GHHF Bala Samskar Kendras in Agency Area in Visakhapatnam – Weekly Update - Students are taught Moral stories, 108 names of Devi and Suryanamskaras and others. 

19 Sep 2022 1189 Views

Swami Ghanananda Saraswati - the first African Swami 
"I was searching for the truth. I went through some books on yoga and discovered that Hinduism is a very good religion. It is open minded. It teaches you about God. It also teaches you about science of the soul. Later I went to Rishikesh and stayed with Sivananda's ashram, the Divine Life Society. There I found that Hinduism is a straightforward religion that revealed the truth. 
Global Hindu Heritage Foundation is very happy to announce that we are conducting 150 Bala Samskar Kendras in five different States. Many of the villagers expressed their appreciation to conduct these classes so that their children would not be exploited by Christians. They are happy to know that their children are learning about the meaning of so many customs and traditions. They were thrilled to see their children come home and do Namaskar for them which was very satisfying. Many parents also mentioned that their children come to know about the meaning of various festivals and know why celebrate them.
Bala Samskar Kendras in Agency Area in Visakhapatnam
    GHHF is very happy to inform you that Sri Sai Datta Manasa Swami has taken responsibility of coordinating 20 Center in Agency area – many villages are in remote places where people have to walk to reach these places. We started these Schools in these areas to ensure our children are protected from aggressive Christian missionary activities. We found teachers to be dedicated and passionate about teaching our culture, stotras, slokas, Desha Bhakti Geethas, national heroes who contributed to enriching Hindu culture and also performed Surya Namaskaras along with meditation. Sri Swamiji is taking the responsibility of coordinating these Centers and he sends all the required information.
    As we know that each month the material to be taught changes to some extent due to the monthly festivals, date births of spiritual and National leaders and other events. Our teachers incorporate these changes to make sure that our children are taught the relevant timely information.
Our Children are taught about the richness of our culture by teaching about various scriptures and the timeless wisdom found in them.  Our students will learn how Hindus conceive the abstract concept of God, their features, physical features and the divine qualities. We talk about the characteristics of Lord Rama, the attributes and his behavior and the qualities that we can emulate. Many of our Gods are incarnated at different times and we try to explain about different avataras and the purpose of incarnating at a particular time.
Our child celebrate Hindu festivals as and when come in the true spirit by following the customs, traditions, and rituals. Celebrating these festivals at an appropriate time as they will be able to get a glimse of the Indian culture. If children grow up seeing it as part of their upbringing, it will seep into their routine and remain everlasting. Our teachers Tell them the stories behind a particular festival or a particular God.  For example, our teachers talked about the significance of Guru Purnima. 
Thus, Independence Day will be celebrated on August 15, 2022. Many schools are already preparing the children to learn the significance of Independence Day. The number of Hindus who sacrificed their lives to achieve freedom from the British is being discussed. They are practicing Desa Bhakti geetalu to celebrate Independence Day.
Why did Bala Samskar Kendras Start?
Our children are our strength. They are our future. They are going to be our Ambassadors to Hindu Dharma in preserving, protecting, and propagating our ancient civilization. For centuries, we as Hindus failed to transmit the knowledge to the next generations. With no knowledge about our faith and with no pride in the universality and non-violence of Sanatana Dharma, our children, as well as adults, have become targets for Christians to convert. They have used a plethora of deceptive tactics to woo our Hindus to Christianity as we are not able to defend our religion and also not able to question the barbaric nature of the Bible. We have become defenseless and not equipped with any knowledge about our heritage.
               We should teach our children about its scientific discoveries in all scientific fields – mathematics, algebra, physics, asthmatics, computer science, dentistry, surgery, Ayurveda, yoga and meditation, and spirituality. We will try to teach our kids the science behind every aspect of our lives – customs and traditions handed down to millennials. Swami Chinmayananda stated, “The true Hinduism is a science of perfection. There is, in this true Hinduism, a solution to every individual, social, national, and international problem. True Hinduism is the Sanatana Dharma of the Upanishads.” We also need to teach how Hinduism is different from other religions.
To appreciate our faith and its richness in literature and culture, we need to understand the true nature of Christianity and Islam. Unfortunately, we are still ill-equipped with the true nature of other religions. Violence, terror, killings, rapes, and destruction are advocated by Christianity and Islam. Hindus are the only ones who say that all religions are the same while the other two Abrahamic religions abhor Hinduism and do not have any respect. Both these religions have committed to wiping out Hinduism from the planet. It is time to realize the potential danger to Hinduism and start getting reacquainted with the richness of our heritage and understand why ahimsa, tolerance, inclusiveness, respect for others, and truth can save humanity from extinction.

What is the Purpose of Starting Bala Samskar Kendras?
Bala Samskar Kendras / Sunday Schools are being planned for two purposes:
1) To teach about the richness and glory of our Sanatana Dharma. Its eternal nature, its scientific advances, depth of knowledge in our scriptures, and its universal appeal to humanity.
2) Also prevent the Christian aggressive missionary threat to Hinduism. Children are lured away by the Christians bribing them with many unnecessary needs to attract them. They give Chocolates, pens, pencils, and promises of many material things and invite them to Churches and start brainwashing them to believe in their religion, and teach them to hate Hinduism.
Global Hindu Heritage Foundation is planning to start BALA SAMSKAR on Sundays as well as weekdays to impart the richness of Hindu Heritage that enunciated peace, harmony, inclusiveness, self-improvement, and universal welfare. Our Sunday school will discuss contributions Hinduism made in the fields of education, mathematics, and astronomy. Arithmetic, quantum mechanics, metallurgy, surgery, medicine, dentistry, infinity, zero, Cosmology, literature, yoga and meditation, and other subjects.
Sponsor one or more Schools
We need all the support we can get to expand the number of Bala Samskar Kendras (Centers) from about 150 to 175. Sponsor each School for $1200 per year. You can suggest a teacher in your village or neighborhood in India to start Sunday school.
PayPal Method: To donate visit our website: Click on the Donate button, then press the Purpose category, and select the “Sunday School – Bal Samskar” category.
By Check: Or you can send a check payable to Global Hindu Foundation, . It is tax-deductible.
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By Rupees, please contact us by either phone or email.
For more information, call Prakasarao V Velagapudi ; Email:


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