Hindu politicians must be equipped with Quran and plans for Islamization of Bharath – Part 2

22 May 2020 2436 Views

A one-minute glance at the globe will reveal that there are more than 50 Islamic countries where Hindus have no rights even to carry their own God’s picture in some countries.


Prakasarao Velagapudi

May 21, 2020




The words of Dr. Abdul Kalam

President Dr. Abdul Kalam said: “In 3000 years of our history, people from all over the world have come and invaded us, captured our lands conquered our minds. From Alexander onwards, the Greeks, the Portuguese, the Mughals, the British, the French, the Dutch, all of them came and looted us, took over what was ours. Yet we have not done this to any other nation. We have not conquered anyone. We have not grabbed their land, their culture, their history, and tried to enforce our way of life on them. Why? Because we respect the freedom of others.”

There are more than 560 verses in the Quran that make you a kafir to be sacrificed. Your Gods will be desecrated, your Temples will be destroyed, your throat will be slit for refusing to convert to Islam.

Hindu politicians Must be equipped with Quran and how Hinduism is portrayed

Hindu politicians must have a moral responsibility to protect their Mother India, and Sanatana Dharma. Hindus never invaded any country to start a caliphate like Muslims. Hindus never imposed their values on others like Muslims, invaded and tortured people of other countries.  Our future is in danger. Our children, grandchildren, and your relatives and friends will face even greater danger. A one-minute glance at the globe will reveal that there are more than 50 Islamic countries where Hindus have no rights even to carry their own God’s picture in some countries. Do you see any Hindu country on this planet? Do you as a Hindu politician want to abet them for your name, power, and money ignoring the majority Hindus’ philosophy of ahimsa?

Hindu religion and Islamic religion are totally different. Hinduism stands for non-violence.  Their beliefs are different, their manners are different, their God is different, their prayers are different, their scripture is different, their views toward Hindu Gods are different, and their mission is different. They despise Hinduism, desecrate Hindu Gods, destroy Hindu Temples, vowed to convert India into an Islamic Country, swore to kill Hindus in few minutes without police interference, and promised to wage Jihad against Hindus.

Hindu politicians must be cognizant of:

  1. What the Quran says about Idol Worshippers and Kafirs.
  2. The demands for Islamic State.
  3. Sharia law.
  4. Different types of Jihad
  5. Fatwas.

Every individual will be subjected to this ideology because the Quran demands of them to inflict untold misery on non-believers.

In August 1941, Muhammad Al Jinnah said while describing the distinctive feature of the Islamic state, “there is a special feature of the Islamic state which must not be overlooked.

Idol worshippers

[31:13] Recall that Luqmaan said to his son, as he enlightened him, “O my son, do not set up any idols beside God; idolatry is a gross injustice.”

[12:106] The majority of those who believe in God does not do so without committing idol worship.

[4:48] God does not forgive idolatry, but He forgives lesser offenses for whomever He wills. Anyone who sets up idols beside God has forged a horrendous offense.

[4:116] GOD does not forgive idol worship (if maintained until death), and He forgives lesser offenses for whomever He wills. Anyone who idolizes any idol beside God has strayed far astray.

[39:65] It has been revealed to you, and to those before you that if you ever commit idol worship, all your works will be nullified, and you will be with the losers.

[72:18] The places of worship belong to God; do not call on anyone else besides God.

Idolaters are unclean just because they are an idolater

9.28: O you who believe! The idolaters are nothing but unclean, so they shall not approach the Sacred Mosque after this year, and if you fear poverty then Allah will enrich you out of His grace if He pleases; surely Allah is Knowing Wise.

Forcing non-believers to pay tax

9.29: Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Apostle have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.

2.62, 5.69: All except Muslims/Jews/Christians/Sabians will go to hell

Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the last day and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor shall they grieve.

Smite the neck and cut fingertips of unbelievers

8.12: When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore, strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.

Smite the neck of unbelievers

47.4: So when you meet in battle those who disbelieve, then smite the necks until when you have overcome them, then make (them) prisoners, and afterward either set them free as a favor or let them ransom (themselves) until the war terminates. That (shall be so); and if Allah had pleased He would certainly have exacted what is due from them, but that He may try some of you by means of others; and (as for) those who are slain in the way of Allah, He will by no means allow their deeds to perish.

Although the idea of creating a separate Pakistan was put forth by Sir Sayed Ahmed Khan, Mohamud Iqbal, Choudhary Rahmat Ali, and others from the 1930s, it was solidified by Muhammad Ali Jinnah who vehemently insisted on breaking India on religious lines.

Demand for Islamic State

In hindsight, anyone acquainted with the partition of India would agree that the struggle for separate Pakistan was solely based on religious terms. In August 1941, Muhammad Al Jinnah said while describing the distinctive feature of the Islamic state, “there is a special feature of the Islamic state which must not be overlooked. There, obedience is due to God and God alone, which takes practical shape in the observance of the Quranic principles and commands. In Islam, obedience is due neither to a king, nor to a parliament, nor to any other organization. It is the Quranic provisions which determine the limits of our freedom and restrictions in political and social spheres. In other words, the Islamic State is an agency for enforcement of the Quranic principles and injunctions.”

He also stated, “There is no other way but to divide India. Give Muslims their homeland and give Hindus Hindustan.” Although the idea of creating a separate Pakistan was put forth by Sir Sayed Ahmed Khan, Mohamud Iqbal, Choudhary Rahmat Ali, and others from the 1930s, it was solidified by Muhammad Ali Jinnah who vehemently insisted on breaking India on religious lines.

