“Bhaarat Today,” a new Telugu channel was launched in India and USA
[GHHF] “Bhaarat Today,” a new Telugu channel was launched in India and USA with a different mission and a new vision?
Please visit the website of the new channel. Bhaarattoday.com

Similarly, Rishi Kanada in Vasishika Sutras defined the concept dharma: “That which leads to the attainment of Abhyudaya (prosperity in this world) and Nihsreyasa (total cessation of pain and attainment of eternal bliss hereafter) is Dharma.” Even Prahalada in Bhagavata Purna enumerated the essence of dharma, "May there be peace in the whole world. May the wicked become peaceful and gentle! Let all people pray with their hearts for peace and mutual wellbeing. May our minds resort only to that which is auspicious and good! May our thought be fixed on Lord Vishnu without any selfish motive!"
All Hindu scriptures admonishes us to follow the dharmic path that brings harmony in thought, word and deed. It is the prime responsibility of every individual to discharge is responsibility to the universal wellbeing. Dharma is to promote and protect world peace, transformation of hearts, mitigate the harmful activities, stimulate noble thoughts and rise above the selfishness. Thus we often repeat the universal prayer: Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitaha. That means, “Dharma protects those who protect it!”
Dharma is the panacea for all the ills of the society, problems in the natural world, problems in the climate and imbalance in the cosmos. Selfishness and religious beliefs in the domination of the world are causing havoc to universal wellbeing. Nishkama karma is the ideal where nobody will take advantage of other’s predicament. Superior are the men who sacrifice their life for others and demons are the ones who exploit others.
Persons who render selfless service to other human beings are the greatest.
Persons who carry on their profession, avocation or business with self interest,
but without exploiting and causing any injury to those who deal with them are good.
But those who give trouble to or exploit others in utter selfishness are demons in human form. — Nitishataka 75
How to make Bhaarat Today as a Dharmic New Channel
With all the existing TV channels competing to outdo the others in appeasing the minorities, embracing the secular concept without ever defining it, stabbing their own motherland, stripping her of all moral and ethical principles, remain silent on the source of terror and torture, never questioning the takeover of the Hindu Temples by the government, hardly discussing the disappearance of Hindus in Pakistan, and criticizing the Hindu festivals there is a great opportunity for the new channel BHAARAT TODAY to take the high road to follow the dharmic path to make sure it will support the measures that sustain, integrate and harmonize the cosmos.
Following are some of the recommendations to Bhaarat Today that would help the country to restore its past glory and give equal freedom to all individuals irrespective of their religion and caste, and stop the demonization of one religion by the other religions.
- It is time to question the unquestionable, challenge the adharmic principles that have permeated the veins of Bharat and work toward the establishment of Ramarajya where dharma will reign supreme.
- It is time to demand the Endowment Department to account for all the temple lands as to how many acres were sold at what price, and how many acres were encroached; and what action the department is taking to recover lands and whether any acres of lands were recovered. Also demand the proper accounting of Temple jewelry, the upkeep of the structures of Temples, Rajagopurams etc.
- It is time to challenge the officials to define the concept “secular,” failing which demand the change in the constitution from secular to sacred. Scrap all the activities and programs developed over the years that lead to marginalization of majority population through such measures as minority reservations, article 370, minority colleges that exclude the majority population.
- It is time to go back to the roots of dharma found in ancient scriptures such as Vedas, Upanishads, Dharma Sastras, Niti Sastras, Ramayana, Mahabharata and others that dealt with cosmic order, universal wellbeing, and integration of all elements of the globe. Hindus should study and appreciate the depth of Vedic knowledge to lift them from their ignorance. It is appropriate to remember the words of German Indologist Albrecht Weber, "The entire weight of the religious and cultural structure of contemporary India appears to rest on the Vedas. As soon as they are unveiled from the mysterious darkness surrounding them till now, and made accessible to all, all the untruths shall be automatically revealed, and this shall, in time, put an end to the sorry plight of religious decadence in India."
It is time to highlight the scientific, logical, rational and objective measures found in ancient scriptures and demand the scientific explanations for all the activities. Our rishis’ minds were highly scientific, their imagination was extraordinary and their thoughts were astonishing. They have dissected every nook and corner of the cosmos.
- It is time to introduce Sanskrit in all the educational institutions allowing the formative minds to expand and explores the dharmic framework of the universe, revise the curriculum that has created Maccauley’s children, and create pride in the richness of our scriptures that have addressed every conceivable topic connected with the universe. Let us remember the words of Swami Vivekananda to realize the importance of learning the Sanskrit language, a treasure to be inherited: “The very sound of Sanskrit words give a prestige and a power and a strength to the race. Sanskrit and prestige go together in India. As soon as you have that, none dares say anything against you. That is the one secret; take that up.”
- It is time to champion the cause of changing the name of India to Bharat that is loaded with rich history and glorious past.
- It is time to demand Bharat be declared as a Hindu nation and question those who oppose the move as to why they do not demand all the Muslim countries to be declared as secular countries.
- It is time to challenge the so called experts on Hinduism, Hindu festivals, Hindu scriptures and Hindu customs. It is time to question their views and demand their explanations and their so called expertise. We need to openly challenge them for their views or demand their apology for their insensitive remarks.
- It is time to demand the government to severe the diplomatic relations with countries that deny Hindus to practice their faith, to read their scriptures, to worship their Gods, and even to carry the photos of their chosen Gods.
It is time to demand the government to investigate the countries such as Pakistan and Bangladesh as to why the Hindu population is declined to near zero from near 20 percent in Pakistan and to below six percent from about 25 percent in Bangladesh.
- It is time to investigate the Hindu holocaust in the hands of Muslims over a period of nearly eight centuries, and the atrocities the Muslims have inflicted on Hindus. Hindus should never forget their forefathers who sacrificed their lives for the present generation to enjoy. As Will Durant observed that “The Mohammedan Conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history.” Hindus need to take measures to make sure the history is not repeated.
- It is time to investigate as to why majority of Hindus get converted to Christianity who were admitted into minority Christian colleges. It is time to expose the deceptive techniques Christians use to convert the innocent people and allurements provided to the students to give admissions in the colleges. Let us remember the words of Friedrich Nietzsche: “A certain sense of cruelty towards oneself and others is Christian; hatred of those, who think differently; the will to persecute. Hatred of mind, of pride, courage, freedom, libertinage of mind, is Christian; hatred of the sense, of the joy of the senses, of joy in general is Christian.”

Please visit the website of the new channel.
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