[GHHF] Letter submitted requesting Tirupati Urban Development Authority (TUDA) to STOP the construction of MUMTAZ Hotel at the footsteps of Seven Hills.

23 Jan 2025 190 Views

Respected Madam, 
We, the Hindus, treat The Seven Hills as the most holy place. The civic administration of the Tirupati should treat it as Divyakshetra. 
At present, recently A.P. Tourism is being constructed in different names such as Devlok, Mumtaj hotel, Hayat Hotel, Trident Hotel. All these constructions are being constructed at the feet of Thirumala hills. 
For the last three months we have been submitting representations to stop these illegal constructions at once. But in spite of our repetitive representations. The District Collector, Municipal Commissioner, Executive Officer, TTDs and District Panchayat Officer have put a deaf ear. We also enlightened them that there are no permissions from the TUDA, Peruru Panchayath, duly issuing notices to the above officers. Even though the constructions are being done vigorously.  
This site belongs to Tirumala Divyakshetra under G.O.Ms.No.746 dt: 02-06-2007. As per ZDPR (Zoning and Development promotion regulations) survey NO.604 of Peruru Panchayat has no provisions or permissions to construct these hotels and villas.  
Because of these illegal constructions of hotels, villas, spas and restaurants, so many unholy unsocial affairs will be indue course, affecting the sanctity of Sanity of Tirumala Divya Kshetrams. This is a well-known fact to each and everyone. 
The Tirumala Divya Kshetra was protected during the period of the rulers. When 
Bharath was in the hands of foreigners. But after getting independence the present rulers of Democracy are committing no. of mistakes and faults which lead to chaos leads to our next generations. Out of these genuine facts, who is doing all sorts of injustice to Divyakshetra why the Govt. is not carrying forward to stop these constructions? 
No one will forget the incident of bomb blast to the then Chief Minister Sree Chandra babu Naidu who is surprisingly the present C.M. also, neglecting the burning issues. This construction also affects the environment duly destroying the surrounding greenery nature of Seven hills. 
Besides, the Devotees are praying the physiognomy face of Lord Venkateswara of Seven Hills with folding hands from a long distance will go away. 
This issue should be stopped immediately, otherwise the Hindus will have to take drastic measures, to avoid the calamities just like Ayodhya issue thought for more the 500 years.  
Hence all the above respected officials are humbly requested to stop the illegal constructions as mentioned to save the number one temple in the world – Hope this should not be prolonged as the issue is in the hands, of the CM, and above higher officials of Thirupathi. 
Servants of Lord Venkateswara 
Copy submitted to all the  
Above concerned higher officials.


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