[GHHF] Round up of our Activities October 23-31: Welcomed 126 families; Tirupati Churches demolition Status; taught about Shibi, Dhanvantari, Sister Nivedita, Deepavali and Karthik Masa

01 Nov 2022 883 Views

Lin Yutang (1895-1976)
"India was China's teacher in religion and imaginative literature, and the world's teacher in trignometry, quandratic equations, grammar, phonetics, Arabian Nights, animal fables, chess, as well as in philosophy, and that she inspired Boccaccio, Goethe, Herder, Schopenhauer, Emerson, and probably also old Aesop." 
1.    Bala Samskar Kendras -Teach slokas, moral stories and Shibi Story to Students to extol the virtue of a King who followed Dharma at the expense of his life. 10/23
The Story of Shibi 
The Baka Samskara teachers taught about the story of Shibi which is found in Vanaprastha parva of Mahabharata. This story is taught all over India about the generosity of a king. 
There was once a very kind and generous king called Shibi. One day he was sitting on his palace terrace when a dove flew straight into his lap, and lay trembling there. “Grant me refuge!” pleaded the dove to the king. “Fear not, little dove, for I will protect you,” said the king. 
Then a hawk arrived, in pursuit of the dove. “Give me my dinner,” said the hawk to the king. “I cannot allow you to eat this dove,” said King Shibi, “for I have granted him protection.” “Then what am I supposed to eat?” asked the hawk, “I am starving and will surely die if I don’t get a meal soon. And my family will starve too, if I cannot bring this dove to them.” 
The king offered the hawk all kinds of alternative foods, but the hawk refused, saying “I only eat fresh meat.”

2.    Bala Samskar Kendras in Assam celebrated Lord Dhanvantari Jayanthi; Explained the Significance of His Birth.10/24
Lord Dhanvantari emerged from the sea as a result of Samudra Mantana – churning of ocean.  He was carrying a pitcher of Amrutha (elixir). As per our scriptures he has four hands, one of which holds a pot of nectar, the conch shell, herbs and a chakra. He is believed to have come on earth to protect all creatures from illness and to ensure  long and healthy life.
It usually comes two days before Deepavali. The deity invoked and worshiped by Ayurveda Practitioners. The Jayanti, or birth anniversary, is observed during different times by different Hindu communities. Mostly it is observed two days before Diwali. Dhanteras is observed on the day in western and northern parts of India.
Dhanvantri is also believed to be an incarnation of Lord Vishnu.


3.    Tirupati Urban Development Authority refuses to demolish Illegally built Churches 10/25
Global Hindu Heritage Foundation has written many letters to TTD to look in the construction of Churches built with no permission in Tirupati and demolish churches as per law. Through Right to Information Act, GHHF has written letters to the Collector, Tirupati Mandal officer and others to provide information regarding the number of Churches they had given permission to be in Tirupati. As you know there are more than one hundred Churches operating in Tirupati.
All the concerned officials have responded promptly and said that they have not given any permission to any Churches to be built in Tirupati. All the government officials know that these Churches are being operated with no permission. They see these huge churches every day and some of them even attend them on a regular basis. These officials even given water connections, Electricity connection knowing fully well that they are illegal churches. These city officials are failing in their responsibility to discharge their duty.

Sri Kaveti Srinivas Garu, Attorney who practice law in USA sent a legal brief to Tirupati Urban Development Authority (TUDA) asking the to take appropriate action against these illegally built churches.  TUDA vice-Chairman has written a letter to the Commissioner to take appropriate action against these illegally built Churches as per law which requires the demolition.

The commissioner has not taken any action for the last four months.


