GHHF Petition: Hindu Devotees Urge Safety of Hindu Temples in Canada.

11 Feb 2022 1775 Views

Host: The Global #Hindu Heritage Foundation.


Justin Trudeau 
Prime Minister of Canada/Premier ministre du Canada

Chrystia Freeland, The Deputy PM  
David Lametti, The Minister of Justice & Attorney General  
Marco E. L. Mendicino, The Minister of Public Safety

Petition: Hindu Devotees Urge Safety of Hindu Temples & Property in Canada.

Canada: Hindu Priests, devotees scared as temples vandalised, burgled in the Greater Toronto Area are in a state of constant fear after cash is stolen from donation boxes and even ornaments adorning idols stolen.

These disturbing incidents targeting sacred Hindu temples started on January 15, 2022 with an unsuccessful break-in at the Shri Hanuman #Hindu Mandir in the GTA town of Brampton. Undeterred, the miscreants appear to have gone on a rampage since then. And On January 25, another temple in Brampton, the Maa Chintpurni Mandir, was broken into, with a series of similar episodes being reported in the days following at the Gauri Shankar Mandir and Jagannath Temple, both in Brampton, as well as the Hindu Heritage Centre in Mississauga and the Hamilton Samaj Temple.

Today, We reach out to you as a collective voice of as We sincerely appeal collectively j& demand immediate action to defend, protect, safeguard & maintain adequate security to #Hindu Temples, Devotees & Properties by the Canadian Government. Pls take immediate steps to secure & assure the #Hindu Community of adequate measures to ensure peace, harmony & right to our place of worship devoid of fear, threats, intimidation or other harmful events, now and in the future.

It must be mentioned that in the past several years anti-Hindu hate crimes, ranging from temple desecration to acts of physical violence have been on the rise in Canada & the United States. Hindu Canadians are hardly exempt from such attacks on their religion and culture. Worse yet, the existence of Hinduphobia and anti-Hindu hatred is often denied, which itself is a form of the same.

Hinduphobia or anti-Hindu hatred have a tragically long history which continues to this day across the globe. They are fueled by a range of factors, including religious intolerance, religious exclusivism, a lack of religious literacy, misrepresentation in the media, academic bias still rooted in oftentimes racist, colonial-era misportrayals and, in the diaspora, generalized anti-immigrant xenophobia and hatred.

Again, We collectively appeal for immediate action.



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