GHHF Help the NEEDY Hindu Priests to Feed their Families. Some of them are begging. Please Support them

20 May 2020 2483 Views

GHHF Help the NEEDY Hindu Priests to Feed their Families. Some of them are begging. Please Support them

Since the Lockdown due to the fear of spreading Coronavirus, all the Hindu Temples are closed. Now, many Pujaris / Hindu Temple priests are having a hard time meeting their basic needs. Many of them do not have any salaries either from the government of the private Temples. Most of them do not have enough savings to pay their rent and electricity. Furthermore, many private temples do not have enough income to pay their salaries. Consequently,many Pujaris do not have enough resources to meet their daily expenses to provide meals to their families. Recently, newspapers wrote about some priests begging on the streets as they could not provide meals for the family. That news pained so many people and some organizations are helping them financially. They are facing a grim and grave predicament.

                This national lockdown has negative impact on the lives of the Priests, affecting their health, tarnishing their priestly status, and influencing their moral compass. They have been silently suffering unable to openly talk about their woes.

Hindu Priests/  Purohits/Pujaris / punditsplay a vital and irreplaceable role in the functioning and operation of Hindu Temples. They are the ones who went through a disciplined and rigorous training learning many scriptures and learning how to do pujas in the Temples as well as pujas related to all 16 samskaras as per our scriptures. They are the instigating and guiding force for many Hindus in terms of their living. They help the devotees to deal with personal problems, help them perform various pujas and channel them to spiritual path.

As we all know there is no Hindu Temple without a priest. They perform Nitya Pujas to the presiding deities on a daily basis. Priest are also responsible to do Archana to the devotees and offer Arthi when they visit the Temples. They are also called upon to perform naming ceremonies, Seemantham, Aksharabhyasam, sacred thread ceremony, wedding, and even the last rites.

It is time to help these Priests to meet their monthly expenses with our generous donation. It is time to acknowledge their invaluable service to Hind Temples and Hindu Dharma. It is time to protect their dignity and self-respect.

When and Where

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation is planning to help at least 100 families in Vijayawada area. Within the next one week we are going to pay at least Rs. 5000 for each priest. We are already in the process of identifying the needy priests and honor them and reward them with this amount.

Likely Date: May 26, 2020


We would appreciate your donation to help the needy Priests with Cash

Support ONE Priest for $100.

Please consider Supporting between 3-10 Priests. (Please multiply the number of Priests you want to support with $100)

PayPal Method: To donate visit our website. Click on the Donate button, then press the Purpose category, and select Support a Priest Category or General Donation category.

By Check: Or you can send a check payable to:

GHHF, . It is tax-deductible.

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