GHHF Bala Samskar Kendras – Students learned about Asbhadabhuri Story with a moral “not to Trust anyone in haste.”

13 Aug 2023 732 Views

“He wanted India to remain Indian and continue to demonstrate that a pattern of life rooted in religion and philosophy can also be elegant, graceful and fully satisfying. In India philosophy has been the key in the understanding of concrete life, not a mere intellectual exercise in abstract thought.” Dr. Ananda K Coomaraswamy
Global Hindu Heritage Foundation is extremely happy to inform that we are conducting about 200 Bala Samskar Kendras in five States in India – Assam, Telangana, Andhra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. We have many active Hindus who are helping in different ways to ensure our children are taught about the richness of Sanatana Dharma. Each school teaches different things and at the same time they follow the required syllabus to ensure all the students learn things that are common to all the students. It is challenging as the ages of the students vary from one school to another. This week they are taught about a moral story from Panchatantra.
Once upon a time there was a monk named Devasharma in a village. He is well educated and knows many things. A good lecturer. He used to preach theology to the people from all over the villages. He used to listen to stories of devotees and stories of God. People came in droves to listen to his teachings. They used to offer fruits, fruits and Dakshina tambulas to Devasharma with devotion. Devasharma used to accept those who brought gifts, "Why Naayana, all this, why Mother, you are suffering" and received them with joy. He ate all the fruits and fruits and distributed some as prasad to the devotees. He used to hide the money carefully in his blanket. He always used to sit with that blanket on top.
One day a young man named "Ashadabhuti" found out about this and devised a trick to steal a quilt from the monk. He came to Devasharma and trusted him and joined him as a disciple and started serving with great humility and obedience. After some years, the monk had a lot of faith in the disciple. Wherever he went, he never left the disciple.
One day both the disciples went to a village. They are coming back to their hometown the next day. After going some distance, Ashadabhuti said, "Teacher! What a mischief has been done. One of the broom sticks of the house where we slept at night came from my bag. I didn't notice it there. Look how bad it has been. Isn't the money for the grass like a snake!"
Their elders say that there is no sin than paying for money! If they leave, I will go and give this money to that family." He ran back and spent some time on the way and came back.
Then the teacher praised, "Shishya! Your intellect is admirable. I am truly lucky to have a disciple like you who does not care about other people's money." Meanwhile it was evening. Devasharma handed over his blanket and other equipment to Ashadabhuti for the purpose of performing the Sandhyavandan and said, "Nayana! Please sit here watching him carefully. I will bathe in the pond and finish the Sandhyavandan and come back." Thinking that it was a good time, Ashadabhuti ran away with the blanket.
After some time Devasharma came to the embankment and saw no Ashadabhuti. "Disciple Ashadabhuti! Where are you Nayana? Come quickly Nayana!" He screamed out his throat. No matter how much they screamed and shouted, no trace of the disciple was found. Devasharma was very sad that he trusted the disciple to be good and best and handed over all the money he had hidden for many years to this evil person.
There are traitors like Ashadabhuti in this world. So don't trust anyone in haste. There is one who kicks the head. The story sums up that the wealth accumulated by a greedy person who does not know charity ends up being stolen.
After hearing the above stories from Damanaku, Karataka asked, "These stories are fine! And what do you want to do now?". Any difficult task can be accomplished with a trick. Earlier a crow killed a snake by trickery. I will tell you the story, listen to it and start telling the story.
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