[GHHF] Ghar Waapasi in Madanapalii – 18 Christians were welcomed back to Hindu Dharma in Annamayya District, AP

27 Apr 2023 1308 Views

Arun Shourie:
"The Church is obsessed with numbers -- with the number of souls it had, to use the term so favoured by churchmen, "harvested" for Jesus. Numbers remain its singular obsession today. The Church is big business. Evangelization is big business. And this business depends on that "harvesting" of souls. You just have to scan American church publications, or those of Europe, to see that one of the main grounds on which believers are induced to donate funds to the church is that the money is needed for the harvesting work." 
Global Hindu Heritage Foundation (GHHF) is pleased to announce that Sri Gopal joined our efforts to undertake the Ghar Waapasi program around the Madanapalli area in Chittoor District within a thirty-mile radius. He has been continually active in diverse ways to invite Christians back into Hindu Dharma. He is being assisted by another Pracharak by the name Sri Ganesh. For many years Sri Gopal has been working with passion to preserve and propagate Sanatana Dharma to all the Christian families who left their faith in Christianity due to several reasons including allurement, deception, false promises of curing terminally ill people, demeaning the Hindu Gods, and projecting Christianity as peace of Love.
Our Pracharak, Sri Gopal with the assistance of Sri Ganesh have been talking to Hindu community leaders in the villages and showing the 52-page book and telling them about the true nature of the Bible. They are equipping Hindus about incest, cruelty, terrorism, destruction, and hatred toward Hinduism and requesting them to encounter Christians by questioning the relevance of the abusive passages in the Bible
 Welcoming 18 Christians back to Hindu Dharma
Our Pracharaks are visiting the villages one by one and report their activities at the end of each day. As per our guidelines, they are doing two things: 1) to meet with Hindus in the villages and appraise them of the richness of Hinduism and how reservations would be lost if the SCs, BCs, and STs convert to Christianity; and 2) using our 52-page book they try to welcome converted Christians back to Hindu Dharma.
    Realizing the potential of welcoming them back, they visited three villages at least three times and were able to convince them to return to Hinduism. They visited Devall Cheruvu village in Molakala Cheruvu Mandalam in Madanapalli Division. Ten Christians agreed to return to their original faith.
On 24-04-2023 under the auspices of the Global Hindu Heritage Foundation Ghar Waapas program was held at Thelagundla Palli of Vedurukuppam Mandal. From 3 villages, Allamadugu Hw, Thottinapalli, 18 people in 4 families were accepted into our Dharma. In Tellagundla Palli, some people listened to Reddappa's lecture with special attention. Then they chanted the names of Govinda and worshiped the deities.
He also explained the deceptions being done by Christian pastors for conversion. They make people afraid, you all want to stay in Hindu Dharma without fear and wish Venkateswara Swamy to bless them all.
They were given a photo of Lord Ram, yellow saffron for women, jackets with Govinda names, Vishnu Sahasra names, and Bhagavad Gita books. Men were given a scarf, Hanuman flag, and stickers to put on the top of the house. 12 women, 8 men, and 20 Hindu devotees participated. Prasad was given to them.  
One of them explained that his family converted to Christianity because of the promise made by the pastor. They lost their sone and not able to locate where he went. The Christian pastor came and promised that their son will return if they convert to Christianity. With the hope that their son will return, they changed their religions to Christianity. Even after several years, their son did not return. The Pastor was collecting ten percent of their income and started to increase by saying his son’s return will be faster. Realizing that it was fake, they decided to return to Hinduism.
Our Pracharaks also met with several Christian families and also arranged Bhajans in the Temple. He and his associates talked about what is written in the Bible. They distributed a four-page flyer and talked about the reservations accorded to SCs, BCs, and other backward classes and how they would lose if they got converted to Christianity. Talking about the Bible and what is written in the Bible shocked many people, both Christians and Hindus. Pastors would not talk about the verse dealing with incest, cruelty, terrorism, extramarital relations, stoning to death and so many other topics.
As you all know that GHHF prepared a fifty-two-page small book comparing Bhagavad Gita and Bible. He read some of the verses from the Bible that are obscene, disgusting, and bloody. He asked them to bring their own Bible and showed them what is written in it about incest, raping, stoning to death, and wiping out humanity.
IPC 420
They are visiting several villages in the last year and met both Hindu families and Christian Communities. They have been emphasizing that once the Dalits belong to SC/BC/ST communities, they would lose their reservations. If they are using the reservation after they converted to Christianity, they have been telling the Christians that they can be arrested and put then jail for violating the constitution. As per IPC 420, if any violates the law, or cheats the law they can be prosecuted.  They made Hindus aware of this law so that are aware of it and keep an eye over those who may cheat. 
They are also telling the villagers that if they have any problem with the nearby churches and if they use loudspeakers and if the noise is very loud, they told them to file a case against the Church. They said they will help them to prepare a letter consistent with the Noise Pollution Act.
He also talked to several families or individuals and shared two documents – a four-page flyer explaining the individual rights accorded by the Constitution of India and how they are protected from the missionaries. The second document is a fifty-two-page booklet comparing and contrasting Bhagavad Gita and Bible. Like most Hindus, it was a surprise for them to know that they can repel the Christian aggression, force, and false propaganda. Our Pracharak explained the real nature of Christianity, which is involved in killings, murders, rapes, looting, burning, stoning to death, and such violent acts throughout history.
Michael Baffoe wrote: "It is the same ship that brought the Bible which also carried guns and alcohol to Africa." Denis Diderot (1713-84) he was a prominent French philosopher and figure in what became known as The Enlightenment, and was the editor-in-chief of the famous Encyclopédie. "Missionaries come 'with a crucifix in one hand and dagger in the other, to cut your throats or force you to accept their customs and opinions".

Our Pracharaks talked about the differences between Bhagavad Gita and Bible. He explained that Church Pastors are like leeches who squeeze money from the Congregation members who are required to pay 10 percent of their income irrespective of their economic status.

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For more information, call Prakasarao V Velagapudi at 601-918-7111; Email: ghhfusaorg@gmail.com.


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