[GHHF] Bala Samskar Kendras – Students learned about Camel-lion story with a moral “Never trust people who surround people in power.”

25 Sep 2023 866 Views

"Hinduism is not bound by any rigid textbook or commandments, orders, declarations and revelations; but it is a storehouse of scientific facts and has in it healthy impulses of a growing tradition. The Hindu religion or Sanatana Dharma is the way of life of perfect living and of gaining mastery over oneself. This religion reveals the secret process which brings forth an effective personality out of a shattered man of despair and disappointment." Swami Chinmayananda
Global Hindu Heritage Foundation initiated Bala Samskar Kendras to instill morals, ethics, and principles in the lives the students at an incredibly young age. They will shape their personalities and character. They will allow them to distinguish between right and wrong as well as good and bad. Moral values will build good character at individual level and respect for law and order at the societal level. They learned about Camel-lion story with a moral - never trust people who surround people in power.”
The camel-lion story
A lion lives in a forest. It was the king of all the animals in that forest. "Tiger, fox, crow" suggest it. One day he saw a camel like me who knew nothing but goodness. The tiger, the jackal and the crow went to it together and asked, "Who are you? Why have you come to this forest?" They asked. Then the camel said to them, "Sir! I have come today from the neighboring village because my master's box could not suffer. I have no direction. Save me and make me virtuous."
Also, fear not! We will add you to our team. Our king is very good. Tell him and we will give you a good job. Come with us! They took three camels and went to the lion. "Lord! He has come to our forest anew to serve them like us. He is strong and intelligent. He has a saintly nature and is not hasty." The lion also appointed the camel as one of his ministers.
Gradually the goodness of the camel came to the liking of the lion. It considered the camel as a close friend and made it the prime minister of its kingdom. The tiger, the fox and the crow were jealous that the camel that came the other day had become the prime minister and started hating it. Time has harmed it.
Once a lion fell ill and could not move. Then tiger, fox and crow animals were hunted and fed to the lion. They sadly told the lion that no matter how much they hunted, they could not find a single animal. With the trick they had devised, the crow said, "For these bodies that are not useful to lords like themselves? I cannot see your hunger pangs. Eat me and satisfy your hunger." Then the lion thought, "If I kill small creatures like you, will my hunger be satisfied? Your meat is not enough for me even under one tooth" while the fox said, "Lord! Kill me and eat me and quench your hunger." The lion said, "I will kill and eat occult animals like you no matter how much! Dogs and foxes are the worst of animals. Is the fox eating dead corpses and eating them? It is better to die of hunger than to kill and eat you."
Then the tiger said, "Maharaja! Eat me. I have served you for so many years and I cannot watch you starve to death." Then the lion said to the tiger, "Ori! You are a great sinner who eats sacred animals like cows, goats and rabbits. It is a great sin to touch you. I will not eat you." Then the camel went to the king and said, "Sinhara! My body is very big. If you eat me, your hunger will be satisfied. So, eat me without hesitation." Leo is prone to betrayal. Seeing that, the crow said, "Maharaja! You did not agree to eat three of us. Well, forgive his prayer and satisfy your hunger. The snake cannot suffer from hunger and eats its own children to satisfy its hunger. Is it not the main duty of every living being to protect the body! If useful people like you survive, ten people will benefit. Like us. It is the same whether the useless live or die!" She spoke. The fox and the tiger also supported those words. The hungry lion obeyed those words. "Do as thou wilt." The lion immediately fell on the camel and killed it. The lion ate the camel's flesh and satiated the hunger pangs. The tiger, the fox and the crow were very happy that their dice had been thrown.
So no matter how good the new servants are, they will try to do some harm to all their fellows. They will tell the king some tricks. Even a king who believes the words of such wretched people becomes a very wretched person. Carpenter Munupoka said to the lion, "You should not make friends with bad people. I am afraid because you have come with bad Buddhas." He started narrating the story saying listen to that story.
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