[GHHF] Update on activities at the Ground Level May 1-10

19 May 2023 874 Views

Yoshio Mikami (1875-1950) Japanese mathematician

“Things Indian exercised supremacy in art and literature, in philosophy, in the mode of life and the thoughts of the inhabitants, in everything. It is even said, astronomy and calendrical arts had also felt their influence. How then could arithmetic remain unaffected? No doubt the Chinese studied the arithmetical works of the Hindoos.”

As many of our readers may not be able to keep up with our daily reporting of our grass root activities, GHHF decided to update all the articles once every ten days. Hence, we are summarizing our activities between May 1-10.

1. Bala Samskara Kendras in West Godavari District – Students learned and practiced Suryanamakaras from a Yoga teacher (5/1/23)

What is Surya Namaskar? Some of the teachers in West Godavari Bala Samskara Kendras invited a Yoga teacher and requested him to teach Suryanamaskar to the students.

In Sanskrit, Surya means sun and namaskar means greeting or salutation. Surya Namaskar is then a greeting to the sun! It is an ancient ritual of twelve steps that warms up the body preparing it for yoga practice. That is why it is practiced at the beginning of a yoga class. This warming sequence has a rich history and holistic benefits for the body and mind. Read more to find out about this widely known and ancient yoga practice!


2. Bala Samskar Kendras in Bapatla – Drawing pictures improves coordination, imagination, visualization and synchronization among Children. (5/2/23)

Drew Pictures: One of the teachers, Sukanya, has conducted the class encouraging children draw the images of their imagination. The students drew the pictures of Lord Ganesh, Unicorn, deer, duck, peacock, hen, school boy, queen etc.

While random drawing can help improve your focus, drawing specific items or ideas can help you remember them better. In another study cited in an article on Inc.com, participants were asked to either write or draw words from a list. Those who drew the words had a higher retention rate than those who wrote down the words.

“Drawing what you have understood from a reading passage, drawing the science experiment you have just done or drawing the detail of an autumn leaf are all examples of engaging with the same learning from a different angle,” Adoniou says


3. Bala Samskar Kendras in Six States in India – Learning to chant Hanuman Chalisa few Slokas a day. (5/3/23)

Learning Hanuman Chalisa: With the help of Lord Hanuman, Tulasidas was able get the darshan of Lord Rama. Rama told him,“ My son, your love alone has brought me here. You are truly blessed. From now on you shall be known as Tulsidas. It is your duty to write the story of the Ramayana in simple language that the common people can understand.” Tulsidas was astounded, “My Lord!” he said. “I am totally incapable of writing on such a great subject. All I know is to chant your name. How can I fulfill your command?” Rama looked lovingly at him and said, “Fear not. You will be given guidance by Hanuman, who is not only erudite but also filled with devotion. He has been a living witness to the story of my life. He is the best person to guide you.” Thus, it happened that Tulsidas started writing the Ramayana in the common man’s language, Awadhi, which was a dialect of Hindi. It was written in the year AD 1575.


4. Bala Samskar Kendras in Assam – Learned about Srinivasa Ramanujan, mathematical genius who composed 3900 equations (5/5/23)

Srinivasa Ramanujan FRS (22 December 1887 – 26 April 1920) was an Indian mathematician and autodidact. Though he had almost no formal training in pure mathematics, he made extraordinary contributions to mathematical analysis, number theory, infinite series, and continued fractions. Ramanujan initially developed his own mathematical research in isolation; it was quickly recognized by Indian mathematicians. When his skills became apparent to the wider mathematical community, centered in Europe at the time, he began a famous partnership with the English mathematician G. H. Hardy. He rediscovered previously known theorems in addition to producing new theorems.


5. “Meet and Greet” to discuss about the importance of Ground level activities in North Potomac, MD (5/6/23

On May 5th evening, we talked about the declining Hindu population day by day while Christians and Muslims expanding their numbers day by day.  We are alarmed, disturbed, and shocked to see, read, and witness the persistent attacks on Hindu Temples and Sanatana Dharma.

Our Bharat Mata (Mother India) is being attacked, stabbed, stifled, and suffocated. We as Hindus cannot remain silent, indifferent, apathetic, feel hopeless and remain a spectator. We must discharge our dharma and protect our Mother India.

We as Hindus individually cannot do everything that is needed to protect our mother, but we can do something. YES, we can do individually or in association with others or other organizations, engage in activities that can make the difference at the ground level.


6. Discussion on “For Survival of Hinduism, working at ground level is essential in India.” At Samskrit Bhavan in Aldie, MD on May 6; Formed GHHF Chapter (5/7/23)

Hindu House is on fire. Our lives are in danger, our values are in peril, and our future is bleak. When our house is on fire, we need to take every step to extinguish the flames to stop the spread of fire. We have to temporarily pause all our activities. We have to prioritize our actions and our efforts. Unless we put out the fires first, they will spread not only to Andhra but all the states in India. Hinduism is under siege! It is being ambushed by different groups – Hindus, Christians, Muslims, Media, Secularists, Communists, Politicians, and movie fields. Hindu leaders are being killed every day with no recourse. Our Swamiji’s and Peethadhipathis are smeared openly in the media with false charges and systematically eliminated some of them and silenced them with false charges and propaganda. Hindus must wake up and engage in stopping the erosion of the Hindu population and expanding the Hindu base.


7. Bala Samskara Kendra Students learn ed about the poet Venkamamba who composed and sang songs on Sri Venkateswara. (8/5/23)


Our teachers talked about one of the greatest devotees of Lord Venkateshwara. Tarigonda Vengamamba (alternate spelling: Venkamamba; 20 April 1730 – 21 August 1817), also known as Matrusri Tarigonda Vengamamba,[2] was a poet and staunch devotee of God Venkateshwara in the 18th century. She wrote numerous poems and songs.



8. Prana Prathishta was performed to Sri Pothuluru Veera Brahmendra Swamy in a New Temple in Andhra Pradesh (9/5/23)

Sri Gopi Chary has been visiting this village for more than a year and encouraging them to build Sri Veera Brahmendra Swamy Temple in Andepalli Village in Anantapur District. He performed Prana Prathishta to the Vigraha along with Lord Ganesha and Gangamma Talli vigrahas in the Temple.  In the beginning, he encouraged villagers to start Bhajan sessions and taught them to sing several bhajans mainly to develop bhakti in the deities. He promised the villagers to help install and make them participate in all the rituals irrespective of caste.


9. Spoke about the importance of Grass Roots effort to revive Hinduism for the survival of Humanity at Non-Profit Organizations meeting in Sterling, VA. (10/5/23)

Either we call it open mindedness, secularism, atheism, a disease, universal philosophy, It is only Hindus who start all kinds of national and regional associations instead of starting Hindu organizations. You never see other religious people starting these kinds of organizations to promote togetherness and equality. The main two religions would not respect Hinduism and openly talk about the demise of Hinduism. Our Hindus close their minds and eyes and talk about universal brotherhood and equality. No national organization like India Associations do not for the promotion and promotion of Hinduism.

We have been writing so many books on various subjects for so many centuries to benefit a small percentage of the population, giving lectures, discussing endlessly, suggesting many solutions without taking any concrete action to expand our Hindu base.



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Email: ghhfusaorg@gmail.com


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