Iqbal explained to Jinnah his vision of a separate Muslim state in a letter sent on 21 June 1937: “A separate federation of Muslim Provinces, reformed on the lines I have suggested above, is the only course by which we can secure a peaceful India and save Muslims from the domination of non-Muslims. Why should not the Muslims of North-West India and Bengal be considered as nations entitled to self-determination just as other nations in India and outside India are?”

In 1939, a Hyderabad-born Abul Ala Maududi wrote in “Jihad in the Way of Allah,” that Islam was not a “hotchpotch of beliefs, prayers, and rituals”. Instead, it was “a revolutionary ideology which seeks to alter the social order of the entire world and rebuild it in conformity with its own (Islamic) tenets”. He concluded, “if the Muslim Party commands enough resources, it will eliminate un-Islamic governments and establish the power of Islamic government in their place.”

The Indian wing of the Jama’at-e-Islami asserts that all men “should refuse to acknowledge as valid all those allegiances which are not subservient to the allegiance of the one Allah and his Law”—presumably including the Indian state republic.

In an interview with journalist Beverley Nichols, Jinnah said, “In all these things, our outlook is not only fundamentally different but also opposed to Hindus. There is nothing in life that links us together. Our names, clothes, food, festivals, and rituals, all are different. Our economic life, our educational ideas, treatment of women, attitude towards animals, and humanitarian considerations, all are very different.”

Because of Jinnah’s insistence and relentless argument for the separation of India into two nations, and his desire to be the Prime Minister, Sardar Patel realized there would be more tortures and more bloodshed flooding the Indian soil if separation is not granted. By early 1947, Patel started justifying the partition by saying, “In this way alone could we end the quarrel between Hindus and Muslims … if two brothers cannot stay together, they divide. After their separation, with their respective shares, they become friends. If, on the other hand, they are forced to stay together they tend to fight every day.”

“Pakistan was founded because the Muslims of the subcontinent wanted to build up their lives in accordance with the teachings and traditions of Islam because they wanted to demonstrate to the world that Islam provides a panacea to the many diseases which have crept into the life of humanity today.’ Liaquat Ali Khan.

Since there was a popular demand from all the religious leaders to change the Constitution to reflect the Islamization of Pakistan, the following Article 2A is inserted in the Constitution: “The Muslims shall be enabled to order their lives in their individual and collective spheres in accordance with the teachings and requirements of Islam.” The Constitution of Pakistan, part IX, article 227 says “All existing laws shall be brought in conformity with the injunctions of Islam as laid down in the Quran and Sunnah, in this Part referred to as the injunctions of Islam, and no law shall be enacted which is repugnant to such injunctions.”

All across the globe, Muslims have been openly declaring death to the countries they live in and also announce that Islam will dominate, implement sharia law, and kneel the other religious people to Allah. Few minutes of watching TV these days one cannot escape looking at the signs and banners by hundreds and thousands of Muslims such as “freedom can go to hell”, “Islam will dominate the world,” and “Shariah law – the true solution”, “death to democracy”, “Islam is coming to Denmark”, “Islam is coming to America”, “behead those who insult Islam”, as well as many other similar tag lines. They do not respect the majority of views and take advantage of the freedom of speech to over through the country that hosted them.

In Washington, DC, there is a group known as As-Sabiqun, and its leader is Imam Abdul Alim Musa. Its plans and goals are those of most Muslims across the globe. Their goal is to see that Islam will be able to control all human beings on Earth. Their mission is to make everybody submit to Islam, true to its real meaning. They passed some resolutions reflecting their commitment to dominate the world:

“We resolve to shape the ideas, beliefs, and moral viewpoints of the people into an Islamic mold. Toward this end we will, insha’Allah, develop the comprehensive educational system that is necessary to inform, inspire, and direct the society toward Islamic revolution (or evolution).”
“We resolve to utilize all the tools of Islam to develop an analysis and plan of action to totally and completely obliterate the hold of jahiliyyah and enable Islam to take complete control of our lives,
and ultimately, the lives of all human beings on Earth.”

Kamlesh Tiwari was arrested for saying Allah was homosexual. However, no action is taken against Muslim speakers who are criticizing Hindu practices of worship.

As late as January 31, 2016, Tamil Nadu Thowheed Jamath (TNTJ) vowed to end Idol worship and Hindu practices and all others which are not according to ‘real Islam’. ISIS-like organizations are sprouting all across the country. Anti-Shirk conference declared that it is a sin to worship idols, and they should be destroyed. All the speakers pledged to enforce Sharia law across India. They said they will use three weapons to destroy Hinduism: Shirk, Sharia, and Jihad. Since the idol worship is against Islam, they said it should be banned. They even posted many banners criticizing Idol worship near many Hindu Temples. Nobody was charged with creating disharmony in the community. Kamlesh Tiwari was arrested for saying Allah was homosexual. However, no action is taken against Muslim speakers who are criticizing Hindu practices of worship. Hindu days are numbered. It is a matter of a decade or less before Islam starts destroying the Temples, rampaging the Villages, raping the women, torturing Hindus, and start forcing Hindus to convert to Islam or start killing Hindus.

So-called intellectuals, artists, scientists, communists, secularists, and cine artists have no comments and willfully hiding from the scene to criticize this anti-Shirk conference. The media will not talk about the growing threat to Bharath. All these are bought of Islamic Countries who may have paid them to shut their mouths.

 In Islam, shirk (Arabic term) is the sin of practicing idolatry or polytheism, i.e. the deification or worship of anyone or anything other than the singular God i.e. Allah. Literally, it means ascribing or the establishment of “partners” placed beside God. It is the vice that is opposed to the virtue of Tawhid (monotheism).

To be continued…


  1. The views expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of PGurus.


The previous part of the article can be accessed below link:



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