[GHHF] Bala Samskar Kendras – Organizing Sury Namaskar exercises every Sunday for health, concentration, discipline, and memory power.

31 Jan 2024 477 Views

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation is committed to teach about the greatness of Sanatana Dharma, various festivals, importance of Temples, importance of yoga and meditation and selflessness of national hero and the richness of our scriptures. We have been conducting various methods of exercises and yoga techniques. Now we have decided to have Surya Namaskar postures conducted every Sunday.
Why Surya Namaskar Asanas.
According to Sage Sushrutha ( Master of Ayurveda), health is defined as:
 "sama dosha sama agni scha sama dhatu mala kriyaaha|
Prasanna atma indriya manaha swastha iti abhidheeyate"

Translation: One is in perfect health when the Three doshas (vata, pitta and Kapha), metabolic fire (digestion, assimilation, and transformation), all the bodily tissues & components (the entire physical body) all the excretory functions (urination, sweat, and defecation) are in perfect order with a pleasantly disposed and contented mind, senses, and spirit.

There are twelve Asanas one is taught standing in front of sun in the morning wherever it is possible, It can be done other times facing east. Ten minutes of doing Surya Namaskar would have dramatic effect in various aspects of one’s life. We all know that without sun, there is no life. Sun radiates energy and heat, without which there is no life. They are: Pranayama, Hastauttanasana, Padhastaasana, Ashwa Sanchalanasana, Parvtasana, Dandasana, Ashtanga Namaskar, Bhujangasana, Parvatasana, Ashwa Sanchalanasana, Padasastasan, Hastauttanasa.

Why Children?
We all know that child is unable to concentrate on academics. While reading about the parts of a flower and understanding the composition of water, the mind keeps slipping away for a little walk. Surya Namaskars involve a sequence of yoga poses that engage various muscle groups, improve flexibility, and enhance overall physical strength. Regular practice can help kids and teenagers develop a healthy and active lifestyle.

Benefits of Surya Namaskar
Improves Concentration
Inculcates sense of discipline
Calms the mind and get rid of restlessness
Enhances memory power
Increases energy levels
Increased learning capacity
Tones muscles and improves flexibility
Great cardio training and hormonal balance
Improves digestion and promotes weight loss
Increases energy and awareness levels
Reduces moods swings and brings more emotional stability
Improves Your Skin’s Glow.

GHHF has introduced to our Bala Samskar Students to encourage children to start leaning Surya Namaskar at a very young age to reap all the benefits for the rest of their lives. At this age they can tone up their muscles and body. It also changes their mental makeup when introduced at a very early age. It also helps reduce many ailments. 
Your donations are appreciated;
By Zelle: ghhfusaorg@gmail.com
PayPal: savetemples.org
By Check: Or you can send a check payable to GHHF, 14726 Harmony Lane, Frisco, TX 75035.
It is tax-deductible.
By Rupees: call 601-918-711; +91 83096 43979.


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