GHHF Ghar Waapasi in Three SC Colonies in Chittoor District. Met Christians individually and in Groups.

09 Oct 2021 1377 Views

There is not one redeeming feature in our superstition of Christianity. It has made one half the world fools, and the other half hypocrites." Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation is extremely happy to organize Ghar Waapasi programs in three different S C Colonies – PVN College BC area, Kongareddipalli SBC area and Punyasamudram area in Chittoor District. Our GHHF Pracharaks (Associates), Sri V Govind, and others went to these places. Both our Associates have acquainted with enough knowledge to compare and contrast Hinduism and Christianity. They went to several houses and talked about Hinduism. They mentioned that they may have missed the path due to a variety of reasons and they really belong to the Hindu Dharma and not the foreign religion – Christianity.

Sri Jayakumar, an advocate and one of the Hindu activists who has been at the forefront of providing services to the community for many years. In fact, he is the one who coordinated the Annadana service organized by Global Hindu Heritage Foundation during last year’s (2020) pandemic. In Chittoor, we provide more than 15,000 meals to the needy people.

Our Pracharaks have been talking to 2-3 Hindu activists about our GHHF mission and how we can get their support in the village to approach Christian families. As you can see in these pictures, they invited about 15 Christian members where our Pracharak Govind talked about the legal system and comparison of Bhagavad Gita and Bible.

Christians are concentrating on the sacred places to convert as many people as possible to impact the size of the Hindu population. Kanipakam is one of the sacred places close to Chittoor town. Similarly, many Christians are concentrating in and around Tirupati, the most sacred place of Lord Venkateswara Temple.

Wherever the Christians went, they depleted the resources of their host country. As we all know that Christians own more land in India only after the government. They keep grabbing Temple lands with no recourse and also buy the lands to have complete control over the distribution of the land to those who convert to Christianity to make India a Christian nation. This is what Desmond Tutu was talking about.

They have distributed the 4-page flyer and 52-page book comparing the Bible and Bhagavad Gita. In the Bible it is written that God came only to create strife, animosity, divisions, not peace. For example, see this statement from the Bible:

Deuteronomy 7:25

The graven images of their gods you are to burn with fire; you shall not covet the silver or the gold that is on them, nor take it for yourselves, or you will be snared by it, for it is an abomination to the Lord your God.

Ezekiel 30:13

“Thus says the Lord God: “I will destroy the idols and put an end to the images in Memphis; there shall no longer be a prince from the land of Egypt; so I will put fear in the land of Egypt.

Exodus 20:4-5

“You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me,

Zechariah 13:2

“It will come about in that day,” declares the Lord of hosts, “that I will cut off the names of the idols from the land, and they will no longer be remembered; and I will also remove the prophets and the unclean spirit from the land.

Unfortunately, many Hindus do not know much about their religion, let alone Christianity. When our Associates were talking about what is in the Bible they were surprised. Of course, they could not read either of the faiths. They realized how the Christian pastors distorted Hinduism and how they glorified Christianity.


We appreciate it if you can help in hiring more people who can go to these villages to do Ghar Waapasi. We have employed 20 Pracharaks so far. More people we hire more villages can be covered to welcome them back and also create Chaitanya (Awareness) among the students and villagers.


In order to expand our base and fire one Associate, it would cost $3000.00 per year. Please consider sponsoring one associate. The more we can hire; the more we can reach our villages to conduct Ghar Waapasi.


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