[GHHF] Bala Samskar Kendras – Learned about the issue of Fatwa against Taslima Nasreem by Muslima Fanatics in Bangladesh; She escaped to freedom in India.

29 Aug 2023 359 Views

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation is extremely happy to inform that we are conducting about 200 Bala Samskar Kendras in five States in India – Assam, Telangana, Andhra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. We have many active Hindus who are helping in different ways to ensure our children are taught about the richness of Sanatana Dharma. Each school teaches different things and at the same time they follow the required syllabus to ensure all the students learn things that are common to all the students. It is challenging as the ages of the students vary from one school to another. This week they are taught about Taslima Nasreem who escaped from Bangladesh to avoid Fatwa against her for writing a book on Lajja (Shame) 
Taslima Nasreen was born in a Muslim family in Bangladesh which was separated from the country due to Islamic fanaticism. Although she is a Muslim, she was shocked to see the torture of Hindus in Bangladesh by Islamic fanatics. The Islamic fanatics issued a fatwa to her for writing against their frenzy with her pen.  "We have been hearing the news about Taliban in Afghanistan for a long time. We are seeing the situation where Muslims are fleeing the country because they don't want to stay under the rule of Muslim fanatics. Just imagine the situation of the Hindus who were subjected to image violence under the rule of Muslim fanatics." Most of us don't know that once Afghanistan was also a Hindu country. Media today, Due to the widespread use of social media, everyone knows the news that happened in any corner of the world. In the past, how many people know the stories of Hindus who succumbed to the acts of Muslim fanatics?
Taslima Nasreen was born in the year 1962 in Bangladesh, a former Indian territory and separated from the country due to Muslim fanaticism. After the partition of the country, which was formed as Pakistan and later transformed into Bangladesh, which was a Muslim majority region, she grew up watching the atrocities and anarchy committed by the Muslims on the Hindus. He saw those animals who were torturing Hindus in the name of religion and through his writings he informed the world about their plight. Enraged by this, the Muslim fanatics tried to kill her. She fled from there and came to India as a refugee.
In the case of Bangladesh's separation from Pakistan, more than 30 lakh Hindus were killed there. After demolishing the temple of Sri Ram in Ayodhya and demolishing the Babri, an illegal structure built on top of it, in 1992, Muslims massacred Hindus in the Islamic countries of Pakistan and Bangladesh. Taslima Nasreen wrote a novel called "Lajja" based on the real events that happened in Bangladesh at that time. This is a must read book for everyone. As long as the number of Hindus in the country is large, it is a secular country, when the number of fanatics increases, it becomes a graveyard. So every Hindu must fight against religious fundamentalism, prevent religious conversion , and try to bring the converts back to Swadharma.
Taslima has written 40 books in Bengali, which includes poetry, essays, novels and autobiography series. Her writings won the hearts of people across the border and she landed with the prestigious literary award Ananda from India in 1992. Taslima won The Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought from the European Parliament in 1994. She received the Kurt Tucholsky Award from Swedish PEN, the Simone de Beauvoir Award and Human Rights Award from Government of France, Le Prix de l’ Edit de Nantes from the city of Nantes, France, Academy prize from the Royal Academy of arts, science and literature from Belgium. She is a Humanist Laureate in The International Academy for Humanism,USA. She won Distinguished Humanist Award from International Humanist and Ethical Union, Free-thought Heroine award from Freedom From Religion foundation, USA., IBKA award, Germany,and Feminist Press Award, USA . She got the UNESCO Madanjeet Singh prize for Promotion of the Tolerance and Non-violence in 2005. She received the Medal of honor of Lyon. She got honorary citizenship from Paris, Nantes, Lyon, Metz, Thionville, Esch etc. Taslima was awarded the Condorcet-Aron Prize at the “Parliament of the French Community of Belgium” in Brussels and Ananda literary award again in 2000.
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