GHHF More than 30 Community Leaders were facilitated for their Charitable Contribution to Vishakhapatnam Area.

28 Jan 2021 1272 Views

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation and JD Foundation jointly organized a function to highlight the importance of service as described in our scriptures. Hindus believe in “Manava Seve Madhava Seva.” Serving humans is equal to serving the Divine. Many of our scriptures extol the virtue of serving the needs of the people who really need them. Many Ashrama have been engaged in a number of service-oriented activities such as providing Annadana,  educating the needy, freely providing health services,  donating vehicles for Police and Fire Departments, and so on. Likewise, many voluntary organizations have taken up the task of serving the needy in the areas of climate, health, blood donation, climate, beach cleaning, women’s welfare, poor feeding, village welfare, youth-related issues, educational needs, child welfare, gardening, orphanages, elderly needs, and others.

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation and JD Foundation have organized a function to recognize the leaders of various Charitable and Voluntary organizations serving the needs in and around Vishakhapatnam. It was organized by GHHF Board member Sri Pinnamaneni Srinivas in one of the Function Halls and recognized more than 30 community leaders. It is organized in the memory of First Death Anniversary of Sri Pinnamaneni Nagaiah.

One of Hinduism's greatest philosophical contributions is the emphasis on charity and service. Kindness and compassion to all living things or daya are often combined with bhakti or devotion to God is emphasized. Seva is done for the sake of seva, not for any ulterior motive. Bhagavad Gita, Mahabharata, and other scriptures talked about selfless service with no expectations.


"Acts of sacrifice, charity and austerity should not be abandoned, but should be performed because sacrifice, charity, and austerity are the purifiers of the wise." Bhagavad Gita 10.05

"Service which is given without consideration of anything in return, at the right place and time to one that is qualified, with the feeling that it is one’s duty, is regarded as the nature of goodness.” Bhagavad Gita 17.20

"Relieving the ravaging hunger of the poor is the most secure use of a rich man's wealth." Tirukural 226

"The Divinities rejoice when somebody's happiness owes another's sacrifice given voluntarily. “Maha Narayan Upanishad 4, 78

"There is none other who does greater good than the one who removes the hunger of those in a difficult situation, helpless, weak and disturbed."  Mahabharata XIII 59.1P

The Chief Guest Sri J D Lakshmi Narayana addressed the recipients of these awards and extolling their selfless service without any expectations which is the hallmark of Hindu Dharma. He thanked Sri Pinnamaneni Srinivas for coordinating and executing the program to its completion with so much dedication and passion toward providing service to the community.

               GHHF thanks Sri Pinnamaneni Srinivas for organizing this unique program in recognizing the charitable activities and highlighting the importance and boosting the spirits of the community leaders.

               This program was covered by six newspapers and two TV stations.


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