GHHF Speech on the Importance of Sanskrit at Annual Function of Samskriti Bharati in Frisco, TX

15 May 2022 1491 Views

I want to express my appreciation for organizing the program in Sanskrit. It is important that we as Hindus promote and pass on the richness of Sanskrit. It is not only scientific but will be a unifying force for the Hindus, I want to thank Samskriti Bharati to invite me to speak on the significance and importance of Sanskrit.  VAarshikOtsavaH at Frisco2 Kendram was attend by around 160 Samskrta anuraaginaha. The theme was Ramayana and 7 Balakendra vargaaha classes plus 3 proudha vargaha classes performed Ramayanam based skits and geetams.
Sanskrit was considered "Dev Bhasha", " Devavani "or the language of the Gods by ancient Indians. The word Sanskrit, meaning "refined," “complete”, “perfect,” “definitive,” or "purified," is the antonym of Prakriti, meaning "natural," or "vulgar." It is made up of primordial sounds and is developed systematically to include the natural progressions of sounds as captured by the human mind. Our ancient rishis were able to capture the natural sounds of panchabhutas such as wind blowing, rain, hissing, roaring, ocean waves, thunder, fire, silence, and birds chirping and translate them into oral language and finally into written language.
Sanskrit was the language used by ancient Indians in a wide variety of fields such as astronomy, medicine, mathematics, literature, chemistry, algebra, kavya, drama, politics, spiritual, religious scriptures, and others. Swami Vivekananda says, “This Sanskrit language is so intricate, the Sanskrit of the Vedas is so ancient, and the Sanskrit philology so perfect, that any amount of discussion can be carried on for ages in regard to the meaning of one word.”
The phonology (the speech sound) and morphology (the science of word formation) of the Sanskrit language is unique and entirely different from all of the languages of the world. The main feature of Sanskrit is that it contains 16 vowels and 36 consonants. The sounds of these 52 alphabets are fixed and precise from the very beginning. They withstood the time and were never changed,  altered, modified, or improved. From times immemorial, the words created by combining the alphabets of the Sanskrit language always had the same pronunciation. “

Swami Prakashananda Saraswati observed that Sanskrit is considered a most wonderful language with clarity, accuracy, exactness, and precision. Every letter and word has a vibrant sound and should be uttered without any deviation. It should be pronounced properly and meticulously. Even a slight alteration in their pronunciation can spell disaster. The meaning may change to catastrophic results.

