[GHHF] Hindu Advocates Forum of Assam filed a case against Popular Front of India for making Derogatory Remarks on Veer Savarkar

09 Jul 2022 1331 Views

Henry David Thoreau (July 12, 1817 – May 6, 1862)
"I would say to the readers of the Scriptures, if they wish for a good book, read the Bhagvat-Geeta .... translated by Charles Wilkins. It deserves to be read with reverence even by Yankees...."Besides the Bhagvat-Geeta, our Shakespeare seems sometimes youthfully green... Ex oriente lux may still be the motto of scholars, for the Western world has not yet derived from the East all the light it is destined to derive thence."

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation is pleased to announce that Hindu Advocates Forum of Assam Chapter filed case under section 469, 500,503,149 IPC rw Sec 79 of Information Technology Act,2000  against Popular Front of India (PFI) for their derogatory remarks on Veer Savarkar by posting a Video on the birth anniversary of Veer Savarkar.  We are happy that after the initial stage Case has been filed in the Court of Munsiff No 1. 
Date for the  hearing is set for  August 22, 2022.
Sri Samrat Dutt, the lead lawyer of the group and who organizes all our GHHF activities, reports that “This is to be mentioned here that The Popular Front of India (PFI) is an extremist Islamic organization in India formed as a successor to National Development Front (NDF) in 2006 and merged with the National Development Front, Manitha Neethi Pasarai, Karnataka Forum for Dignity and other organizations. It has often been accused of involvement in anti-national and anti-social activities by the Indian Government. It acquired a multi-state dimension by merging . The PFI describe themselves as a neo-social movement committed to empower people to ensure justice, freedom, and security. The organization has various wings to cater to different sections of society, including the National Women's Front (NWF) and the Campus Front of India (CFI). Kerala and Karnataka have often witnessed violent clashes between workers of the PFI and the Sangh Parivar.
Names of the accused in the case area:
1)    OMA Abdul Salam, Chairman if Popular Front of India (PFI) 
2)    Md. Aminul Hague. Regional Secretary, North East
3)    Md. Abu Shama Ahmed, President, PFI of Assam
4)    MD. Salf Uddin Barbuiya, Member, PFI
The PFI shared a video on May 28, 2022, under the heading “Birth Anniversary of the Colonial White Masters Slave: VD Savrkar … the Traitor. They called the late patriot a “traitor to the country”. In the documentary, the PFI reportedly called VD Savarkar “a slave of the British” and said, “People who believe in Savarkar are presenting him as a hero by hiding all his crimes.”
The documentary on Savarkar has stirred a row, with Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and the Hindu Mahasabha slamming PFI. ’The organization that is anti-national, anti-India, are the kingpins of terrorists, and the party, which is being investigated by the NIA, is now distributing certificates of ‘nationalism’, said VHP spokesperson Vinod Bansal said.
VHP spokesperson Vinod Bansal said, “The organization that is anti-national, anti-India, are the kingpins of terrorists, and the party, which is being investigated by the NIA, is now distributing certificates of 'nationalism'.”
Vināyak Dāmodar Sāvarkar (May 28, 1883 – February 26, 1966) was an Indian freedom fighter, a revolutionary and politician. He was the proponent of liberty as the ultimate ideal. He is credited with developing the Hindu nationalist political ideology Hindutva. Savarkar was a poet, writer, and playwright. He launched a movement for religious reform advocating dismantling the system of caste in Hindu culture, and reconversion of the converted Hindus back to Hindu religion. The five philosophical dimensions of Savarkar were Utilitarianism, Rationalism and  Positivism, Humanism  and Universalism, Pragmatism and Realism’
    He was imprisoned for his activities aimed at freeing India from Britain. During his incarceration, Savarkar's views began turning increasingly towards Hindu cultural and political nationalism, and the next phase of his life remained dedicated to this cause. In the brief period he spent at the Ratnagiri jail, Savarkar wrote his ideological treatise – Hindutva: Who is a Hindu?

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