[GHHF] Bala Samskar Kendras learned the “Karagre Vasate Lakshmi …” Mantra to be chanted early morning as soon as one wakes up

05 Aug 2023 820 Views

“Refrain from killing knowingly even the trifling insects like a louse, a bug or a mosquito. Use no violence even to gain possession of a woman, wealth or kingdom. Never kill any animals even for the purpose of sacrifice. Non-violence is the greatest of all religions.” Swami Sahajanand
Global Hindu Heritage Foundation is extremely happy to inform that we are conducting about 200 Bala Samskar Kendras in five States in India – Assam, Telangana, Andhra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. We have many active Hindus who are helping in different ways to ensure our children are taught about the richness of Sanatana Dharma. Each school teaches different things and at the same time they follow the required syllabus to ensure all the students learn things that are common to all the students. It is challenging as the ages of the students vary from one school to another. This week they are taught about Gayatri Mantra. 
A beautiful mantra to start your day and bring the energy of your meditation into every manifest action that flows through your hands. As Maharishi Mahesh Yogi said, “Whatever has been discovered has to be put to use, otherwise, what is the use of the discovery?”
Karaagre Vasate Lakshmi, Karamadhye Saraswati
Karamoole Tu Govinda, Prabhaate Karadarshanam

I focus on my fingers (Kara: hand; Agra: top/tip) and I visualise the abundant blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, who dwells there.
I focus on the centre of my palms (Kara: hand, Madhya: middle) and I visualise the abundant blessings of Goddess Saraswati, who dwells there.
At the base of my hand (Kara: hand, Moola: bottom), I visualise the infinite blessings of Lord Vishnu, who dwells there.
And so, I focus within my hands every morning and seek divine manifestations.
Benefits of listening to Karagre Vasate Lakshmi Mantra as per Mahakatha website:
The Karagre Vasate Lakshmi mantra invokes the divine powers of manifestation of Goddess Lakshmi, Goddess Saraswati, and Lord Vishnu.
Listening to this mantra along with meditation helps you in the following ways.
Benefit 1 - Overcome struggles
The mantra is beneficial for those who want to overcome struggles in their professional life
Benefit 2 - Improves focus
It helps your focus and bolsters your intention to do well financially
Benefit 3 - Gain confidence
It helps to gain confidence and clarity of the mind
Benefit 4 - Better finances
For people afflicted with financial problems, this mantra can help you stay positive and make better, conscious decisions
Benefit 5 - Helps students
This mantra is also beneficial for students of all ages, to improve focus and gain better results
Benefit 6 - Improves eyesight
It also strengthens your eyesight. Your eyes get into a routine exercise every morning focusing on different parts of your hands
Benefit 7 - Unlocks creativity
It unlocks the creative streak in people meditating to this mantra
Benefit 8 - Great start to a day
Great way to set productive intent for a day
Physiological Benefits of Karadarshanam
Sahaina Kurani stated that Karagre Vasate Lakshmi shloka has many physiological benefits and this is why a large number of people consider it a vital part of their daily routine. When we wake up and move from the horizontal to the vertical position, our body constricts the blood vessels to adjust itself. This prompts the heart to start beating at a little higher rate. The constricted blood vessels and increased heartbeat rate will put more pressure on the heart.
Not only this, the most dangerous time of a day for heart-related emergency and heart attack is in the morning. Thus, it is advisable to sit for some time after waking up and then stand. When we sit and recite the morning prayer, we give time to our body to adjust and gradually transition from the horizontal position. When a person recites this shloka calmly with a smile on face, it makes a good exercise for the body and helps stabilize the blood pressure, keeping him/her healthy.
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