[GHHF] Annadanam Packets were distributed to the low-income families in East Godavari District in celebration of Sankranti festival.

16 Jan 2024 844 Views

On this festive occasion of Makara Sankranti, Global Hindu Heritage Foundation wants to ensure the local low-income families will be able to celebrate this auspicious festival. It was decided that we distributed about eight food items to the needy families. Sri Kollu Srinivas Raju, one of our active Pracharaks went to these villages and helped distribute these packets to the needy.
Significance Of Makar Sankranti
In India, festivals are celebrated based on the seasonal changes. Sankrant is celebrated as new crops are harvested and brought home. According to Hinduism, the northward journey of the sun (Uttarayan) begins on this day. The Sun enters the sign of Makara or Capricorn. In many States, the crops harvested around this time include paddy, sesame seeds etc. It is also customary to distribute sweets among family members and friends. 

Why Annadanam?
As per Vedas, “Annadanam Samam Danam Trilokeshu Na Vidhathe” meaning Annadanam is supreme, and it cannot be compared to any other charity. Our tradition pronounces that one who does annadanam attains Punya Loka (heaven). In fact, the whole creation depends on food. Taittireya Upanishad says “Annam vai Pranaha”, that means All life force comes from food. In Bhagavad Gita, Sri Krishna declares, “Annad bhavanti bhutani.”  That means all beings evolved from food.  Our scriptures talk about “Daridra Narayana” - God dwells in the poor person.
“Gaja turaga Sahasram Gokulam koti danam, Kanaka Rajatha patram Methini sagarantham
Upaya kula vishuttam Koti kanya pradanam, Nahi nahi bahu danam Annadanam samanam”
MEANING: Donating 1000 elephants & horses, donating 10 million cows, donating any number of vessels of silver and gold, donating the entire land till sea, offering the entire services of the clan, helping in the marriage of 10 million women, all this is never ever equal to Annadanam, the feeding of hungry and needy.
Annadanam, offering food to the needy and the visiting guests in many Ashrams, is a common practice for thousands of years. More importance is given to providing meals to the people who are hungry. Providing meals at many Hindu Temples and Ashrams is an old custom.  Our Temples provide Naivedyam to Gods on a regular basis as we believe the presence of Paramatma/God in the installed Deities. Similarly, we believe there is a divinity in all the creatures – humans as well as non-human. Sharing food is considered the sacred duty in Hindu culture. On almost all the festivals, the organizers provide meals. Thus, annadanam is given the highest importance because of our belief that God lives as Atman in each one of us.
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By Rupees: call 601-918-711; +91 83096 43979.


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