[GHHF] Ghar Waapasi Updates from March 6 thru 24 - about 100 Christians returned to Hindu Dharma; Organizing 116 Bala Samskar Kendras in 5 States; Stopped Illegal Church Construction, Planned Prana Prathishta to Grama Devata.

25 Mar 2022 1289 Views

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation is very happy to summarize and update our activities from March 5 thru 24,2022. It helps a number of people to catch up with our activities who might have missed to keep up with our activities. GHHF is sending daily updates with regard to Ghar Waapasi and Bala Kendras through WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook, Twitter, and Linked-in. If you would like to be added to any of these groups, please contact us. Visit www.savetemples.org for daily updates.

1)     17 Christians returned to Hindu dharma in Assam

GHHF Has appointed four Pracharaks who go to Christian as well as Muslim houses to talk about Hindu Dharma. Because of their efforts and Sri Samrat’s wide variety of activities, many villagers have been following all the activities being conducted over the last two months. 17 Christians from Gobindanagar, Doloichora,  Karbi punji returned to Hinduism. Three Christians of Gobindanagar where we organized the Suryanamaskar event on 13.2.22 witnessed the whole event and activities we do in the Bala Samskar center there. The activities of Bala Samskar were so mesmerizing for them that they wanted to send their son to Bala Samskar. Our teachers talked to them and explained to them about the richness of Sanatana Dharma. After that, they embraced Hinduism. All of those who reconverted to Hinduism felicitated with dhoti, Saree, kumkum, Sindoor, Gangajal, and pictures of Gods and Goddesses.

It is interesting to know how three of them returned to Hinduism. Three Christians of Gobindanagar where we organized the Suryanamaskar event on 13.2.22 witnessed the whole event and also keenly observed activities we are doing at the Bala Samskar Kendras there. Activities of Bala Samskar were so mesmerizing for them that they wanted to send their son to Bala Samskar. Our teachers talked to them and explained to them about the richness of Sanatana Dharma. After that, they embraced Hinduism. All of those who reconverted to Hinduism felicitated with dhoti, Saree, kumkum, sindoor, Gangajal, and pictures of Gods and Goddesses.

Since these Christians came from different villages, the Ghar Waapasi Shuddhi program was conducted in three locations.

2)     GHHF Written letter to District Collector about Discrimination Against Bengali Hindus

Hindus in Assam are being discriminated against based on their language. As per records, about ten million Bengali Hindus live in Assam. It is not that they came to Assam recently. An overwhelming majority of them are native Assamese, which means they are born in Assam. Some of them came from nearby Bangladesh even before it became a separate country. The names of the Bengali Hindus are being removed from the voter list affecting the political dynamics in the State. 
On March 4, 2022,  on behalf of GHHF, Assam a memorandum addressing to Home Minister of Bharat has been submitted to District  Collector Office, Cachar for continuous harassment of Bengali Hindus in the name of Doubtful voters. Thousands of Bengali Hindus in Assam even after enlisted their name in NRC (National Register of  Citizens) are getting Notices from Foreigners tribunal courts to prove their citizenship. Hundreds of Bengali Hindus were arrested and sent to a detention camp. It is required to be mentioned here that even after having proper documents names of 13 lacs Hindus have been dededucted from NRC. 90% of victims of NRC are Hindus.  Due to inhuman treatment, hundreds of Hindus died in a detention camp.

Echoing the distress of the Bengali Hindus of the State who are allegedly being harassed and hounded in the name of NRC  and D-voter issue, the GHHF has claimed that certain vested circles have raised false objections against linguistic minority communities included in the draft National Register of Citizens (NRC) with the sole motive of harassing the poverty-stricken genuine Bengali Hindu citizens. It's very sad to mention here that the state Govt is silent over the matter. As per them, there is no difference between Bengali-speaking Hindus and Muslims.

3)     Welcomed 15 Christians back to Hindu Dharma in Mahabubnagar District in Telangana

Lakshmi Nivas and his associates welcomed 15 Christians from Mahabubnagar  District back to Hindu Dharma. They come from several villages in the District   They used to go to two Churches: MB Church, New Jerusalem Church.  They talked about the tactics they used in converting people and how they induce people to convert to Christianity. Many converts expressed their own experience of being pressured into accepting Christianity and how they created fear in them.

As you can see that Jesus came here with a sword only to create enemies, and hatred toward others. He says we have to leave our parents, not to associate with our family members, and not even attend funerals. Even your father you cannot do last rights for your own father.