4.    Bala Samskar Kendras Celebrated Deepavali in all Five States; Discussed about the meaning and Significance. 10/26
Deepavali is celebrated by some of our Bala Samskar Kendra students. Teacher explained the meaning and significance of Deepavali. Diwali means “festival of lights”—a holiday that celebrates the triumph of good over evil. This year, Diwali will be celebrated on October 24. Though technically religious, it’s also become a cultural event that is celebrated with sweets and special foods. Learn about Diwali, when it occurs, and common traditions!
What Is Diwali? Diwali (also called Deepavali) is a “festival of lights” that celebrates the triumph of light over dark and good over evil, and the blessings of victory, freedom, and enlightenment. The name comes from Sanskrit deepavali, meaning “row of lights.” On the night of Diwali, celebrants light dozens of candles and clay lamps (called diyas), placing them throughout their homes and in the streets to light up the dark night.
In most of India, Diwali consists of a five-day celebration that peaks on the third day with the main celebration of Diwali. In other places where Diwali occurs, usually only the main day is celebrated.
 Who Celebrates Diwali? Diwali is primarily celebrated by followers of the Hindu, Sikh, and Jain faiths. However, the holiday is celebrated throughout India, Singapore, and several other South Asian countries as a national holiday, meaning that people outside these religions may participate in Diwali celebrations, too. Hindu, Sikh, and Jain communities in the United Kingdom, United States, Australia, and elsewhere around the globe also regularly celebrate Diwali.
5.    Bala Samskar Kendras – Students are taught to practice Meditation in all the classes every day to quiet the mind 10/27

Meditation is practiced every Bala Samskar Kendras on a regular basis to increase concentration, improve disciplines, help develop peace of mind, and decrease stress and indiscipline.  
Why Meditation is practiced every Day in Bala Samskar Students?
More than 35 million Americans have considered giving meditation a try. That means, nearly 15 percent US population practices meditation and Yoga. It is believed and proved that daily meditation can improve the quality of life. For students it relieves stress and improved their academic life. 
Research by a number of universities have documented the benefits of Meditation. TSoM Team has summarized them as follows:
•    Benefits of meditation and yoga
•    Boosts student performance and overall academic improvement;
•    Improves memory, attention span and body posture in students (both adults and children);
•    Helps students gain the determination to achieve their goals thereby transforming them into better students; …..


6.    GHHF influential for G.O. declaring Karthik Purnima as Nadula Aarthi Day in 2012: Now Aarthi to Krishna and Godavari Rivers is Performed DAILY similar to Kashi Aarthi 10/28
In 2012, Global Hindu Heritage Foundation is instrumental in convincing the then Honorable Minister of Endowments of Andhra Pradesh, Sri C. Ramachandraiah to declare Karthik Purnima as Nadula Aarthi Day across the state. The Government of Andhra Pradesh issued G. O. (Government Order) requiring the major Hindu Temples close to the sacred rivers in the State to conduct Arthi to the rivers. Krishna, Godavari, and Tungabhadra rivers are identified as the major sacred rivers where the Arthi will be offered annually.
Later the then Endowment Minister Sri P. Manikyala Rao in 2016 expanded the event to Daily Arthi to Godavari and Krishna Rivers. It is done similar to the Arthi in Ganga River in Kashi.
Festivals play a vital role in the lives of Hindus who make plans for days to conduct the festivals with faith, gusto, and commitment in order to maintain and practice their rich cultural tradition. In India, each festival has a special significance, and it is also associated with many stories. 
7.    Bala Samskar Kendras – Taught about the contribution of Sister Nivedita to India with respect to Politics and Hinduism and her association with Gurus. 10/29
Margaret E Noble was born on 28 Oct 1867 in Ireland and died on 13 Oct 1911 as the age of 43 years in Darjeeling, West Bengal. On her memorial these words are mentioned, "Here reposes Sister Nivedita who gave her all to India". When she met Swami Vivekananda in England, she decided to get converted to Hinduism with a name as Sister Nivedita
Swami Vivekananda could foresee her future role in India and narrated to her the pitiable condition of the women in India. He was a great visionary of India and his thoughts were based on 'look forward' visions. Presently, condition of women is in progress. In comparison, conditions are same in proportionate to the growth of population. To improve upon the condition of women under the British rule, she was chosen for the role of educating Indian women.
Swamiji wanted that under her care, the women of India specially in Calcutta be looked after to improve upon their health and education. She did kept her Guru's wishes. She organized and opened a girls' school in Bagbazar area of Calcutta, with a desire in mind to educate girls. Her dedication was so much for a cause that she used to visit the houses to pursue the girls to join her school. Sister Nivedita always tried to educate her students with the nationalist spirit. She introduced singing of 'Vande Màtaram' in her school as a prayer.

