[GHHF] Bala Samskar Kendras in AP – Students learned about one of the Poets who asked us to praise the Motherland Bharath wherever we go and set foot.

02 Mar 2023 1305 Views

Savitri Devi (1905 - 1982)
We defend Hinduism, because it is India’s very self-expression; and we love India, because it is India." Hinduism is really superior to other religions, not for its spirituality, but for that still more precious thing it gives to its followers: a scientific outlook on religion and on life. Hindu spirituality is a consequence of that very outlook
Poet Rayaprolu Subbarao
Most of the Telugu people are aware of its significance from the child hood. It is very difficult even to find even one person who would not know this song and its significance. Many Telugus take pride in chanting this song because it requires people to be proud of their country . He asks them to praise the Motherland wherever ho goes and keep up the dignity of the Bharath.
    Our students are being taught every day about the richness of our culture, glory of our Sanatana dharma, depth of knowledge, diversity of topics, immensity of devotion, respect for historical heroes, reverence for Ramayana, Mahabharata and other books, and deference for our cultures and traditions. 
    Following is the song that gives goosebumps when you recite:
Edesamegina Endukalidina        To whichever country you go, wherever you set foot....
Epeetamekkina Evaremanina        Whichever position you acquire, What-so-ever others say....
Pogadara Neetalli Bhoomi Bharatini    Praise your Motherland Bharati(India)....
Nilupara Neejaati Nindu Gauravamu    Keep up your nation's dignity!
Edesamegina Endukalidina

Text    Meaning
Edesamegina Endukalidina    To whichever country you go, wherever you set foot....
Epeetamekkina Evaremanina    Whichever position you acquire, What-so-ever others say....
Pogadara Neetalli Bhoomi Bharatini    Praise your Motherland Bharati(India)....
Nilupara Neejaati Nindu Gauravamu    Keep up your nation's dignity!

Rayaprolu Subbarao was among the pioneers of modern Telugu literature.[1] He is known as Abhinava Nannaya. He was recipient of Sahitya Akademy Award to Telugu Writers for his poetic work Misra Manjari in 1965. He was inspired by the Western literary movement and brought romanticism into Telugu literature by breaking away from the traditional translations of Sanskrit literature. He introduced the concept of "Amalina Shringara Tatvamu"[further explanation needed] into Telugu literature.
Early life
Rao was born in Garlapadu village, Kakumanu Mandal, Guntur district. His maternal uncle, Avvari Subramanya Sastri, initially taught him Sanskrit and Telugu. He attended the Board High School in Bapatla and was later educated in Kakinada and Rajahmundry.
Department of Telugu in Osmania University, Hyderabad was started in 1919. He was the professor and head of this department for 25 years. Khandavalli Lakshmi Ranjanam, Divakarla Venkata Avadhani, B. Rama Raju and C. Narayana Reddy were associated with him as faculty.[3]
He was the chief editor of Andhra Maha Bhagavatam published by Telugu Academi, Hyderabad.
Subbarao's literature is a mixture of Telugu Indian culture and Western ideas. He brought Western romanticism especially English lyric style to Telugu literature. However, he followed classical Sanskrit and Telugu meter in his writings and he didn't abandon Sanskrit Telugu form common language. His literature themes include sensual material, love of nature, patriotism, spirituality, humanitarianism and social reforms. Sensuality, in general, may be divided into two kinds, union and separation. Rayaprolu preferred separation in his writings. In his first independent poem, Trunakankanamu, Rayaprolu narrates love pangs of separation. The hero's lover marries another man and he remains unmarried to suffer from the memories. By the end of the poem, hero's love transforms into a platonic love and friendship. In this poem, Rayaprolu's heroin continues a platonic relationship with the hero while married to another man. In Kastakamala, Kamala loves (platonic) two men. However, when one of them writes a love letter, she commits suicide. Rayaprolu was a great patriot and Telugu nationalist. He praised the (past) greatness of Telugu warriors to awaken the sleeping Telugu pride. Rayaprolu Subbarao defined Telugu romanticism and began a new era in Telugu literature. His romantic literature is considered as the watershed in Telugu literature for its modernity of themes such as naturalism, rural life, platonic love, a sense of history, libertarianism, patriotism, and fierce nationalism.[citation needed] (Source: Wikipedia)
We appreciate it if you can help in hiring more people who can go to these villages to do Ghar Waapasi. We have employed twenty people so far. More people we hire, more villages can be covered to welcome them back and also create Chaitanya (Awareness) among the students and villagers.
1) Donate any amount to help the Dharma Pracharaks to work at the ground level.
2) Sponsor one Pracharak: In order to expand our base and hire one Pracharak, it would cost approximately $3000.00 - $3500.00 per year. We have five anonymous donors who sponsored 9 Pracharaks

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