[GHHF] Bala Samskar Kendras – Students learned about morals, ethics and good conduct as narrated in Sumati Satakam.

24 Jun 2023 847 Views

Harvey Cox (1929 -  )
“Whereas in India the soul was free from the beginning to choose what it would, ranging from the dry bread of atheism to the banquets offered by many-colored passionate gods and goddesses, each shadowing forth some different aspect of the One whom in the inmost chambers of her heart India has always adored. Therefore, the spiritual outlook was universal. Each took un rebuked what he needed. The children were at home in the house of their father, while Europe crouched under the lash of a capricious Deity whose ways were beyond all understanding.” 
Global Hindu Heritage Foundation is very happy to inform that our students were taught about Poet Baddena Bhupala and his literary excellence. There is no home in Andhra Pradesh who would not have at least a little book about him or where they have not heard of Sumati Satakam. 
Sumati Satakam book consists of 100 poems. There is a common refrain for all the poems. Sumati means benevolence or one with good intent. The poet Baddena is considered a keen observer if life in general and people in particular. 
The main features of a Telugu Satakamu are: 
• As the name indicates a Satakamu will have one hundred verses, 
• A refrain of one word or one whole line for each verse throughout the sequence, 
• Use of the same meter for all the verses in each Satakamu, 
• Restriction of a Satakamu to a single emotion (godliness, pity, humor, eroticism, etc.), 
• The theme is based on the experience of the poet, and 
• Each verse in the entire sequence is an independent unit in theme and can be read in isolation for its message. 
On the basis of the content, Sumati Satakamu belongs to the sub-category, which deals with morals. This kind of Satakamu has its own features, which are: 
• Morals which have eternal validity
• Morals appropriate to changing conditions and personal values, 
• Morals suitable for family life, and • Morals necessary in politic
 Following are the examples of these poets: 
Sumati, it is better to live in the world ploughing a paddy field with sturdy, fast moving bullocks than serve an arrogant master who doesn’t pay the wages asked and then feel sorry for it. There are bosses who are arrogant and extract work from their workers. They don’t pay fair wages and pay in time. Self-employment like cultivation is better than low-paid jobs.
Sumati, reside in a place where a creditor, a doctor, a perennial stream, and a brahmin (priest) are available. Don’t go to a place where they are not available. Our life would be difficult if we don’t have credit facilities, medical help, uninterrupted water supply, and a priest to perform rituals on various occasions. So, a place with these facilities should be chosen for residence.
Sumati, in this world the food eaten when hungry is nectar, the man who gives without annoyance is a real donor, the person who can put up with difficulties is a man, and the one with courage alone brings fame to the family. A hungry man will not care much for the taste of food. Donating without irritation is noble charity. Adversity tests a person’s character. A courageous man will bring glory to a family.
Sumati, wealth obtained through borrowing, a young wife in old age, a fool’s penance, and a regime which doesn’t recognize the crime of an accused, will cause harm later. Living with pomp on borrowed money, which many people do, will lead to grief. It is just as bad as taking a young wife in old age, praying without conviction, and an unpunished crime. All these should be avoided if you wish to lead a peaceful life.
Sumati, in this world, giving is knowledge, joining a battle is manliness, what good poets praise is talent, quarrel is harmful. The test of knowledge is being generous; manliness is on test in a battle; talent is appreciated by great poets. Quarrel leads to harm. These are matters of common experience and continuing relevance in our strife-ridden world.
Sumati, the writings of one who is not a poet, the love of a woman who is not well-versed in the nine emotions, the skill of a hunter with various weapons who fails to kill a fast-running boar, are all futile. This verse urges expertise and professionalism in whatever we do. A casual approach to work is not adequate, when we seek results.
Sumati, in this world the food eaten when hungry is nectar, the man who gives without annoyance is a real donor, the person who can put up with difficulties is a man, and the one with courage alone brings fame to the family. A hungry man will not care much for the taste of food. Donating without irritation is noble charity. Adversity tests a person’s character. A courageous man will bring glory to a family.
Sumati, in this world the food eaten when hungry is nectar, the man who gives without annoyance is a real donor, the person who can put up with difficulties is a man, and the one with courage alone brings fame to the family. A hungry man will not care much for the taste of food. Donating without irritation is noble charity. Adversity tests a person’s character. A courageous man will bring glory to a family.
Sumati, an ignorant person cannot appreciate poetry embellished with the nine emotions just as a deaf man cannot hear the blowing of a conch-shell. Knowledge, culture and curiosity are necessary for enjoying and appreciating fine arts like poetry and music. People without this basic equipment will react to music and poetry as a deaf man reacts to the sound of a conch.
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