GHHF Bala Samskar Kendras – Students were taught about the importance of celebrating Ganesh Chaturdasi

20 Sep 2023 756 Views

That is India’s challenge to the West – a question of values, of attitude to existence. India as Vishnu, preserving the sacred flame; as Shiva dancing the dance of creation over the Darkness he has destroyed; even as Kali, garlanded with skulls, smeared with blood, destroying destruction. India will win. Matter is always molded by spirit.  But what is this spiritual power of India?  As a sensitive Russian woman asked me: “Why does God seem so much nearer in India?” (Michael Pym (1889 - ) author of The Power of India)
Ganesh Chaturthi
I fully offer my 10 sense organs, 10 karma Indriyas and mind in the form of twenty-one kinds of Patri (leaves) to that Lord of Vighnadhipati, Ganadhipati, Pratham Pujya, who is the infinite Brahmandamie will spread like Palavelli (Wooden grid)
Why did Lord Shiva sever Ganapati's head? Is he so angry? Don't you feel sorry for the little boy?
There was a demon named Mushikasura. That demon made penance for Brahma and asked for a boon of immortality. Then Lord Brahma smiled and asked Nayana that is not possible, ask for some other boon. Then the demon wanted me to die at the hands of a person who was born as an ion, dual form and dual birth. (Ionija means not to be born from mother's womb, Dvirupa means to have two forms, Dwijandu means to leave and come back to life in the same body.
Then Lord Brahma gives that boon and goes away...
Shouldn't creation be done in a form that is ionized, dual form and dual-born? Only then will the demon be destroyed?
In another place there was a man named Gajasura. Gajasura's wish is that Parameshwara should come and stay in his stomach, and according to that wish, Lord Shiva enters Gajasura's womb.
Isn't Shiva the Layakaraka! And if there is no Shiva, the creation will stop, Vishnu Murthy, Nandi and all the other deities go together in the guise of playing the drumsticks and please Gajasura. He confesses that he has given the boon and begs the Lord to come out, then the Lord breaks his stomach and comes out.
And Lord Shiva goes to Kailasa with joy...
While Lord Parameshwara was in Gajasura's womb, Goddess Parvati went to bathe. While taking a bath, she applied paste and then removed the paste from which she makes a doll. Amma, being a form of Shakti, gives life to that doll...I will bathe him and come back. Then she asked Ganesh to guard the front gate and asked him not to allow any body into the house. (It is known that the head of an elephant is then affixed like this, because the demon Mushikasura must be slain by the one who is an ionizer, a dualist, and a diversionist).
Meanwhile, Lord Shiva comes to Kailasa... The child prevents Lord Shiva from entering... In this order, Lord Shiva kills the child's head... So, the child falls to the ground. Then on the command of Lord Shiva, Gajasura's head is brought and placed on the head of the child.
(Shiva also knows that the child is his son. But we the demon Mushikasura is creating many terrors in the world by troubling the people, hence he should be killed ... so, Shiva Parvati have created his son for the welfare of the world)
Thus, Gananadhatu was created, thus Mooshikasura was slain.
How great is that Gananatha?
One day all the deities came to Parvati Parameshwara and begged him to show some solution to the fact that there are many obstacles. They requested Lord Shiva to appoint someone to worship to help solve the problems of the people like when we start any work. On being told that they are worthy of this whoever goes to all around the world and take bath in all holy rovers, and return, he will be appointed as god of removing the obstacles.  Kartikeya immediately takes his vehicle, the peacock, and goes to visit the rivers of all three planets.
But Vinayaka performs Pradakshana with devotion around the Parameswaras. Then Karthikeya went to any river to take a bath, and Ganesha was seen coming from that river to bathe, and he was surprised to see Ganesha there before all the hills returned to Kailasa. He realizes that worshiping the feet of his parents and serving them is better than bathing in holy river waters and tells him to give supremacy to that Ganapati.
Thus, on Bhadrapada Shuddha Chaturthi Ganapathy became Vigneshwara. But in this way, whoever worships Lord Ganesha before starting an auspicious work, the work will be completed without any hindrance. Thus, on the day of Vinayaka Chavithi, the festival is celebrated by worshiping Lord Ganesha on a large scale, offering various kinds of pastries and reciting the story of Lord Ganesha.
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