04 Mar 2010 3541 Views

March 4 2010



"Malicious acts are performed by people for personal gain … Sorcerers, though, have an ulterior purpose for their acts, which has nothing to do with personal gain. The fact that they enjoy their acts does not count as gain. Rather, it is a condition of their character. The average man acts only if there is a chance for profit. Carlos Castaneda

One of the most powerful devices of poetry is the use of distortions. You can go from talking about the way a minute passes to the way a century passes, or a lifetime.  Robert Morgan

Malice is of a low stature, but it hath very long arms.  George Savile

A book entitled  "The Hindus-An Alternative History" written by Wendy Doniger, Professor of Religions at Chicago University is published by The Penguin Group. This book is offensive to all the Hindus. It is an insult to the human dignity. It contains many factual errors in Indian history. The majority of the books seems to have been purposefully misinterpreted by the author for personal greed and professional gain. There is no question that this book is neither a scholarly work nor a credible presentation of the Hindu scriptures. The beliefs, legends, traditions, and customs of Hindus are totally misinterpreted, maligned and distorted.

As Carlos mentioned that malicious, spiteful, hateful and nasty acts are performed by personal gains. Scholars are supposed to be objective, reasonable, neutral, rational, logical and balanced. Wendy Doniger appears to have shed all the academic standards to produce of she is. She definitely has an ulterior motive for personal gain. She may be another born again Christian to malign Hinduism.  It is nothing more than an exhibition of low nature. Why did she write a book like this? As Carlos said that “it is a condition of their character.”  That means her own character is projected in the book rather that what the Hindu scriptures reveal. It is the sadists and the sorcerers, not the scholars who write books to distort, malign and warp the facts.

All HUNDUS must stand united to send a message to the publishers to withdraw the so called BOOK.

Below is the text of a petition addressed to the President of the Penguin Group which lists some of the factual errors and offensive interpretations rampant in the book. The petition requests the Penguin President to withdraw the book immediately.

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation vehemently opposes the contents of the book and urge the publisher to withdraw from the circulation.

We request all Hindus to sign the petition and see the BOOK is withdrawn from circulation.

FORWARD. Please forward this PETITION to all your friends and relations living anywhere in the world



To: Penguin Group USA Penguin Books India

SCANDALOUS cover jacket of the book - copy for ready reference at http://www.scribd.com/doc/26565460/Scan-0002

To: Ms. Susan Peterson Kennedy, President , Penguin Group (USA)

375 Hudson St, New York, NY 10014, USA

Mr. Mike Bryan, CEO & President, Penguin Books Pvt Ltd.

11 Community Centre, Panchsheel Park, New Delhi 110 017 India


Dear Ms. Peterson Kennedy, Mr. Mike Bryan,

The following is a petition from concerned signatories to the Penguin Group asking for an apology for the publication of the factually incorrect and offensive book "The Hindus-An Alternative History" by Wendy Doniger. We expect Penguin Group to withdraw the book immediately.

"The Hindus: An Alternative History" is rife with numerous errors in its historical facts and Sanskrit translations. These errors and misrepresentations are bound and perhaps intended to mislead students of Indian and Hindu history.

Throughout the book, Doniger analyzes revered Hindu Gods and Goddess using her widely discredited psychosexual Freudian theories that modern, humanistic psychology has deemed limiting. These interpretations are presented as hard facts and not as speculations. Doniger makes various faulty assumptions about the tradition in order to arrive at her particular spin. In the process, the beliefs, traditions and interpretations of practicing Hindus are simply ignored or bypassed without the unsuspecting reader knowing this to be the case. This kind of Western scholarship has been criticized as Orientalism and Eurocentrism. The non Judeo-Christian faith gets used to dish out voyeurism and the tradition gets eroticized.


The following are a just a SMALL SAMPLING of examples of the factual errors that run rampant through this disgusting book. By due diligence that is badly overdue from your editors, you can either find for yourself, or we will be glad to direct you to, scholarly references so that you can verify these errors yourself and withdraw this obscenity.

[Page number precedes a reference to inaccurate statements in the book. This is followed by a comment citing verifiable facts.]

Maps in front pages: Maps titled 'India's Geographical Features' and 'India from 600 CE to 1600 CE'

COMMENT: In the first map, the Waziristan Hills area is marked erroneously as 'Kirthar Range'. The Kirthar Range is at least 200 miles further south. In the third map, Janakpur, Nagarkot, Mandu and Haldighati are marked several hundred miles from their correct geographical location.

