[GHHF] Bala Samskar Kendras – Celebrated Rathasaptami by learning the importance of and performing Surya Namaskar. 

20 Feb 2024 426 Views

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation is very happy to introduce Surya Namaskar to our children ever since we started our Bala Samskar Kendras. It is part of our syllabus that requires all the teachers to practice all 12 steps of Surya Namaskaras every Sunday. 
Ratha Saptami is a Hindu festival that falls on the seventh day in the bright half of the Hindu month Magha. It is symbolically represented in the form of the sun-God Surya turning his chariot (ratha) drawn by seven horses towards the northern hemisphere, in a north-easternly direction.
Rituals and prayers are offered to the Sun God, Surya on this day. The vent is also connected with worship of Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Vishnu.  In general, this day is celebrated by worshipping Lord Surya as it is believed that he was born on this day. According to the legends, it is believed that by making donations on the eve of this occasion, the devotees get rid of their sins and illness are also bestowed with longevity, prosperity and good health.
    The importance of Ratha Saptami is narrated in two different legends we find in the literature: 
Ratha Saptami Story 1
A King named Yashovarma of the Kamboj Empire did not have a son to inherit his throne. After performing a lot of yagnas and worshiping, the King was blessed with a son. However, the child was born with a terminal illness, and the King & Queen, disheartened, did not know what to do. A sage, during that course of time, visited the King's palace. After learning about the King's son, the sage asked the King to ask his son to perform the Rathasapthami puja and request Surya dev to heal his disease. On the following Rathasapthami, the son chanted the Ratha Saptami Mantra and performed the Rathasapthami puja as asked by the sage. Miraculously, he was healed and grew up to be a great ruler and a good King. 
Ratha Saptami Story 2
Durvasa Muni, the sage known for his anger and curse, once visited Lord Krishna. Durvasa Muni was performing strict penance then. Lord Krishna's son, Shambh, was very strong and had a fit body. Shambh mocked the weak body of the Muni, angered at which he cursed him to develop leprosy. Lord Krishna, looking at his son's not-getting-better condition, asked him to worship Surya Dev. Shambh started chanting Ratha Saptami Mantra, performed the puja with immense devotion, and observed fast. Pleased by his devotion, Surya Dev healed him of leprosy and made him fit again.
Ratha Saptami Puja
On this occasion many people perform Puja to Suryadevara. Benefits of performing Rathasapatami Puja:
It benefits the mental, physical and emotional health of an individual.
Favorable for couples who wish to have a son.
Heals any kind of diseases and ailments, mainly eye or skin problems. It also grants good health by boosting immunity and increasing blood circulation.
Provides the devotees with a dynamic personality by giving them confidence, power, and energy.
Dissolving the sins of this life and the past, performing this puja liberates the soul from the cycle of life and death.
Success, wisdom, name, fame, wealth, victory in challenges - performing this puja can benefit immensely.
Brings peace, helps in progressing one's spiritual journey, gives clarity, reduces tensions and anxieties, and keeps one away from negative energies.  (Source: Anytime Astro website)
Surya Namaskaras
    All Bala Samskara Kendras in six different States in Bharat have performed Surya Namaskaras. It is performed through 12 spinal poses, which puts deep emphasis on breathing prominently. It is one of the most practiced Surya Namaskar styles and possibly the easiest one.
Surya Namaskar starts with Pranamasana (Prayer Pose), followed by Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arm Pose), then Hasta Padasana (Hand to Foot Pose), Parvatasana (Mountain Pose), Ashtanga Namaskara (Eight Limbed Pose), Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), then again Parvatasana (Mountain Pose), Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose), Hasta padasana, Hasta Uttarasana, Pranamasana. 
Benefits of doing Surya Namaskar
1)    It helps to lose weight.
2)    It improves blood circulation and firms up the skin.
3)    It helps to maintain a healthy body.
4)    It lowers blood sugar level.
5)    It improves breathing.
6)    It calms the mind and helps enhance sleeping patterns.
7)     It improves concentration.
8)    It enhances memory power.
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By Rupees: call 601-918-7111; +91 83096 43979.


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