[GHHF] Ghar Waapasi to make Hindus aware of the differences between Christianity and Hinduism; to make them proud of their Heritage.

24 May 2024 390 Views

Of all the systems of religion that were ever invented, there is none more derogatory to the Almighty, more unedifying to man, more repugnant to reason, and more contradictory, than this thing called Christianity. Too absurd for belief, too impossible to convince, and too inconsistent for practice, it renders the heart torpid or produces only atheists and fanatics. Thomas Paine (1735-1826)
Global Hindu Heritage Foundation (GHHF) organized Ghar Waapasi program for more than four years. We have about 22 Pracharaks working in different States. They carry with them a two-page document that explains the need to protect and preserve Sanatana Dharma and preserve the integrity of Hindu Temples. They prepared a list of points to discuss with them regarding the contradictions in the Bible, derogatory remarks about other religions, the verses that create discord in the families and abuses about Hindu Gods and Goddesses. They distributed the flyers about the rights they have and how they can defend themselves from the pressures from Christian Pastors.
They have been continuously talking to the Converted Christians going to villages, talking to them individually and in groups comparing the verses from the Bible and Bhagavad Gita. Our Associates collected so much information about what is happening in the churches, how the Churches are discriminating against the converted Dalits, how they are made to sit in the back seats, and how they are forced to contribute 10% of their income. They even showed how the Pastors live, their houses, and their lifestyles.
As you all aware, the Hindu population is declining due to massive Christian efforts to convert as many people as possible. While we keep writing books and articles, engage in endless discussions, organizing Conferences, and participating in demonstrations, we are losing our Hindus day by day. If all the efforts we have been making till now had some impact on reversing the trend, it would have been great. As we concentrate on our intellectual endeavors, Christians are concentrating on conversion. It is time for all the intellectuals and activists to pause a few minutes and look at the ground realities. Our intellectual endeavors and activists’ protests are not reaching the villages where conversion is rampant. We cannot ignore or turn away from what is happening on the ground. Hence, GHHF is doing its dharma to make sure converted Hindus hear the truth about Hinduism and Christians.
GHHF has prepared a 60-page booklet that narrates the difference between Christianity and Hinduism. It documents the comparison between the statements found in Bible and Bhagavad Gita. “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters— yes, even his own life— he cannot be My disciple. (Luke 14:26) And whoever does not carry his cross and follow Me cannot be My disciple.
    In Hinduism, we emphasize the importance of respecting parents. The Vedas say "mathru devo bhava, pithru devo bhava", and the Thirukkural and Atthi Chudi also emphasize the importance of respecting and obeying parents. The Dharma Sastras also repeatedly emphasize the importance of parents in life, saying that they deserve respect because they are responsible for our birth.
Matru Devo Bhava is the dictum nobody can forget. Mother is divine. It is important to remember that only Hindus worship God in the form of Divine Mother. In Hinduism we have Sri Lakshmi, goddess of wealth, Saraswati the goddess of learning and knowledge, Parvati goddess who bestows women with long married life, and Kali, the power of time and other goddesses who protected the human race from demonic forces. Women as goddesses are worshipped in all religious festivals. During Navaratri time, Devi's different manifestations are worshipped for ten days. And no function is complete without the participation of women. The social inconsistencies and injustices in the role of women did not arise from Hindu scriptures, but from the external forces that that constrained the movement of women as well as the foreign rule that forced women to take a protective role. Many Hindu scriptures accorded the highest regard and the highest status to women.
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