8.    Ghar Waapasi in Alluri Sitaramaraju District – Welcomed 126 families and closed 8 Prayer Halls 10/30
126 Christians returned to Hindu Dharma in Agency Area
Welcomed 126 Families back to Hinduism. Sri Sai Datta Manasa Swamiji and his Pracharaks have been working on Ghar Waapasi for nearly two years. These families live in Majjaputtu Village in Peda Bayulu District in newly created Alluri Sitarama Raju district in Andhra Pradesh. 
•    This village has about 287 Families
•    Out of these people, about 144 families are converted to Christianity
•    126 families returned to Hinduism; 18 families are still remaining Christians.
•    It is a remote village very difficult to access. 
•    One has to climb down nearly 6 kilometers to enter the village.
•    There are Eight prayer halls and one regular church.
•    All these prayer halls are closed
•    One of the prayer halls was converted to Hindu Mandir with Hanuman Vigraha established.
•    They used to organize Bhajans on a regular basis tom welcome them back to Hinduism.
•    They have taken an oath to remain in Hinduism.
9.    Karthik Masa Puja Items to needy Grama Devata Temples are being distributed to preserve the tradition of lighting Lamps 10/31/2022
rama Devatas means village Goddesses/Deities who were installed in the villages to protect the village, to protect the crops, to prevent calamities, to prevent various kinds of ailments and to bless the villagers with health and wealth. As we know that many Grama Devatas are located in a small place in the community or village. Overwhelming majority of Grama Devatas are Goddesses with very few notable experiences. Dharma-Thakkur is a god of fertility and disease in West Bengal. Another example is Kala Bhairava, a fierce form of Lord Shiva is the Gram devata in the rural villages of Maharashtra, where he is referred to as Vairavar. 
Significance of Karthik Deepam;  Deepam is light. It is lit every day in many houses in the morning and evening. Symbolically, light evokes Chaitanya (consciousness). It is considered the source of knowledge, remover of darkness, eradicator of ignorance, and germinator of higher ideals. Whenever the knowledge is awakened, the negative Vasanas are slowly eliminated while new seeds (Vasanas) are sown for this and next life. Also, the light always burns upwards implying that one should grow upward better living. Hindus also light the lamp before starting any auspicious event. In fact, Hindus call it Divya Deepam – Divine Lamp.

Ghar Waapasi is going on unimpeded. We appreciate it if you can help in hiring more people who can go to these villages to do Ghar Waapasi. We have employed 20 Pracharaks working at the ground level. More people we hire, more villages can cover to welcome them back and also create Chaitanya (Awareness) among the students and villagers.

1) Sponsor one Bala Samskar Kendra for $1000.00
2) Sponsor one Pracharak: In order to expand our base and hire one Pracharak, it would cost approximately $3000.00 per year. We have five anonymous donors who sponsored Assistants.
PayPal Method: To donate visit our website: savetemples.org. Click on the Donate button, then press the Purpose category, and select the Ghar Wapasi Donation category.
By Zelle: ghhfusaorg@gmail.com
By Check: Or you can send a check payable to GHHF, . It is tax-deductible.
RUPEES, if you would like to contribute to rupees, please either call or send an email. We will call you back to give you the required information
For more information, call Prakasarao Velagapudi at ; Email: ghhfusaorg@gmail.com


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