GHHF Ghar Waapasi - Weekly Updates – Feb 13-20; Helped two Gramadevata Temples, 3000 received Surya Namaskar Diksha, Passed Resolution NOT to sell property to non-Hindus, 160 Youth performed Suryanamaskar; 57 Christians Returned to Hindu Dharma.

22 Feb 2022 1516 Views

Alexander Zinoviev (1922 - 2006) Russian sociologist

"But I would like to believe Hinduism is too valuable for humanity, and sacred Indian books contain too much precious and unique knowledge that it will not sink in oblivion. I’d like to believe that the principles of Indian philosophy and religion are much more in agreement with the needs for the future than any other religion in the world, in agreement with the tendency, known in Western countries as New Age. It’s my deep belief that without India the world will sink in spiritual darkness and ignorance."

1)    3000 residents took Surya Namaskar Diksha

Sri Sai Mansa Swami planned to give Surya Diksha to the villagers in the Agency area near Visakhapatnam. About 3000 people attended and performed Surya Namaskar posture to celebrate Ratha Saptami and also to receive Deeksha. Diksha/Deeksha means preparation for a religious ceremony or activity. This is the time for a Guru to give proper guidance for the disciples as to the initiation of sacred or religious activity. It simply says initiation into a spiritual path.

Vishnu Yamala (tantra) says: "The process that bestows Divyam jnanam (transcendental, spiritual knowledge) and destroys sin (pāpa), the seed of sin and ignorance, is called diksha by the spiritual persons who have seen the Truth (desikais tattva-kovidaih)."

               Scriptures talk about five types of diksha or initiation. It can be given by word, touch, sight, mind, or physical presence. This initiation process allows disciples to grow spiritually and allow them to fulfill their desire to quench their thirst for a new beginning.

Sri Swamiji gave Diksha to more than 3000 people by demonstrating 12 Surya namaskar posture as they chant the mantra that associates with each posture. He made the repeat the mantra for each posture and explained the meaning.

2)     160 Children participated in Surya Namaskar Program in Cachar area in Assam

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation Bala Samskara Centre, Cachar District, Assam organized a Surya Namaskar programme to commemorate the 75th year of India's Independence at Govind Nagar part1, Sonai, Cachar, Assam.

Program commenced with felicitations and the welcome ceremony of the dignitaries. 
Prof Niranjan Roy - Former Dean of school of economics and commerce, Director IQAC and Registrar, Assam University gave the gracious present and delivered a speech highlighting the importance of Surya Namaskar.

Speaking at the occasion, Prof. Niranjan Roy said, "It is an exhilarating experience to participate in Surya Namaskar at such a grand scale as well. The people of the world are coming together today to celebrate the goodness of yoga. It is a message to the world that fitness should be at the heart of one's life and yoga is a form of fitness that elevates one spiritually as well.
Sri B. Nath (retd) Additional District Commissioner, Cachar gave his gracious present and also delivered his speech as to the importance of Surya Namaskar in our life. 
Other dignitaries were Sri Sajal Deb Assam State Vice President (Agri)  Patanjali Yoga Samiti, Assam 
Sri Shibanu Kar,  District President Patanjali Yoga Samiti, Cachar. 
Sri Lalmohan Das,  retd teacher and Khanda Karyabaha, RSS, Sonai 
Advocate Samrat Dutta, Coordinator GHHF, Assam. 
160 children participated in the Surya Namskar program organized by Sri Samrat Dutta.    Hundreds of villagers came to witness the event.  A cultural program was also there and after the program prizes were distributed. All the prizes have GHHF logo. A special certificate was given to all the participants. 

3)    GHHF Helped Build Gram Devata Temple near Tirupati

The Grama Devata temple  consisting of  Sri Kavamma Maarayya was located in Saptagiri Kalani in Mangalam , Tirupati Rural Zone.  As this Temple was in a dilapidated condition, they demolished it in an attempt to rebuild a new Hindu Temple.  But the village secretariat employees, who were Christians , prevented the temple from being built . They have been asking them the reason for not granting permission to build a new Temple, and the villagers have approached them several times with no hope of getting permission. As soon as our GHHF Pracharaks, Sri Reddappa and Sri Subbanna, found out about this,  they to the Panchayat Office about three  3 months ago and stood by the villagers , talked to the staff of the secretariat , and threatened to file a case against the Church which was built without permission.  They said they will file a case to  dismantle the structure of the adjoining Christian church. Suddenly, the Christians agreed to the construction of Sri Kavamma Maarayya.

Villagers were happy to contribute their labor and with the contribution of about ONE LAKH rupees by GHHF, the construction was completed, and the Temple was opened ceremonially by installing the deities and performing all required pujas.

February 11, 2022, was a special and auspicious day for all the villagers. Finally, with the guidance, and financial support from GHHF, they are able to go to their Grama Devata Temple and fulfill their dream of building this Temple.

Sri K Reddappa, Coordinator of our activities and who helped them to build the Temple spoke about the mission of GHHF. In order to preserve our heritage and encourage our Hindus to practice their faith, GHHF helps with different projects. The villagers are fortunate that they were able to build this temple. He encouraged them to attend the Temple regularly and encounter the Christian missionaries.

The Villagers expressed their gratitude to GHHF for standing with them and assisting in all possible ways.

4)    Highlights of Activities in Telangana

Lakshmi Nivas mentioned what the Bible says: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household. Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” (Matthew 10:34–39).

