GHHF Ghar Waapasi – Rangoli Competition to draw GHHF design and Swami Vivekananda Image in several Temples to Unify Hindus

26 Jan 2022 1440 Views

Swami Vivekananda

“Take up one idea, make that one idea your life. Think of it, dream of it, Live on that idea let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.”

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation is extremely happy to inform you that our Associate, Ajay Varma, who volunteered to participate in this effort has a long history of propagating the richness of Hindu Dharma. He has a vibrant background in Hindu Dharma. He has deep knowledge of the traditions and has the ability to explain all our customs. For example, he can talk about the significance of Tilak on the forehead, and the reason to wear bangles, nose buds, earrings, toe rings, and so on. People get surprised to know the inner meaning of these age-old customs. From childhood, he worked as a priest in their heritage Hanuman Temple and used to do all kinds of Pujas, conduct homas, Satyanarayana Pujas, and many festivals bringing everybody to these festivals. He is very enthusiastic about propagating and preserving Sanatana Dharma and gives lectures at different Temples depicting the greatness of our culture and age-old traditions. He also has experience of knocking on the doors of Christian families in and around Kakinada. He met them wherever he was able to approach and talk to them. Some of them he met at their houses, and some met in the neighborhood.

Rangoli Competition

Ajay Varma, our Pracharak, is traveling to several villages during this Karthik Masa to explain the significance of our traditions and customs.

Sri Vivekananda Soldiers for Society Voluntary Service Group belonging to Vivekananda High School participated in their National Youth Day and Sankranti celebrations and said that today's children are the citizens of tomorrow and it is your responsibility to preserve our culture and our tradition.

Rangoli competition was conducted to draw the design of GHHF and also the image of Swami Vivekananda

Thalarevu Penke is organizing triathlon competitions for the youth at their Ramalayam and in the spirit of Vivekananda we are asking all of you to work together for the attainment of Swami's vision which is the compass of the world to have devotion to the country and righteousness ... Afterwards it was conveyed that religions are not far from our culture and tradition is not our religion but our virtue ... Afterwards the youth was very happy saying that your effort has given good impetus to all and

Swami Vivekananda Speech was highlighted

Sisters and Brothers of America,

It fills my heart with joy unspeakable to rise in response to the warm and cordial welcome which you have given us. I thank you in the name of the most ancient order of monks in the world, I thank you in the name of the mother of religions, and I thank you in the name of millions and millions of Hindu people of all classes and sects.

My thanks, also, to some of the speakers on this platform who, referring to the delegates from the Orient, have told you that these men from far-off nations may well claim the honor of bearing to different lands the idea of toleration. I am proud to belong to a religion which has taught the world both tolerance and universal acceptance. We believe not only in universal toleration, but we accept all religions as true. I am proud to belong to a nation which has sheltered the persecuted and the refugees of all religions and all nations of the earth. I am proud to tell you that we have gathered in our bosom the purest remnant of the Israelites, who came to Southern India and took refuge with us in the very year in which their holy temple was shat­tered to pieces by Roman tyranny. I am proud to belong to the religion which has sheltered and is still fostering the remnant of the grand Zoroastrian nation. I will quote to you, brethren, a few lines from a hymn which I remember to have repeated from my earliest boyhood, which is every day repeated by millions of human beings: “As the different streams having their sources in different paths which men take through different tendencies, various though they appear, crooked or straight, all lead to Thee.”

The present convention, which is one of the most august assemblies ever held, is in itself a vindication, a declaration to the world of the wonderful doctrine preached in the Gita: “Whosoever comes to Me, through whatsoever form, I reach him; all men are struggling through paths which in the end lead to me.” Sectarianism, bigotry, and its horrible descen­dant, fanaticism, have long possessed this beautiful earth. They have filled the earth with vio­lence, drenched it often and often with human blood, destroyed civilization and sent whole nations to despair. Had it not been for these horrible demons, human society would be far more advanced than it is now. But their time is come; and I fervently hope that the bell that tolled this morning in honor of this convention may be the death-knell of all fanaticism, of all persecutions with the sword or with the pen, and of all uncharitable feelings between persons wending their way to the same goal.

Christian Ladies attended and expressed experience with Pastors

            A number of Christian ladies also attended the Karthik Masa celebrations, lighted the lamps, and prayed in the Temple for their welfare. Knowing they are attending the Hindu celebrations; they are putting a lot of pressure on them to visit frequently. If they do not stop attending the Hindu festivals, they tell them that they go to hell and burn eternally. Ajay Varma mentioned that God is compassionate and loving, he would never condemn anybody to eternal for praying to other gods. God cannot be jealous like a human being. God is beyond jealousy and hatred.

               He distributed a four-page flyer that explains the rights of Hindus and how to encounter Christians who falsify Hindu Dharma, and how SC community people lose their reservations once they leave Hinduism. Similarly, he is distributing fifty-two page small book which describes the differences between Bhagavad Gita and Bible. As many people know that Bible contains many verses that are demeaning to humanity, promote incest, encourage sexual promiscuity, violence, killings, stoning to death, cruelty, smashing of Idols, and other such bloody statements.

               Ajay Varma is visiting as many Christian families as possible either individually or collectively and talking of the atrocities committed by Christians around the world. Many Christians do not know what is written in the Bible. When he read some of the passages from the Bible many Christians are shocked. Thus, he is creating doubts in their mind about the holiness of the Bible.


We appreciate it if you can help in hiring more people who can go to these villages to do Ghar Waapasi. We have employed twenty people as of the end of July. More people we hire, more villages can be covered to welcome them back and also create Chaitanya (Awareness) among the students and villagers.

1) Donate any amount to help the Dharma Pracharaks to work at the ground level.

2) Sponsor one Pracharak: In order to expand our base and hire one Pracharak, it would cost approximately $3000 - $3500 per year. We have five anonymous donors who sponsored Assistants.


PayPal Method: To donate visit our website: Click on the Donate button, then press the Purpose category, and select the General Donation category.

By Check: Or you can send a check payable to: GHHF, . It is tax-deductible.

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By Rupees, please contact us by either phone or email.

For more information, call Prakasarao V Velagapudi 601-918-711; 1Email:


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