[GHHF] Bala Samskar Kendras – Students learned about the National Hero Bhagat Singh, who sacrificed his life to free India from foreign rule.

27 Mar 2023 892 Views

Edgar Quinet (1803 - 1875) French Historian.
‘When human revolutions first began, India stood more expressly than any other country for what may be called a Declaration of the Rights of the Being. That divine Individuality, and its community with infinity, is obviously the foundation and the source of all life and all history.’
Bhagat Singh, one of the revolutionaries who was a part of the freedom movement for Indian independence, was martyred at a very young age. He, therefore, became a role model to many youngsters and leaders to gather the courage to fight, to take actions against injustices and to voice out all that needs to be heard.
‘Inquilab Zindabad’, is one of the most popular slogans of Bhagat Singh. He tried his best to bring social change. All his sayings portray the kind of person he was and the kind of ideals he had.
Bhagat Singh, (born September 27, 1907, Lyallpur, western Punjab, India [now in Pakistan]—died March 23, 1931, Lahore [now in Pakistan]), revolutionary hero of the Indian independence movement.
Bhagat Singh attended Dayanand Anglo Vedic High School, which was operated by Arya Samaj (a reform sect of modern Hinduism), and then National College, both located in Lahore. He began to protest British rule in India while still a youth and soon fought for national independence. He also worked as a writer and editor in Amritsar for Punjabi- and Urdu-language newspapers espousing Marxist theories. He is credited with popularizing the catchphrase “Inquilab zindabad” (“Long live the revolution”).
In 1928 Bhagat Singh plotted with others to kill the police chief responsible for the death of Indian writer and politician Lala Lajpat Rai, one of the founders of National College, during a silent march opposing the Simon Commission. Instead, in a case of mistaken identity, junior officer J.P. Saunders was killed, and Bhagat Singh had to flee Lahore to escape the death penalty. In 1929 he and an associate lobbed a bomb at the Central Legislative Assembly in Delhi to protest the implementation of the Defense of India Act and then surrendered. He was hanged at the age of 23 for the murder of Saunders. (Source: Britanica.com)
A few of Bhagat Singh’s slogans are given below for your reference:
•    “They may kill me, but they cannot kill my ideas. They can crush my body, but they will not be able to crush my spirit.”
•    “Philosophy is the outcome of human weakness or limitation of knowledge.”
•    “Revolution is an inalienable right of mankind. Freedom is an imperishable birthright of all.”
•    “Labor is the real sustainer of society.”
•    “I am a man and all that affects mankind concerns me.”
•    “If the deaf have to hear, the sound has to be very loud.”
•    “A rebellion is not a revolution. It may ultimately lead to that end.”
•    “Bombs and pistols do not make a revolution. The sword of revolution is sharpened on the whetting stone of ideas.”
•    “Any man who stands for progress has to criticize, disbelieve and challenge every item of the old faith.”
•    “The aim of life is no more to control the mind, but to develop it harmoniously; not to achieve salvation hereafter, but to make the best use of it here below.”
•    “Merciless criticism and independent thinking are the two necessary traits of revolutionary thinking.”
•    “But man’s duty is to try and endeavor, success depends upon chance and environment.”
•    “By crushing individuals, they cannot kill ideas.”
•    “I am full of ambition and hope and charm in life. But I can renounce everything in time of need.”
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