With this backdrop, Lakshmi Nivas and his Associates have talked about the richness of Hindu Dharma and why we should encounter these Christian missionaries.

·        In Palamarri Village, Devarakadra Mandal, Narayanpeta District the villagers were performing Prana Prathishta. The GHHF team volunteered their services to help install the deities.

·        Talked to the assembled villagers about the importance of following Dharma.

·        Organized Bhajans during the ceremony to create a religious and spiritual environment and create positive vibrations.

·        Tummala Palli village, which is about 70 kilometers from Shamshabad,  Dharma Pracharam was conducted by visiting many Hindu and Christian families.               

·        Asking the Dalit community members to attend Mysamma Temple as often as possible.

·        Talked  to the people to perform every day pooja people

·        Inform everyone about the greatness of our orthodox dharma and ask them to get up early in the morning  at five o’clock and play or listen to  Supra Batham.

·        Advised them to organize  and sing Batukamma Kolatam bhajans once a week in our streets.

·        Asked them to monitor the churches which are violating the Noise pollution Act.


5)    Update on the Activities in Assam

2000 people participated in the Sanatana Hindu Dharma Sabha organized by GHHF, Assam on the 445th birth anniversary of Swami Ramkrishna Gosai at Gumra, Cachar. Many speakers talked about working together and making sure Hindus are protected from Muslims and others. Their lives and properties must be protected.

·        President Baishnab Samaj Sri Ramananda Baishnab along with Swami Hatidas Goswami gave the gracious present and delivered speech

·        Pracharak Abhishek Chanda and Prosenjit Adhikari delivered speech on behalf of GHHF, Assam.

·        With the support of all the villagers GHHF passed resolutions not to sell any properties to any non-Hindu,  encourage Ghar Wapsi and formed women cell specifically to look after the cases of love jihad and lastly Missionaries entry will be prohibited in the entire locality having 25k population. 

·        This place is just near the Indo Bangladesh border. I think we should appoint one for this border area. It is a sensitive area that needs frequent vigilance. So, I feel one dedicated person needs to be appointed from this area. Not Now, but Just keep it in mind for future

·        Distributed prasadam to all of them. 

6)    57 Christians Belonging to the Fisherman Community returned to Hinduism in Chengalpet District.

On 16th February 2022, 57 Christians belonging to the fisher community in Kadalur village, Chengalpet District of Tamil Nadu came back to their ancestral religion Hinduism. These people came from 9 families. They were previously converted to Christianity on false pretexts and had been practicing Christianity for close to a year. GHHF hired Mrs. Jayalakshmi Ji as its Pracharak in this village in November 2021. She has a good rapport with many of the fishermen's families in this village, previously having worked as an RSS Pracharak here.

Mrs. Jayalakshmi immediately swung into action and focused on six out of the 50 families that had converted to Christianity over the last several years. With constant discussions with women folk of these families, she convinced them about the greatness of Sanatana Dharma and the important place it has in the spiritual life of all Indians, regardless of caste, creed, or color. Within a matter of 3 weeks, these families agreed to formally come back to Hinduism. Single-handedly she arranged for Ghar Waapasi of these families at the local Amman Temple. This required quite a bit of logistical work to get done in less than a week - from arranging for temple gurukula/priest to perform the Ghar Waapasi rites to arranging for flower garlands, to buying new dresses for the families, framed pictures of Hindu gods/goddesses, etc. The program happened exactly as planned, at the temple premises in the presence of Goddess Devi. The temple Gurukula welcomed back all the families, gave a primer on Sanatana Dharma, and taught them a short Ganesha Sthuthi to be chanted every day. The event ended with lunch for all the families. 


7)    Why don’t Hindus Apply Tilak/Bindi on their forehead.

People have been questioning Hindus as to why they are abandoning their own customs. They say that Hindus themselves gave up wearing Tilak, wearing necklace with OM or wearing bangles around the wrist.

Hindus have scriptures to support wearing Bindi/Tilak and it is scientifically proven as to the benefits of applying Tilak. Ours is a scientific religion. Mark Twain Said, “In religion, other countries are paupers; India is the only millionaire." It is true that we Hindus are abandoning our customs and traditions, and we are failing to impart to our children the richness of traditions and customs. We need to take pride in our culture. It will only come if we read, learn, digest, and practice it. How many of us wear Bindi when we go to Temples, or workplace? Why do we not practice our own customs. It is time, we start applying Bindi and take pride in our ancient practices. Please watch this video on the importance and benefits of applying Bindi.


We appreciate it if you can help in hiring more people who can go to these villages to do Ghar Waapasi. We have employed 26 Pracharaks working at the ground level. More people we hire, more villages can cover to welcome them back and also create Chaitanya (Awareness) among the students and villagers.

1) Donate any amount to help the Dharma Pracharaks to work at the ground level.
2) Sponsor one Pracharak: In order to expand our base and hire one Pracharak, it would cost approximately $3000.00 per year. We have five anonymous donors who sponsored Assistants.

PayPal Method: To donate visit our website: Click on the Donate button, then press the Purpose category, and select the Ghar Wapsi Donation category.
By Check: Or you can send a check payable to GHHF, . It is tax-deductible.
By Zelle:
RUPEES, if you would like to contribute to rupees, please either call or send an email. We will call you back to give you the required information
For more information, call Prakasarao Velagapudi at ; Email:


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