4)     A Group of Villagers chased the Christian Missionaries to leave the Village near Anantapur.
GHHF has been talking about the importance of preserving our customs and tradition and how these Pastors are exploiting the innocent villagers. One of our missions is to make sure that Hindus are aware of the true nature of the Bible and what is written in it. In one of the villages Hoolikallu, Sri Sudhakar lead a group of people to question what is written in the Bible and asked them if they practice what is in the Bible. He started questioning the Christians using our 52-page book and asking them whether they would agree with those nasty Statements. The missionaries started dodging the question and start saying that Jesus is the real God. Then the villagers got angry started insisting that they should answer what is written in the book we published. As they are able to answer their questions, the villagers asked them to leave the village and forced them out of their village. 

5)     Christians were shocked to read these passages from the Bible

Our Associate Santosh (Who was known as John Paul) returned to Hinduism after practicing Christianity for several years. He explained his own experience of being a Christian and how he came out of it. He was going to Church from his childhood because of his parents but never felt comfortable with the deceptive practices of the Pastors. He started asking questions about some of the verses in the Bible. Pastors were questioning his faith and were blaming him for asking the questions. In order to silence him, they said that they would train him as Pastor.  He thought he should read the Bible and know its contents before getting training to become a Pastor. He was surprised and shocked at the Bible and realized that the Bible is bloody, voluptuous, violent, and killings. It contains rapes, incest, extramarital affairs, and stoning to deaths. That is how came out of that treacherous Christianity and embraced Hindu Dharma.


6)     Holi was celebrated in some Bala Samskar Kendras

Our teachers talked about the importance and significance of Holi in some of the classes. They talked about the stories associated with the celebration of Holi.
    According to our scriptures, an evil king named Hiranyakashyap started imposing restrictions on the worship of Lord Vishnu in his Kingdom. Nobody was supposed to worship Lord  Vishnu. As the divine willed it that his own son Prahalada believed in Lord Vishnu and started worshipping him. The outraged father tried to stop his son Prahallada from worshipping Lord Vishnu. Prahallada was helped by Lord Vishnu and the former’s wicked aunt Holika was burnt to death. It signifies the victory of good over evil. It is believed that Holika pleaded Prahallada for forgiveness before her death. Therefore, Prahlada announced that she would be remembered every year before Holi. This is why ‘Holika-Dahan is celebrated across India, a day before Holi.
    As per another legend that when Radha and Krishna were in extreme delight, Lord Krishna applied color on Radha and other Gopis.
    Also, people in different parts of India celebrate the Holi based on their beliefs. As per Matya Purana, Siva, and Bhagavata Puranas, Kamadeva is known as Lord of Passion and Love and described as a youth holding a quiver holding five arrows. Goddess Parvati wanted to marry Lord Siva who was least interested in marriage. He was in deep mediation and nobody dares to disturb his meditation. Kamadeva was sent to influence Lord Shiva so that he would marry Goddess Parvati. Kamadeva disturbed Lord Shiva by the arrow of Love to make him awake from the mediation. Realizing that he was disturbed by Kamadeva, he opened his third eye and burned him to ashes. People celebrate the sacrifice of Kamadeva who risked his life to revoke Lord Shiva from mediation to save the world. 
    It is celebrated to signify the triumph of good over evil and the joy is expressed by applying different colors to their friends

7)     GHHF Promised to Help Install Murthi in Indukallu Village; TTD ignored to do it.

In 2016, Executive Officer D Sambasiva Rao announced the construction of the Temples and also train the priests. "We are ready to construct around 500 temples at SC, ST, and Fishermen Colonies, along with the Endowments Department. But without priests, the temples are of no use. So, the TTD is committed to training you all. A separate module of instruction is getting ready to train you in an easy and comfortable manner and it will get ready in the next couple of months and the faculty to train you will also be trained exclusively for the purpose,” he added.
Based on that resolution a Goddess Maremma Devi Temple was built in Indukallu Village in 2019 and they have never performed Prana Prathishta to the Devi. The Murthi was laying down in the Temple accumulating dust. Our Chief Pracharak talked to the villagers and decided to help perform the Prana Prathishta ceremony and help them financially and ritually. GHHF agreed to coordinate the effort and infuse religious feelings in the community and give them the opportunity to pray and worship their village Deity Goddess Maremma Devi. 

8)     Welcomed 38 Christians back to Hindu Dharma in Visakhapatnam

Ghar Waapasi program was conducted by performing Shuddhi (purification) ceremony that was conducted at Sri Nagalamba Temple in Vamby Colony in Madhuravada area in Visakhapatnam. This area is a core Christian bastion which is very difficult even to talk to the residents.

