GHHF Against The Biggest Human Rights Violation By Shishir Katote

20 Mar 2024 379 Views

Imagine a boy dating with a girl for 5 years, spending money on her, hoping one day they will get married. On one unfortunate day, he happens to know that she was already married and he was being taken for a ride. What will be your reaction if that boy is your close friend or brother? Surely you will be furious for she wasted his 5 years for no reason.

This is not the story of any particular person. This is the story of each and every Hindu, except in real, it is much more harsh, atrocious and pernicious.

We will think about asking for a justification to this girl who wasted 5 years of a person who you love. But we always tend to forget the bigger criminals.

I am speaking about Indian Education System, that is built to make sure that you wonder if your Hindu ancestors were clowns who believed that a monkey could jump from India to Srilanka. This is the same system that makes us feel that the root cause of all problems in our country is Hinduism. We think that it is the Vedic culture that made us susceptible to the foreign invasion and is the precursor for the pathetic situation of each and every Indian working on the construction sites at the temperatures of 45 degree.

This misinformation is only the tiniest outcome of the hazardous education system in Bharat. But if so, what is the biggest disservice that this system has done to our holy land?

This disservice is “Destroying the fundamental human right of each and every Hindu, the right to attain moksha”. And this is the Greatest Human Rights Violation ever. Because it forces us to deviate from the true spiritualism, which only comes from Vedic culture, offering moksha at the end of it, the freedom from pain and miseries, and unending cycle of birth, old age, disease and death.

In the above example, you agree that wasting 5 precious years of someone’s life is immoral, unethical and despicable. But what about wasting whole lives of all the Hindus, from the moment of birth to the death, when the purpose of a human life is to attain moksha?


According to me, the Indian Education is still playing a secondary role in this Hindu Human Right’s Violation. Because the primary role is being played by the missionaries, who are openly, either by force or by coaxing or by brainwashing, are converting poor and innocent Hindus into a follower of an abrahmic religion that has no facility to attain moksha.

The problem is that even most of the awakened Hindus speak only about survival. But the question is, if survival is the only thing, how Hinduism is different than the abrahmic cultures? Because if you get converted, still you are left with an option to survive, even if it is by giving up Hinduism. So, survival surely is an important factor. But the more important thing is what to do after surviving!

For this reason, I am in the favor of organizations, such as Global Hindu Heritage Foundation, which is not only working towards bringing back the lost people to Hinduism, but also, through Bala Samskara Kendras, getting them firmly established in the fundamental principles of Hinduism. They have more than 200 centers in Bharat, which are silently working towards the upliftment of Hindu society, without asking donations from the Indian Hindus, but by collecting those from the non Indian Hindus and channeling these funds for the betterment of only Bharat and its Hindus.

We know that the Hinduism exists in two forms. Gross and subtle. While the subtle form has been preserved through these Bala Samskara Kendras, where all the education to lead a Hindu lifestyle leading to moksha is being provided, we should not forget that the same Hindusm also exists in the gross form via temples. In other words, different ancient temples are the external organs of Hinduism and the philosophy taught in the Bala Samskara Kendras is the brain of Hinduism, which programs the whole community in a way that it becomes resistant to more conversions and helps it thrive under the most unfavorable conditions.

Why am I mentioning the organization like Global Hindu Heritage Foundation here is because most of the Hindu organizations are still not aware of the importance of this internal programming?

The importance of internal or intellectual programming of young children through Bala Samskara Kendras is explained in the verse below by Acharya Chanakya:

शस्त्रैर्हता न हि हता रिपवो भवन्ति
प्रज्ञा-हतास्तु रिपवः सुहता भवन्ति ।
शस्त्रं निहन्ति पुरुषस्य शरीरमेकं
प्रज्ञा कुलं च विभवश्च यशश्च हन्ति ॥

In simple words, an enemy destroyed by a physical weapon doesn’t actually get destroyed. Only when you destroy the intellect of any enemy, he becomes destroyed for real. Because a physical weapon kills only physical bodies of few enemies. But if the intelligence of any enemy is destroyed, it destroys its generations, glory, self-respect and prosperity.


We Didn’t Listen To Him!

It is very true that despite the departure of Britishers, we are today nothing but brown skinned third class Britishers. Because as the verse above explains, they have stolen and rotten our intelligence and programmed it to believe that anything pertinent to Hinduism is the root cause of all evils in our nation. Hence, even if they manage to survive the onslaught of abrahmic missionaries, we don’t have any shraddha in our own dharma. We don’t know what the actual need for remaining a Hindu is. Only here, the importance of saving temples and reprogramming intellect comes into picture, which the GHHF is doing via Save Temples movement and Bala Samskara Kendras.

In short, the GHHF is working against the Greatest Human Rights Violation that is being performed against Hindus, which is being ignored by the organizations like United Nations, Human Rights Watch etc.

We get an opportunity to become a human being after taking birth in the 8.4 million species. Consider how fortunate we are to take birth in the land of Bharat, which is the only place that offers an escape from this cycle. But how unfortunate will we be, if we are born as a Hindu but are enticed into a culture that doesn’t offer any such rescue.

Despite working underground 24/7 without any expectations, the media is consistently targeting the organizations like GHHF. It is the duty of each and every Hindu to help such organizations protect themselves and flourish.

I hope this article helps Hindus understand the importance of GHHF and other organizations and a brings about some action in real.

- Shishir Katot


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