[GHHF] Bala Samskar Kendras – Taught about the contribution of Sister Nivedita to India with respect to Politics and Hinduism and her association with Gurus.

29 Oct 2022 685 Views

Sister Nivedita (1867-1911)
She talked about the task before India. "We must create a history of India in living terms. The history of India has yet to be written for the first time. It has to be humanized, emotionalized, made the trumpet-voice and evangel of the race that inhabit India.”

Global Hindu Heritage is very happy to inform that we started about 150 Bala Samskar Kendras in five States in India – Assam, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu - to teach about the richness of Hinduism, Hindu festivals, Hindu ethos, Hindu History, and culture and traditions. Sri Rajesh is a very active member in the community championing the Hindu Values not only to the children but also actively involved in making the Hindus proud of their culture.

Our Children are taught about the richness of our culture by teaching about various scriptures and the timeless wisdom found in them.  Our students will learn how Hindus conceive the abstract concept of God, their features, physical features and the divine qualities. We talk about the characteristics of Lord Rama, the attributes and his behavior and the qualities that we can emulate. Many of our Gods are incarnated at different times and we try to explain about different Avataras and the purpose of incarnating at a particular time.

What is Bala Samskar?
Our children are our strength. They are our future. They are going to be our Ambassadors to Hindu Dharma in preserving, protecting, and propagating our ancient civilization. For centuries, we as Hindus failed to transmit the knowledge to the next generations. With no knowledge about our faith and with no pride in the universality and non-violence of Sanatana Dharma, our children, as well as adults, have become targets for Christians to convert. They have used a plethora of deceptive tactics to woo our Hindus to Christianity as we are not able to defend our religion and also not able to question the barbaric nature of the Bible. We have become defenseless and not equipped with any knowledge about our heritage.

Margaret E Noble was born on 28 Oct 1867 in Ireland and died on 13 Oct 1911 as the age of 43 years in Darjeeling, West Bengal. On her memorial these words are mentioned, "Here reposes Sister Nivedita who gave her all to India". When she met Swami Vivekananda in England, she decided to get converted to Hinduism with a name as Sister Nivedita

Swami Vivekananda could foresee her future role in India and narrated to her the pitiable condition of the women in India. He was a great visionary of India and his thoughts were based on 'look forward' visions. Presently, condition of women is in progress. In comparison, conditions are same in proportionate to the growth of population. To improve upon the condition of women under the British rule, she was chosen for the role of educating Indian women.

Swamiji wanted that under her care, the women of India specially in Calcutta be looked after to improve upon their health and education. She did kept her Guru's wishes. She organized and opened a girls' school in Bagbazar area of Calcutta, with a desire in mind to educate girls. Her dedication was so much for a cause that she used to visit the houses to pursue the girls to join her school. Sister Nivedita always tried to educate her students with the nationalist spirit. She introduced singing of 'Vande Màtaram' in her school as a prayer. 

Her house in Calcutta was a centre of cultural activity. Freedom fighter like Aurobindo Ghose, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Balagangadhar Tilak, Rabindranath Tagore, Jagadish Chandra Bose and his wife often visited her house. Topic of discussion was on philosophy and politics under British rule. Later on, she took up the cause of Indian independence. She was opposed to brutality of British rule.  She wished that India should gain independence from British to prosper. She devoted wholeheartedly to the cause of Indian Independent.
Rabindranath Tagore said: "In the day of his success, Jagadish gained an invaluable energizer and helper in Sister Nivedita, and in any record of his life’s work her name must be given a place of honor."

In the chapter on the Bhagavad Gita, she writes: "The book is nowhere a call to leave the world, but everywhere an interpretation of common life as the path to that which lies beyond. "Better for a man is his own duty, however, badly done than the duty of another, though that be easy. "Holding gain and loss as one, prepare for battle." That the man who throws away his weapons, and permits himself to be slain, unresisting in the battle, is not the hero of religion, but a sluggard and a coward; that the true seer is he who carries his vision into action, regardless of the consequences to himself; this is the doctrine of the "Gita" repeated again and again....Not the withdrawn, but the transfigured life, radiant, with power and energy, triumphant in its selflessness, is religion. "Arise!" thunders the voice of Sri Krishna, "and be thou an apparent cause!"

  Sister Nivedita realized that India's unrivalled, integrating culture that had spread from the Himalayas in the North to Kanyakumari in the South was due to this closeness with the ancient epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, a closeness that had been attacked and almost severed by Colonial style of education: "These two great works form together the outstanding educational agencies of Indian life.

Nivedita had emphatically declared,
“If the whole India could agree to give say ten minutes very evening, at the oncoming darkness, to thinking a single thought – We are one. We are one. Nothing can prevail against us to make us think we are divided. For we are one and all the antagonisms amongst us are illusions – The power that would be generated can hardly be measured.”

Her writings like the Master As i saw him, Kali the Mother, The Web of Indian life, Cradle tales of Hinduism, Footfalls of Indian history, Civic ideal and Indian nationality and Hints on national education in India and her several letters to friends and devotees all reverberate the voice of the sages and seers of ancient India. Her writings on Indian art gave a new direction and sense of purpose to the artistes of modern period like Rabindranath Tagore. In the educational field, her contribution was unique in that she gave for the first time a practical system harmoniously bleeding the ancient spiritual and cultural values with modern scientific outlook.

We appreciate it if you can help in hiring more people who can go to these villages to do Ghar Waapasi. We have employed 26 people so far. More people we hire, more villages can be covered to welcome them back and also create Chaitanya (Awareness) among the students and villagers. Also, we are conducting 150 Bala Kendras in five States. Support one or more Kendras.
1) Sponsor one Bala Samskar Kendra for $1000.00
2) Sponsor one Pracharak: In order to expand our base and hire one Pracharak, it would cost approximately $3000.00 - $3500.00 per year. We have five anonymous donors who sponsored 9 Pracharaks
PayPal Method: To donate visit our website: savetemples.org. Click on the Donate button, then press the Purpose category, and select the General Donation category.
By Check: Or you can send a check payable to: GHHF, . It is tax-deductible.
By Zelle: ghhfusaorg@gmail.com
By Rupees, please contact us by either phone or email.
For more information, call Prakasarao V Velagapudi ; Email: ghhfusaorg@gmail.com


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