You will be surprised to find out that many Christians do not even want to talk to our Pracharaks. The Pastors strictly told them not to talk to any Hindus and not even to their own blood relatives. The Christian Pastor wants the converts to stay in ignorance forever. As long as they keep their flock in their fold, they would be successful in their business.  The pastors are so afraid of their flock slipping away from them, they keep an eye on them and keep pressuring them not to mix with any other religious people.

9)     Conducting 116 Bala Samskar Kendras in FIVE States

On March 20, Global Hindu Heritage Foundation is exceptionally happy to inform you that Bala Samskar Kendras (Sunday Schools) were conducted in about 116 Villages/localities in five States:
Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Assam, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka.
Bala Samskar Kendras are being organized in the following villages/locations
Tirupati, Madanapalli, Visakhapatnam Agency Area, Visakhapatnam City, Addanki, Eluru Palem area, Guntur, Bhadrachalam, Pithapuram, Hyderabad, Kandi, Chennai, Bangalore, and Cachar in Assam. We are planning more Bala Samskar Kendras in Tamil Nadu and Assam and also increasing the centers in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.

10) Stopped Illegal Construction of Church in front of a Hindu Temple

Oteru village in Rural Tirupati Mandal experienced the Christian aggression to construct Church only yards away from the Temple.  
In the place opposite to Grama Devata Temple, Christians were trying to build a church on the premises in spite of the objections from the devotees of the Temple. Christians are harassing them and disturbing their worship services and come into the Temple with shoes and asking them to close the Temple.
Whenever the Temple was doing Annadanam, the Christians come in large numbers and walk around with shoes and insult the Gods. The Christians started building churches in front of the Temple by installing Iron Poles to have coved them with Cement to put the roof on top of it. The Hindus objected to their construction. These Christians were abusive and started beating them up to leave the Temple premise.  
Our Pracharaks Sri Reddappa, Sri Subbanna, and Sri Rosaiah went to the SC Colony when they come to know we came to know and spoke to the villagers, and we cooperated, and we assured them that they would help them to stop the illegal construction of the church. The villagers told our Pracharaks that if the construction of the church is completed but it would be very dangerous in the future. The Christians came into conflict and confronted the villagers. Other organizations and GHHF cooperated to draft a letter and submitted a letter to Collector, MRO, and SP.  The officials came and inquired and ordered that the construction of the church in front of the temple be stopped and the site would be given to the temple, and the amount of the site would be given to them.

11) 47 Christians return to Hindu dharma in Assam

GHHF Has appointed four Pracharaks who go to Christian as well as Muslim houses to talk about Hindu Dharma. Because of their efforts and Sri Samrat’s wide variety of activities, many villagers have been following all the activities being conducted over the last two months. Welcomed 47 Christians from 11 families from two districts: Jaintia Hills and Karimganj Districts. They came from various tribal communities such as Jaintia, Khasi, Rankhol, Churai, and others. All of them were welcome as per Tribal customs and traditions. 

It is interesting to know how three of them returned to Hinduism. Some of the returned Christians were attending some of our programs and some were witnessed some vents events and also keenly observed activities we are doing at the Bala Samskar Kendras there. Activities of Bala Samskar were so mesmerizing for them that they wanted to send their son to Bala Samskar. Our teachers talked to them and explained to them about the richness of Sanatana Dharma. After that, they embraced Hinduism. All of those who reconverted to Hinduism felicitated with dhoti, Saree, kumkum, Sindoor, Gangajal, and pictures of Gods and Goddesses.

We appreciate it if you can help in hiring more people who can go to these villages to do Ghar Waapasi. We have employed 26 Pracharaks in Andhra, Telangana, Assam, and Tamil Nadu. More people we hire, more villages can be covered to welcome them back and also create Chaitanya (Awareness) among the students and villagers.
1) Donate any amount to help the Dharma Pracharaks to work at the ground level.
2) Sponsor one Pracharak: To expand our base and hire one Pracharak, it would cost approximately $3000.00 per year. We have five anonymous donors who sponsored Assistants.
PayPal Method: To donate visit our website: savetemples.org. Click on the Donate button, then press the Purpose category, and select the General Donation category.
By Check: Or you can send a check payable to: GHHF, . It is tax-deductible.
By Zelle: ghhfusaorg@gmail.com
RUPEES, if you would like to contribute in rupees, please either call or send an email. We will call you back to give you the required information
For more information, call Prakasarao V Velagapudi ; 1Email: ghhfusaorg@gmail.com.


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