Gayatri Maha Yagam to be conducted in Amaravathi, Capital of Andhra Pradesh, May 18 – June 11, 2018

06 Apr 2018 4596 Views

No mantra is greater than the Gayatri mantra. Gayatri is the solar energy, the Goddess of Wisdom that guides the person to chant in the right direction. The 24 "Beejaksharas"(seed letters packed with infinite power) of the Gayatri mantra emit immeasurable and supreme energy.

The Gayatri Mantra is considered the most powerful, sacred of all mantras in Sanatana Dharma (Vedic Hindu religion). Even Lord Krishna acknowledges in the Bhagavad Gita that among all the mantras, He is Gayatri. The Gayatri Mantra originated from the Rig Veda – the most ancient of Indian scriptures and the Mantra’s power was revealed to Brahmarishi Vishwamitra.

Inspired by the Vedas and with the blessings of his Gurus,BrahmasriNemani Subbarao Pantulu Garu completed 4 crores of Gayatri mantra Japam.  As per HER (Godess Gayatri) instructions and with the blessings of Sringeri Peetadhipathi Jagadguru Sri SriSri Bharathi Teertha Mahaswamy, he now took up the task of performing "SARVATHOMUKHA GAYATRI MAHA YAGAM" for the universal peace and welfare. The energy of this Gayatri Mahayagam, produced by chanting , revering and surrendering to the goddess of the Mantra, can be channelized , according to the Vedas, to the utmost benefit of mankind, by preventing and protecting us from being the victims of various calamities that include , but not limited to, earthquakes, tsunamis, burning hatred and violence, and the nuclear war  that is constantly knocking the door.

One can accrue immeasurable benefits by Chanting or listening to Gayatri Mantra. It is credited with calming the vacillating mind, improving concentration and memory power, improving breathing pattern, keeping the heart healthy, enhancing the nerve functioning, reducing the stress and anxiety, reducing depression, infusing energy and strength, creating positive vibrations, bringing prosperity, wealth and development,  and spreading universal peace and harmony. Yaga  Acharyatvam is by Brahmasri Yanamandra  Venugopala Sastry garu. The Maha yagam will be performed under the leadership of Sarvathomukha Gayatri Maha YagaNirvahanaSamithi from 18th May to 11th June 2018 inAmaravathi, the new capital of Andhra Pradesh as the venue. Be a part of this Apoorva Yagam by physically attending and contributing financially and enjoy HER(Goddess Gayatri) love infinite.


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