Pg. 67 - It is claimed that the entire Harappan culture had a population of 40,000!

COMMENT: This is estimated as the population of Mohenjo-Daro alone. The population of the entire culture is estimated around 500,000.

Pg 112 - Wheat is mentioned as a food item in the Rigvedic period.

COMMENT: Wheat is not mentioned in the Rigveda at all. It first occurs in the Maitrayani Samhita of the Yajurveda.

Pg 130 - The author claims that there are no Gods in the Vedas who are Shudras.

COMMENT: It is anachronistic to assign castes to Rigvedic deities, but nevertheless, Pushan, Vesmapati and others have been considered Shudra deities in later times.

Pg 194 fn.- Gandhi's commentary on the Gita (a sacred Hindu scripture) was titled 'Asakti Yoga' (translated as 'the science of deep attachment').

COMMENT: The title of Gandhi's work is 'Anasakti Yoga' (trans. 'Science of non-Attachment').

Pg 206 - The book wrongly states that the Hindus had only a triad of passions.

COMMENT: Hindu scriptures list six main evils and the concept of shadripus (six internal enemies) is very well known.

Pg 441 - The book claims that Firoz Shah redeemed a number of Hindu slaves...

COMMENT: A misrepresentation of the fact that he employed (not 'redeemed') 12,000 of his 180,000 slaves forcibly in royal factories for producing articles of consumption by Muslim elites. No "manumission" was involved.

Pg 445 - Dates of Saint Kabir are given as 1450 - 1498.

COMMENT: His demise is believed to have occurred in 1518, and the traditional date of birth is 1398.

Pg 448 - In 713 Muhammad ibn Qasim invaded Sind.

COMMENT: Muhammad bin Qasim invaded Sind in 711.

Pg 450- It is claimed that Emperor Ala-ud-Din Khalji did not sack temples in Devagiri.

COMMENT: His contemporary Amir Khusro clearly mentions that the Emperor sacked numerous temples and raised mosques instead.

Pg 459 - King Ala-ud-din Husain of Bengal patronized Saint Chaitanya.

COMMENT: Saint Chaitanya never met the king, and left his kingdom to avoid persecution, as did his disciples. The king had destroyed Hindu temples in Orissa.

Pg 532 - Emperor Akbar moved his capital from Fatehpur Sikri to Delhi in 1586.

COMMENT: Emperor Akbar moved his capital to Lahore in 1587, and thereafter to Agra.

Pg 537-8 - The Sikh teacher Guru Govind Singh was assassinated in 1708, while 'attending Emperor Aurangzeb'. Emperor Aurangzeb died in 1707.

COMMENT: Guru Gobind Singh was assassinated in 1708 during the reign of Aurangzeb's successor, Emperor Bahadur Shah I. It is insulting to say that the Guru was 'attending' on the Emperor.

Pg 550 - The book claims that Mirabai lived from 1498-1597, and then on p. 568, the author claims that Mirabai lived from 1450-1525!

COMMENT: Both dates are wrong and the commonly accepted dates are 1498-1547.

Pg 552 - The book claims that the Ramcharitmanas was written at Varanasi.

COMMENT: Both modern scholarship as well as tradition accept that the work (or at least most of it) was written in Ayodhya.

Section on Bibliography: "Shekhawat, V. "Origin and Structure of purushartha Theory: An attempt at Critical Appraisal." Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research 7:1 (1900), 63-67."

COMMENT: The correct issue and year of this Journal issue are actually 8:2 and 1991. The bibliography has dozens of errors. Some references cited by Doniger simply do not exist.


Clumsily written, each chapter is a shocking and appalling series of anecdotes which denigrate, distort and misrepresent Hinduism and the history of India and Hindus. Doniger uses selective quotations from obscure and non-original, peripheral and ignorant references with a bizarre emphasis on sexuality and eroticism. Cited below are only a handful of quotes along with our understanding and interpretation, with references from Hindu scripture.

[Page number precedes the quote from the book. This is followed by a rebuttal comment.]

Pg 40 - "If the motto of Watergate was 'Follow the money', the motto of the history of Hinduism could well be 'Follow the monkey' or, more often 'Follow the horse'."

COMMENT: Very derogatory and offensive. The motto of Hinduism is to follow the truth and unite with God.

Pg 112 - The author alleges that in Rigveda 10.62, it is implied that a woman may find her own brother in her bed!

