[GHHF] Bala Samskar Kendras Celebrated Ugadi – Attended Temples, Wore New Clothes, and Touched their Parent’s Feet.

04 Apr 2022 1145 Views

Dr. Ananda K Coomaraswamy (1877-1947)

"Hindus have grasped more firmly than others the fundamental meaning and purpose of life, and more deliberately than others organized society with a view to the attainment of the fruit of life; and this organization was designed, not for the advantage of a single class, but, to use a modern formula, to  take from each according to his capacity, and to give to each according to his needs." 

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation has started Bala Samskar Kendras program about six months ago. We started with about 25 Kendras in the beginning and now we are conducting These Centers in more than 125 locations/villages.

Why did Bala Samskar Kendras Start?
Our children are our strength. They are our future. They are going to be our Ambassadors to Hindu Dharma in preserving, protecting, and propagating our ancient civilization. For centuries, we as Hindus failed to transmit the knowledge to the next generations. With no knowledge about our faith and with no pride in the universality and non-violence of Sanatana Dharma, our children, as well as adults, have become targets for Christians to convert. They have used a plethora of deceptive tactics to woo our Hindus to Christianity as we are not able to defend our religion and also not able to question the barbaric nature of the Bible. We have become defenseless and not equipped with any knowledge about our heritage.

Bala Samskar Kendras celebrated Ugadi and Observed our age-old Traditions

Many Kendras celebrated Ugadi by taking them to the nearby Temple, attended the puja and ate Ugadi Pachadi. It is believed that Lord Brahma started creation on this day – “Chaitra Suddha Padyami” or Ugadi day. It also heralds the season of spring. On this day families celebrate by decorating the houses with mango leaves and drawing colorful rangoli, They usually get up early in the morning, take bath and wear new clothes. It is like a spring season where one can see the blooming of flowers and yielding of fruits.

               Touching the parents’ feet is an age old tradition to signify the respect Hindus have toward their parents. Our respect is stated in the adage  “Matru Devo Bhava, Pitrudevo Bhava and Acharya Devo Bhava.” It is believed that when a person bows down and touches the feet of their elders, their ego gets suppressed as this gesture indicates respecting the age, experience, achievements, and wisdom of the person whose feet are being touched. The elder person then, in turn, blesses the person touching their feet.

Ugadi Pachadi is a special preparation prepared in every Andhra home on Telugu New Year’s Day. It is made with fresh tamarind, jaggery(panela), fresh mangoes, and neem flowers (margosa). One can add sugarcane, coconut, and bananas also. The sweetness of jaggery, the sourness of tamarind, the bitterness of neem flower and the pungent flavor of the green mango skin, spice of the Chilli powder, raw tender mango taste and lastly salt form the shadruchulu or six tastes.

               We should teach our children about its scientific discoveries in all scientific fields – mathematics, algebra, physics, asthmatics, computer science, dentistry, surgery, Ayurveda, yoga and meditation, and spirituality. We will try to teach our kids the science behind every aspect of our lives – customs and traditions handed down for millennials. Swami Chinmayananda stated,  “The true Hinduism is a science of perfection. There is, in this true Hinduism, a solution to every individual, social, national, and international problem. True Hinduism is the Sanatana Dharma of the Upanishads.”
We also need to teach how Hinduism is different from other religions.

To appreciate our faith and its richness in literature and culture, we need to understand the true nature of Christianity and Islam. Unfortunately,  we are still ill-equipped with the true nature of other religions. Violence, terror, killings, rapes, and destruction are advocated by Christianity and Islam. Hindus are the only ones who say that all religions are the same while the other two Abrahamic religions abhor Hinduism and do not have any respect. Both these religions have committed to wiping out Hinduism from the planet. It is time to realize the potential danger to Hinduism and start getting reacquainted with the richness of our heritage and understand why ahimsa, tolerance, inclusiveness, respect for others, and truth can save humanity from extinction.

What is the Purpose of Starting Bala Samskar Kendras?
Bala Samskar Kendras / Sunday Schools are being planned for two purposes:

1) To teach about the richness and glory of our Sanatana Dharma. Its eternal nature, its scientific advances, depth of knowledge in our scriptures, and its universal appeal to humanity.

2) Also prevent the Christian aggressive missionary threat to Hinduism. Children are lured away by the  Christians bribing them with many unnecessary needs to attract them. They give Chocolates, pens, pencils, and promises of many material things and invite them to Churches and start brainwashing them to believe in their religion, and teach them to hate Hinduism.

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation is planning to start BALA SAMSKAR on Sundays as well as weekdays to impart the richness of Hindu Heritage that enunciated peace, harmony, inclusiveness, self-improvement, and universal welfare. Our Sunday School will discuss contributions Hinduism made in the fields of education, mathematics, astronomy. Arithmetic, quantum mechanics, metallurgy, surgery, medicine, dentistry, infinity, zero. Cosmology, literature, yoga and meditation, and other subjects.

What do we teach in these Kendras?
Some of the topics the teachers may cover in their classes. Depending on the time, they can select as they see fit. Not required to cover all of them in any given class.

1) Chant Om three-time, 2) Ganapathy Prayer. 3) Guru Stotram – Importance. 4) Surya Namaskar. 5) Moral Story. 6) National Heroes who sacrificed their lives for Bharat. 7) Scientific nature of Hinduism and how it is different from the other two religions. Importance and Uniqueness of Hindu Temples. 9) Hindu Customs and Traditions. 10) Gurus of India; 11) Upcoming Hindu Festivals; 12) Stories from Ramayana, Mahabharata, and Puranas. Etc. 13) Teach 1-2 Bhagavad Gita Verses. 14) Teach 1-2 Bhajans. 15) Homework for Children. 16) Hinduism and other religions – Compare; 17) Yoga Postures and Meditation. 18) Visit nearby temples and have Darshan, 19) Expose them with government hatred to Hinduism and how to protect it. 20) Prasadam

Sponsor one or more Schools
We need all the support we can get to expand the number of Bala Samskar Kendras (Centers) to 125 as of April 3, 2022. Sponsor each School for $1200 per year. You can suggest a teacher in your village or neighborhood in India to start Sunday School.

PayPal Method: To donate visit our website: savetemples.org. Click on the Donate button, then press the Purpose category, and select the “Sunday School – Bal Samskar” category.

By Check: Or you can send a check payable to Global Hindu Foundation, . It is tax-deductible.

By Zelle: ghhfusaorg@gmail.com

By Rupees, please contact us by either phone or email.
For more information, call Prakasarao V Velagapudi ; Email: ghhfusaorg@gmail.com


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