Ugravaadam Song - sung by Dr Ghazal Srinivas.- lyrics Kottagudem Rajesh

27 Feb 2013 2624 Views

"Slay them wherever you find them...Idolatry is worse than carnage...Fight against them until idolatry is no more and God's religion reigns supreme." (Surah 2:190-)

This is a powerful song sung by Dr. Ghazal Srinivas following the Hyderabad blast that took the lives of 18 people and injured more than 150 people.
       It is a shameful act, inhuman. Song laments on the atrocities of the terrorist acts on the innocent people as to what did these victims do to experience the senseless act.What kind of sinful acts they have committed to face this kind of punishment.  What kind of religion that teaches to kill the lives of people, and nip the buds that were to flower.  Why do have to resort to the sword to stab the people. Why Bharath is being strangled. People are not going to remain silent. The time is coming where they will rise to the occasion to face these merciless acts. We will rise from the area where the destruction took place. 
        Lyrics for the song was written by Rajesh Kottagudem.
         HINDUS WAKE UP. DON,T BE A VICTIM.  You have to rally to eliminate this menace.   
         Click on the link to listen to the song.    




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