COMMENT: The hymn has no such suggestion. It is offensive to suggest that the sacred text of Hindus has kinky sex in it.

Pg 128 - The book likens the Vedic devotee worshipping different Vedic deities to a lying and a philandering boyfriend cheating on his girlfriend(s).

COMMENT: This is offensive and ignores that fact that in the Rigveda, the gods are said to be all united, born of one another, and from the same source.

Pg 225 -"Dasharatha's son is certainly 'lustful'... Rama knows all too well what people said about Dasharatha; when Lakshmana learns that Rama has been exiled, he says, "The king is perverse, old, and addicted to sex, driven by lust (2.18.3)"

COMMENT: Sri Rama is revered and worshipped as a deity. The highly acclaimed and critical edition of Valmiki's Ramayana records no such statement attributed to Lakshmana. An imagined phrase, 'kama-sakta' is mistranslated as 'addicted to sex' by the author whereas it normally means 'filled with desires'. Valmiki uses a phrase 'samani-madhah' (trans. Possessed of passion).

Pg 467 - Harihara and Bukka (the founders of the Vijayanagara Empire that saved Hindu culture in S India) 'double-crossed' the Delhi Sultan when they reconverted to Hinduism.

COMMENT: The brothers committed apostasy as they had been imprisoned and forcibly converted to Islam, and immediately reverted to Hinduism when they were 1000 miles from the Sultan, under the influence of a Hindu ascetic.

Pg 468-469 -"...The mosque, whose serene calligraphic and geometric contrasts with the perpetual motion of the figures depicted on the temple, makes a stand against the chaos of India, creating enforced vacuums that India cannot rush into with all its monkeys and peoples and colors and the smells of the bazaar..."

COMMENT: It is simply unacceptable that a scholar can flippantly, pejoratively and derogatorily essentialize the Hindus as "monkeys and peoples, colors and smells.., and chaos" in most insulting manner with the aspersion thrown at the entire Hindu culture and community all over the world. Such generalization has no place in serious scholarly work.

Pg 509 - "Shankara and the philosopher's wife...This tale contrasts sex and renunciation in such a way that the renunciant philosopher is able to have his cake and eat it, to triumph not only in the world of the mind (in which, before this episode begins, he wins a series of debates against the nonrenouncing male Mimamsa philosopher) but in the world of the body, represented by the philosopher's wife (not to mention the harem women who clearly prefer Shankara to the king in bed)." The author attributes the tale to Shankaradigvijaya of Madhava and to Ravichandra's commentary on Amarushataka.

COMMENT: The author concocts the story as a sexual orgy in which the Saint Adi Shankara and King Amruka take turns making love to the latter's wives after he is tired. Both her sources however state that the King was already dead and the Saint transferred his soul into the dead King's body through his yogic powers. There is no suggestion in the texts that the queens 'prefer Shankara to the king in bed'.

Pg 571- It is alleged that in a hymn from Saint Kshetrayya's poetry, 'God rapes' the women devotees.

COMMENT: The hymn merely presents devotion using spiritual metaphors and the hymns of the Saint seen collectively depict it as a passionate love affair between the God and the devotees. No rape is implied in this hymn at all.

Again, the above is simply a sampling of the scandalous and offensive statements in the book. By her own admission in the book, Doniger has no credentials as a historian and the title of the book is misleading as the book is not on the "History nor an Alternative History" of India. This shows that the author is not an authority on the subject as she is not able to understand the deep meaning of Sanskrit verses or Indian Concepts. These cast serious doubts about the author's integrity as a researcher and ability to interpret accurately. Additional examples of the author's shoddy scholarship will be made available upon request.

We emphasize that this defamatory book misinforms readers about the history of Hindu civilization, its cultures and traditions. The book promotes prejudices and biases against Hindus. Can Penguin's editors really be incompetent enough to have allowed this to pass to publication? If this is not deliberate malice, Penguin must act now in good faith.

As concerned readers, we ask PENGUIN GROUP to:

1. WITHDRAW all the copies of this book immediately from the worldwide bookshops/markets/Universities/Libraries and refrain from printing any other edition.

2. APOLOGIZE for having published this book "The Hindus: An Alternative History". This book seriously and grossly misrepresents the Hindu reality as known to the vast numbers of Hindus and to scholars of Hindu tradition. PENGUIN must apologize for failure to observe proper pre-publication scrutiny and scholarly review.


The Undersigned

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