[GHHF]Ghar Waapasi – Our Pracharak stopped Missionary Activity and chased them out ofGovernment Hospital

16 Apr 2022 2192 Views

Restoration Work and Installation of Hanuman Completed inSri Kanaka Durga Temple in Kakinada District.SylvainLevi“Her civilization, spontaneous and original, unrollsitself in a continuous time across at least thirty centuries, withoutinterruption, without deviation. Ceaselessly in contact with foreignelements which threatened to strangle her, she persevered victoriously inabsorbing them, assimilating them and enriching herself with them.” Global Hindu Heritage Foundation is very happy to initiatethe Ghar Waapasi program around Pithapuram in Kakinada District. It is adeeply religious place with historical significance. It is regarded as one ofthe 18 Shakti Peethas. Sri Puruhutika Devi Temple is located within the Templecomplex of Sri Kukkuteswara Swamy Temple. Pilgrims take bath in Pada GayaSarovar and have a darshan of Devi. Pithapuram is also known as the birthplace of Sri PadaVallabha, the first incarnation of Lord Dattatreya that took place in 1320 AD.SRI PADA SRIVALLABHA is the most powerful Avatara and many people believe thathe is capable of destroying the difficulties, losses, miseries, and obstaclesoccurring in the lives of His dedicated devotees.MissionaryActivity in Government Hospital Missionary activity is rampant in Andhra Pradesh in recenttimes. Ever since the new government with Christian Chief Minister came topower, missionary activities have turned into an aggressive business for theChristians. The whole government, the Police Department, and many officials inthe government, doctors, and nurses in the hospitals, in the educationalinstitutions, Christians have become more powerful and openly demeaning theHindu Gods, attacking the Temples, destroying the Murthies and playing thevictim role.              
Thy nameis deception. Christians do almost anything and everything in India to convertHindus to Christianity. Now they are concentrating in the hospitals.Uninvited, they go to the hospitals and start praying without permissionfrom the patient. They pretend as if they are part of the hospital staff and obtainthe information from the patients so that they can go to their houses andconvince them that it was cured because of their prayers.              

 Vinay Ambavarapu,our Pracharak went to one of the government hospitals and saw these missionary peoplegoing to each patient obtaining their information. He questioned the ladies whoare visiting the patients and asked them who has permission to obtainthe patient information. They kept dodging the question and our Pracharak askedthem to leave the hospital.               Many ofthe nurses and some of the doctors are Christians who only know how to propagateChristianity to the patients and help any missionary person to convert. Thenurses put the Bible under the pillow of the patients and convince them that itis because of Jesus, they recovered. In some cases, they ask the patients topray to Jesus while they give shots in the hospitals.                OurPracharaks will be monitoring and keeping an eye on these hospitals also to ensurethe patients are not forced into Christianity.RestorationWork and Installation of Hanuman Completed.As many of you are aware that on April 3, 2020Hanuman andDevi Murthies were destroyed Annamghati Padmanabha Nagar in Jagannadapuram inKakinada. Unidentified individuals broke the Hanuman Vigraha and threw it inthe drainage. They also broke the hand of Devi.               AjayVerma and Vinay Ambavarapu organized a Motorcycle protest and demanded the Police Department investigate and restore the Temple. Both of them have spent hours to makesure the Local MLA and the Police Department will take necessary action to renovatethe Temple immediately. Local MLA wanted to make sure that it would not be amajor issue and would not be a big media event, he immediately acted andordered all the repairs and acquired Hanuman Murthy and got it installed.
We appreciate it if you can help in hiring more people who can go to thesevillages to do Ghar Waapasi. We have employed 26 people so far. More people wehire, more villages can be covered to welcome them back and also createChaitanya (Awareness) among the students and villagers.
1)Donate any amount to help the Dharma Pracharaks to work at theground level.
2)Sponsor one Pracharak: In order to expand our base and hire one Pracharak, it wouldcost approximately $3000.00 - $3500.00 per year. We have five anonymous donorswho sponsored 9 Pracharaks
PayPalMethod: To donate visit our website: savetemples.org. Click on theDonate button, then press the Purpose category, and select the General Donationcategory.
ByCheck: Or you can send a check payable to: GHHF, 14726 Harmony Lane,Frisco TX 75035. It is tax-deductible.
By Zelle: ghhfusaorg@gmail.com
By Rupees, please contact us by either phone or email.
For more information, call Prakasarao V Velagapudi ;Email: ghhfusaorg@gmail.com


Ghar Waapasi


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