W. C.  Taylor, an American Indologist was moved by the richness of Sanskrit language. “It is an astounding discovery that Hinduism possessed, in spite of the changes of realms and changes of time, a language of unrivalled richness and variety …. A philosophy, compared with which, in point of age, the lessons of Pythagoras are but of yesterday, and in point of daring speculation Plato's boldest efforts were tame and commonplace. A poetry more purely intellectual than any of those of which we had before any conception; and systems of science whose antiquity baffled all power of astronomical calculation. This literature, with all its colossal proportions, which can scarcely be described without the semblance of bombast and exaggeration claimed of course a place for itself - it stood alone, and it was able to stand alone.”
A. L. Basham, former professor of Asian Civilization at the Australian National University, Canberra, writes in his book The Wonder That Was India says that Sanskrit is a marvelous, majestic, scientific, and spiritual language. Its depth, fullness, splendor, simplicity, and complexity at the same time is peerless.: "One of ancient India’s greatest achievements is her remarkable alphabet, commencing with the vowels and followed by the consonants, all classified very scientifically according to their mode of production, in sharp contrast to the haphazard and inadequate Roman alphabet, which has developed organically for three millennia. It was only on the discovery of Sanskrit by the West that science of phonetics arose in Europe."(P:390)
Basham goes on to say "It will be seen that this alphabet is methodical and scientific, its elements classified first into vowels and consonants, and then, within each section, according to the manner in which the sound is formed. The gutturals are formed by the construction of the throat at the back of the tongue, the palatals by pressing the tongue flat against the palate, the retro-flexes by turning up the tip of the tongue to touch the hard palate, the dentals by touching the upper teeth with the tongue, and the labials by pursuing the lips." (p: 509)
Benefits of Learning Sanskrit
Learning Sanskrit improves brain functioning. Students start getting better marks in other subjects like Mathematics, Science, etc., which some people find difficult. It enhances memory power. Our ancient rishis have analyzed the various chakras (energy centers) in the human body and are identified with Sanskrit alphabets. Reading, reciting, and chanting the Sanskrit words will stimulate these points and raises the energy levels, whereby resistance against illnesses, relaxation of mind, and reduction of stress are achieved.
Sanskrit is the only language that uses all nerves of the tongue. By its pronunciation energy points in the body are activated that causing the blood circulation to improve. This, coupled with enhanced brain functioning and higher energy levels, ensures better health. Blood Pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, etc. are controlled. (American Hindu University).
Research has shown that the phonetics of this language has roots in various energy points and chakras of the body and reading, speaking, or reciting Sanskrit stimulates these points and raises the energy levels, whereby resistance against illnesses, relaxation of mind, and reduction of stress are achieved.
There are reports that Russians, Germans, and Americans are actively doing research on our sacred books and are producing them back to the world in their name. Seventeen countries around the world have a University or two to study in Sanskrit to gain technological advantages.
T. R. Seshadri in his book ‘The Curative Powers OF the Holy Gita’ reveals that most modern-day diseases are psychosomatic – caused by the mind. Emotional disturbances like hatred, anger, and fear destroy not only our peace of mind but our health as well. They are often caused by the over-or-under secretion of the endocrine glands which secrete chemical hormones into the bloodstream, which affects body functions like growth, digestion and energy levels, etc.
The author identified about 30 shlokas that have curative powers. It also mentions the method in which the shlokas have to be recited. To quote from the book “…advocate reciting/chanting the specific Mantras three times, once in the morning and once in the evening, and towards the close of Yogic practice….” The shlokas are to be chanted in Sanskrit.
For example, by chanting 2:56 sloka in Bhagavad Gita, one may get relief from blood pressure (hypertension, hypotension), depression, impotency, neurosis, sexual disorders, stress, syphilis, and venereal infections. Sloka 2:61 would have an impact on AIDS, alcohol and drug addiction, blood pressure, brain disorders, depression, mental disorders, mind control, neurosis, psychic and psychosomatic illness, sexual disorders, stress, stroke, and tension. Similarly, by chanting sloka 9:18, one may get some help during childbirth, conception, delivery, gynecological disorders, menstrual problems, and pregnancy.
Rutger Kortenhorst, a Sanskrit teacher in John Scottus School in Dublin, Ireland, invited the parents of the children who enrolled in Sanskrit class and spoke to them about the value of teaching Sanskrit based on his own experience with the language. He is confident that the children will be fortunate to have taken this extraordinary language as a part of their curriculum. He said, “Sanskrit can help your child to express universal, harmonious, and simple truths better. As a result, you will really have done your duty as a parent and the world will reap the benefits of a more humane, harmonious, and united society. Sanskrit can do this as it is the only language that is based on knowing all the way. Nothing is left to chance.
“One who has the time to undertake a study of Sanskrit will benefit enormously by it. Clearer thinking, grander philosophical and religious outlooks, a finer appreciation of the clarifies and niceties of expression, of subtle metaphysical, philosophical, and scientific distinctions that not one of the Occidental tongues so richly has: these one will learn by a continued study of the Sanskrit language.”  -- G. DE PURUCKER, from a lecture delivered at Theosophical University, July 14, 1940.
Judith Tyberg, whose birthday happens to be on May 16th studied Sanskrit and written thee books on Sanskrit. In the book “Sanskrit Keys to the World Religion”, she observed that Sanskrit is one of the noblest languages that human genius has brought forth. Because of its grandeur, it is one of the most difficult to understand. Sanskrit is the pride of the people of India, and knowledge of it gives the key to their hearts. It is the learned language of India, the language of its cultured inhabitants, the language of its religion, philosophy, literature, and science, a language very much alive in the heart-life of its people.


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