[GHHF] Maha Padayatra 3 Continues in Twin Cities; Visited Flood affected areas and Temples

24 Oct 2009 2470 Views

10/24 2009

The person desirous of success and strength should perform good karma continuously.   Rig Veda

In order to awaken the Hindus to protect and  preserve Hindu Temples by advocating the abolition of Endowment Department,  two Maha Padayatras across the Andhra Pradesh  were conducted. Simple message to all Hindus is to practice their religion, attend Temples frequently with their family members, encourage the youth to take active part in Temple maintenance, take a stand to repeal the Endowment Act and prepare themselves take over the Temples from the government control.

As you may know that Sri Kamal Kumar Swamy has undertaken two major Padayatra and now he is undertaking the third Padayatra urging all Hindus to get united to protect the Temples from government control denying the fundamental human rights of Hindus managing their Temples.

Maha Pada Yatra – I :  â€¨ Started  from Basara (Adilabad District) on 16.9.2007  and reached Thirupathi on 25.1.2008   covering a distance of  3200 kilometers in  130  days.

Pada Yatra-II :  â€¨ Started   from  Srikurmam on August 8, 2008   and reached  Thirupathi   on  February 16, 2009 covering a distance of  5500 kilometers in 200 days in 11 districts.

Maha Padayatra – III  in Greater Hyderabad  from September 2009 :  â€¨The third Padayatra  started on 19th September 2009 in Greater Hyderabad City and expected to cover 3000 slums and 3000 Temples

Hindu Devalaya Parirakshana Samiti and Global Hindu Heritage Foundation have relentlessly struggling to safeguard the Hindu Religious Culture by creating an awareness in the devotees to protect the property owned by temples, to highlight  the negligent attitude of the Endowments Officials  which has resulted in a state of dilapidation of thousands of temples in Andhra Pradesh and to integrate the downtrodden community with the main stream of Hindu Society by mingling with them in the Pada Yatras conducted across the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Once again,  we make a fervent appeal to all Hindu devotees to join hands in protecting Hindu Temples cutting across the communal barriers and stand united irrespective of regional differences and diverse castes.

Progress of  Padayatra 3

Since Padayatra 3 started on September 20, 2009 our team Visited nearly 400 streets and spoke at 260 Hindu Temples in various communities. Many people have taken this opportunity to know for the first time about the extent of government control. Misuse of Temple funds, encroachment of Temple lands, transfer of Hindu Temple lands for other religions, neglect of Hindu Temple, and  diversion of Hindu Temple funds to Christians and Muslims.

The first day of Maha Pada Yatra 3 was attended by many people. It was attended by:

Sri Srinivasa Ramanuja Jeera Swamy

Sri Bandaru Dattatrey, BJP

Dr. T. Hanuman Chowdary, Editor, Bharatiya Pragna, & Secularism Combat

Sri Poturi Venkateswara Rao, Former Editor of Andhra Prabha

Sri Soundar Rajan, Chilukur Balaji Temple

Sri Aditya Babu, Archaka Sangam and others


Please encourage all your friends and family members to get involved in Pada Yatra 3. We have to show our strength. Only then our cause will be noticed and will be paid attention by media and politicians.


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