[GHHF] “Global Hindu Heritage Foundation: American Friend of Bharat.” An Article Published in Medium Magazine.

11 Mar 2024 3410 Views


Shishir Katote

We often wonder if the Non-Resident Indians even care for the pitiful situation of Hindus in Bharat. We often blame them for “escaping” from Bharat to live a good life, instead of fixing the situation themselves and turning Bharat into a better place for Hindus.

Unfortunately, I was also a victim of the same mentality. But recently, which studying the Save Temples initiative, I came across the organization, known as GHHF, which originally started this movement. Initially, I had a feeling that this must be a BJP or RSS backed trust. But as I opened its website, I was appalled to learn that it is founded by the Indians who settled in America and have not forgotten the debt of Bharat.


American Robin Hood For Bharat

A beautiful verse in Mahabharat says,

dvau ambhasi niveShTavyau gale baddhvaa druDhaam shilaam
dhanavantam adaataaram daridram cha atapasvinam

There are two types of persons on the earth, who should be thrown in the deep waters with huge stones tied to their necks, one who is wealthy, but does not donate it to the poor, and one who is poor but does not endeavor to become prosperous.

This verse may seem quite extreme. But this is how Hinduism fervently promotes the symbiotic growth of all classes in society. To exemplify the practical implementation of this instruction, the Global Hindu Heritage Foundation (GHHF) works towards helping the wealthy do their duty towards Bharat by providing financial and other support to the deprived Hindus, thus empowering them to fulfill their material and spiritual necessities.

In simple words, the GHHF embodies this verse.

Objective of GHHF

According to their, objective of GHHF is to protect, preserve, promote, and maintain Hindu culture, Hindu temples, mutts, peethams, endowments, Trusts and other institutions globally. Also, GHHF remains cognizant of the status of Hindu culture and Hindu Temples globally and take necessary action to eliminate discriminatory practices. Now, who is the real victim of these discriminatory practices? Not the wealthy, but the downtrodden society of Bharat who live on shoestrings to fulfill their basic needs, like food, water and shelter, and the fundamental need, that is the right to moksha.

Softer Than Butter

In this regard, many gentlemen or sajjanas at GHHF have joined their hands together to create an ecosystem to help these people live materially and spiritually empowered lives.

In this regard, we have a beautiful samskrit subhasita explaining the hearts of these gentlemen.

sajjanasya hṛdayaṃ navanītaṃ
yadvadanti kavayastadalīkam
sajjano dravati na navanītam

The statement made by the poets that “The heart of a good and virtuous person (sajjana) is like butter, is not true. Because, even by seeing the pain of others, the heart of a sajjana melts, whereas the butter melts only when it comes in direct contact with heat.

This natural trait of the gentlemen at Global Hindu Heritage Foundation enables them to understand the pain of Indian people, who are materially and spiritually poor but rich by heart. And the pain felt by our gentlemen is not limited to the sympathy or empathy, but hard work on the ground as well.

Nationwide Centers

The hard work here refers to the 200 centers of GHHF that are working day and night to bring the people back to Hinduism, who either under coercion or by brainwashing, are converted into Abrahmic faiths. In addition to this ghar-wapasi, these people are helped with classes, where they are taught about the original Hinduism and off course, these classes are adorned by the snacks to keep their bellies filled. These centers are known as Bala Samskar Kendras.

GHHF runs more than 200 centers of Bala Samskar Kendras across Bharat, with the help of empowering the tribal children to live a materially and spiritually powerful life.

Blend of Dharma & Patriotism

One of the most noteworthy things about these Bala Samskar Kendras is their promotion of patriotism, in addition to dharma.

Recently they organized a program for the children of Bharat (via a Bala Samskar Kendra) where students were inspired by listening to life, patriotism and sacrifice of Chandrasekhar Azad who fought for the liberation of Bharat from the British.

Indeed, patriotism and dharma are unalienable. Because the land of Bharat in the birthplace of Dharma. There is no other country besides Bharat that provides the opportunity to learn the esoteric aspects of Hindu dharma. Off course, we do have Nepal. But keeping the national boundaries aside, Nepal may not be a part of India, but definitely Bharat.

This aspect is especially important as the national integrity is as important as shraddha in Hinduism, to protect Hindus and Vedic cultures. In this context, I recall the approach of Shri Samarth Ramdas, the guru of Chhatrapti Shivaji Maharaj, who promoted serious nationalism besides dharma and adhyaatma. Only because of him, we were able to bring back the past glory of vedic culture, which is enabling us to enjoy the flavor of Vedic culture even today.

Hence, according to me, the combination of patriotism and dharma is utmost importance of the survival of Hinduism. And GHHF seems to have realized this and are doing their best to instill both in the fertile brains of the students in Bala Samaskara Kendras.

Bringing Wealth Back to Bharat

After knowing about GHHF, I contacted few friends who are in touch with GHHF and I realized that it is not taking donations from Bharat to keep these Kendras functioning. They are collecting funds from NRIs and are utilizing those for the upliftment of the destitutes of Hinduism.

In this manner, GHHF is doing a great work for Hindus, without getting much appreciated by the Indians like myself. I hope this article reaches enough people of Bharat, so that the GHHF gets its due credit.

I will be writing more about the GHHF and other organizations which are relentlessly working for the Hindu cause but are not being noticed by the general Hindus.

Meanwhile, I have posted a lot of interesting content based on Vedanta on my YouTube channel, which can be accessed here.


— Shishir R Katote



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