[GHHF] Hindu Activists organized a protest for selling 40 Temple cows and with great pressure they made Police to register FIR (First Information Report)

29 Jul 2023 346 Views

“Cow is like the mother of the cosmic Forces, the daughter of the cosmic Matter, the sister of cosmic Energy, the centre of the ambrosia. I address to men of wisdom --kill not her, the sinless inviolate cow.” Rig Veda
Today Members of Global Hindu Heritage Foundation, Adoni , Kurnool has raised their voice against the sale of 40 cows to the slaughter houses which were donated to the Venkateswara temple by devotees. It is very gruesome that same temple employees are behind this crime. Our members Ramajaneyulu gaaru has gathered around 50 locals and organized/staged dharna at sub-collectorate office. Earlier Hindus has given a complaint to the magistrate against these happening but there is no FIR filed against culprits so far.
    Today our members from 12-6PM despite hot weather firmly insisted to file the case and met District Superintendent of Police. Though there was pressure from politicians locally, our members stood firm constantly till the FIR was filed on all four suspects. It is all numbers; the more Hindus react, the more response we can see. Today officials felt the heat and finally agreed to file FIR. Thanks to all Hindus who actively participated with patience to get the work done.
Why do we honor and protect Gaumata
Implement the Article 48 in The Constitution of India 1949:
“The State shall endeavour to organise agriculture and animal husbandry on modern and scientific lines and shall take steps for preserving and improving the breeds, and prohibiting the slaughter, of cows and calves and other milch and draught cattle.  Make sure that the States implement this Directive Principle to spare the lives of cows. Stop the slaughter of the COWS.”
Since Vedic times, cows have been considered sacred, treated as mother and hailed as harbinger of auspiciousness.  She is a symbol of wealth, health, prosperity, blessing, peace of mind, purity, purification, and success in life. She is identified as a Kamadhenu – wish fulfilling.  She is revered, honored, respected as mother – an unselfish giver of bounty without expecting from her children just like a mother. All the scriptures such as Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Mahabharata, Manusmriti, and others extoll the virtues of the cow. All the Gods reside in her and killing her is considered the most heinous crime. It is often said “jivantu avadghnyah ta me vishasya dushanih” meaning that let cows live without slaughter for their whole life-they remove poison and toxins. Many sages, many Hindu Temples and numerous Ashrams maintained Goshalas (cow shelters) for centuries recognizing the numerous benefits that accrue from the cows.
 As the scriptures proclaim “Tvam mata sarva devanam” meaning that you are the mother of all gods. It also means that if we protect the cow, we are honoring all the gods that reside in her.  Scriptures have elaborately described the location of gods in the cow.  We will examine our scriptures such as Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Mahabharata and other scriptures to equip ourselves with enough knowledge to find out the significance, importance and virtues of cows so that we will not only reap the benefits of protecting them but also pass on the richness to our children and grandchildren.
Having possessed all Gods in every part of her body, Cow blesses the people and country. Just looking at her enables one to have the fruits of offering salutations to all Gods, visiting all the pilgrimages and acquire health and wealth. Happiness and peace thrive in a house where there is a cow. By circumambulating (Pradakshana) around the cow, one gets the punya (merit) of doing Pradakshana to all gods. Padma Purana states. “The person who touches the cow after having bath daily, frees himself from all kinds of sins. The dust that arises from the cow’s hooves is so pure that the person who applies it on his head, is considered to have bathed in the sacred waters of different pilgrim places, and freed from all sins.”
Pracharaks forced the Police Department to file FIR.
They filed the case based on the sections of IPC 420, 406, 506, 34.
IPC 420 is a section of the Indian Penal Code that defines cheating as an act committed by a person who, by deceiving another person, fraudulently or dishonestly induces the person to deliver any property to any person or to make, alter, or destroy the whole or any part of a valuable security, will, or other document1. The maximum punishment for an offence under section 420 of IPC is imprisonment for a term which may extend to seven years, with or without monetary fine2.
Section 406 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) describes the crime of criminal breach of trust. It states that whoever, being entrusted with property, dishonestly misappropriates or converts it to their own use, or uses or disposes of it in violation of any legal direction or contract, or allows someone else to do so, commits criminal breach of trust1234. The punishment for this crime is imprisonment for up to three years, a fine, or both234.
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