindus.



Sample of atrocities on Specific Hindu Temples.




The state Govt. in association with Missionaries has particularly targeted the World famous Tirupathi temple. The subversive activities of Missionaries were zeroed at Tirumala temple itself.  Attempted to tie up SVIMS Sri Venkateswara Institute for Medical Sciences with Christian Cherian Heart Foundation using 100 crores of TTD money.   Padmavathi University Vice Chancellor Veena Noble Das appointed by Govt. is engaging in conversion activities on campus and is reported to be responsible for suicide of a student who was forced to convert (Andhra Jyothi, 3/30/3007).  In July 2006, TV Journalist Om Prakash who attempted to record the Christian Evangelical activity was beaten up and his equipment was confiscated.




Simachalam is the Ancient Temple of Narasimha Swamy. Very Recently the Temple has come under siege by Missionaries, who have conducting aggressive conversions. In a span of 20 Months, four churches and 3 convent schools have come up in the vicinity at the foothills. Just one village Arilova has 35 churches.   Out of 11,000 acres owned originally by temple, endowment department has record of only  8000 acres and it is believed that more than 3000 acres of land was encroached.




BHADRACHALAM is a famous temple dedicated to Lord Sri Ramachandra and situated on the banks of the sacred river Godavari.  Govt. is currently planning to buy 900 acres of temple land at rate determined by Govt. for donation to victims of Polavaram project (Eenadu, 4/3/2007). On Hanuman Jayanthi day missionaries placed posters in the temple encouraging conversion (Eenadu, 5/24/06).




This is famous Chilakuri Balaji Temple at Hyderabad Outskirts. It is a very well run organization by Private trustees.   However it is target of Government takeover for its revenue generating potential. (The Hindu, 8/24/06)




SRISAILAM is situated in the thick and inaccessible forests of the Nallamalai hills, in the northeastern portion of the Nandikotkur Taluk of Kurnool District. The Endowment department has allowed encroachment of many Acres of Temple Land surrounding the temple and like all other temples, aggressive conversions is occurring relentlessly in surrounding areas.

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