[GHHF] Bala Samskar Students learned about Sri Paramahamsa Yogananda and his mission in USA and around the world.

08 Jan 2025 200 Views

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation is committed to talk about the great souls who shaped Bharat with their selfless service to ensure the present generation will enjoy the freedom. This week we talked about Sri Paramahamsa Yogananda.
The supremely holy embodiment of love, the radiant sun of the world who instilled devotion to God in every mind, Sri Paramahansa Yogananda was born on 5 January 1893 in Gorakhpur, near the Himalayas. Yogananda first met his Guru in Kashi, due to the meritorious results of many births. As soon as he saw Yogananda, he embraced him warmly, saying, "My father has come. He has been waiting for you for years." Since then, he has never left him, and he has never left them. The physical distances we see cannot stop them. Inspired by his guru, Sri Paramahansa Yogananda founded a yoga school in Ranchi. He spread Kriya Yoga and prepared humanity for mental and spiritual development. In America, he was the first Indian celebrity to be hosted by the then US President Calvin Coolidge at the White House in 1927. American newspapers described him as the first superstar guru of the 20th century. Guru Sri Yukteswar himself told them about Sri Yogananda, "All those who come to you in search of God and with faith will be helped. When you look at them, the spiritual electricity emanating from your eyes enters their brains and makes their divine consciousness grow even more.
It changes their physical habits." These words have made millions of people divine.
Let us remember the messages they gave to humanity.
No matter how harsh their behavior is, I am not moved by it.
The more unkind people are towards me, the more I understand them and show them my kindness.
Self-control is a great power. When your words are not harsh, when others are harsh towards you, then spread the petals of kindness like a flower.
The world's falsehood You will realize that you have nothing to do with behavior. Likewise, those who love God and do not succumb to any temptation are destined to lead humanity from sorrow to the world of light and freedom of joy.
When you share your love and serve everyone, you will feel that you are a part of this universal event, then you will find the presence of the Supreme Soul within you.
This great man passed away on 7 March 1952. Even after his death, his presence is still felt directly and indirectly by every living being in the animate world. He kept his promise that "Yes, whoever and whenever feels me, I will immediately be by their side." We are wasting human life by ignoring their feelings...
Through the book "Autobiography" of a Yogi, the true events and incidents of various experiences in their most sacred life are revealed before our eyes, making us immerse ourselves in their divine remembrance and purifying us. The love for their Guru and the human devotion they showed towards humans, which they shared in the form of a book, awaken our souls and spread waves of Guru devotion in our every atom, swaying in the flow of supernatural divine love.
His life account, “Autobiography of a Yogi,” has inspired countless people worldwide. This book shares deep Yogic teachings in an easily understood way, bringing his wisdom to a global audience. Even after his death, his organization, the Self-Realization Fellowship, continued his work. Thus, Yogananda’s efforts remain significant, connecting Eastern and Western spiritual practices.
The book "Autobiography", the divine history of Paramahansa Yogananda, also inspired Apple CEO Steve Jobs... Let us once again pay tribute to those great Yogeshwaras. 
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