[GHHF] Round up of our Activities November 2 – 10: Welcomed 28 Christians back to Hinduism, Karthik Purnima Celebrations, Importance of Touching Feet, Surya namaskar

12 Nov 2022 1000 Views

Friedrich Nietzsche

“Christianity has the rancor of the sick at its very core-the instinct against the healthy, against health. Everything that is well-constructed, proud, gallant and, above all, beautiful gives offense to its ears and eyes.” 

1. Bala Samskar Kendras – Surya Namaskar is conducted for health, concentration and Discipline in all Students (Nov 2)

Benefits of Surya Namaskar
Improves Concentration
Inculcates sense of discipline
Calms the mind and get rid of restlessness
Enhances memory power
Increases energy levels
Increased learning capacity
Tones muscles and improves flexibility
Great cardio training and hormonal balance
Improves digestion and promotes weight loss
Increases energy and awareness levels
Reduces moods swings and brings more emotional stability


2. Ghar Waapasi – 11 women and 5 men from three villages in Madanapally Mandalam returned to Hindu Dharma. (Nov 3)

Our Pracharaks are visiting the villages one by one and reporting their activities at the end of each day. As per our guidelines they are doing two things: 1) to meet with Hindus in the villages and appraise them of the richness of Hinduism and how reservations would be lost if the SCs, BCs and STs convert to Christianity; and 2) using our 52-page book they try to welcome converted Christians back to Hindu Dharma.
Sri Gopalji Has been working in the villages and impress about the importance of Hinduism and its history of tolerance, patience, accommodation and peaceful living. He is able to welcome back 16 Christians back to Hindu Dharma – 11 women and 5 men. They hail from three villages – Bagepalli, Pulikallu, Kandukuru – from Madanapalli Mandal Rural.
• Sri Reddappa was invited as a Keynote speaker. He spoke about the grandeur of Sanatana Dharma and elicited differences between Hindu Dharma and Christianity. He also talked about the reservations and several Hindus lost their privileges.
• Sri Community leader Sri Prakash talked about the danger of Christians and Muslims and how they are harassing when Hindus are still a majority. He reminded as to what might happen when Hindus become minority.



3. Ghar Waapasi in Anantapur – To Counter Christian pressure and Bring Pride in Hindu Dharma, Ex-Christians were invited to celebrate Karthik Masam (Nov 4)

Sri Gopichary and his Associates celebrated Karthik Masa wit Ex-Christians
Our Pracharaks came to know that those who converted back to Hinduism are being harassed by the Pastors and putting lot of pressure on them to return to Christianity. It is their business, Every time they loose one Christian, their income will go down. To keep up with their unearned lifestyle, they have to pressure these Hindus to return.
They invited more than 50 ex-Christians celebrated Karthik Masa in Sivalayam in a village called Chelimepalli. The devotees were welcome them with namaskarama and also by applying Tilak on their forehead. Each of the new welcomed Hindus were allowed to do Panchamrutam Abhishekam with their hands to Lord Shiva.
• Everybody participated in doing Sankalp where they mentioned about their names, Gotras and Nakshatras.
• Then they were asked to offer Aarthi to Lord Shiva
• They also performed Mahamangalarathi to Lord as a group and sang Shiva songs.
• Teertham was offered to all of them
• Prasadam was distributed following the Abhishekam and Aarthi
More than 70 other Hindus also joined the Karthik Masa Celebrations and welcomed the ex-Christians and appreciated their courage and determination to remain Hindus.


4. Ghar Waapasi in Assam – Ex-Christian women Participated in the Celebration of Chhath Puja on Karthik Chaturthi Day. (Nov 5)


Chhath Puja is a festival uniquely associated with the worship of the powerful Sun God. As the only festival that has been carried on from the Vedic period, Chhath puja is indelibly associated with nature-worship for the well-being of humanity. This festival celebrates and offers gratitude to Lord Surya who represents the permanent source of life and sustenance on this earth.
The Chhath festival is an inextricable part of the culture of Bihar, Jharkhand, Assam and parts of Uttar Pradesh. As the Sun God manifests his greatest power in the rising and setting sun, these two significant moments coincide with the two 'aragyas' or offering of river water to Lord Surya during the festival. The morning glory of the rising sun and the majesty of the setting sun evoke a sense of power and awe among millions of devotees who come to pay obeisance to Lord Surya. Chhath puja in Bihar is also associated with wish-fulfillment when a devotee carries out the rituals of the puja selflessly. (Indiaonlinepage.com)
Some States make arrangements and facilitate the activities and rituals, the state administration also offers full support, as all the ghats of the rivers and roads need to be kept spotlessly clean while the whole city is illuminated. The rituals mainly comprise fasting and chanting prayers on the banks of the Ganges, Yamuna or any clean river.



5. Bala Samskar Kendras – Students are taught to Touch the Feet of Parents and Teachers for Intellect, Knowledge and long Life. (Nov 6)

Significance of Touching the Feet of Parents and Teachers
In the Vedic period, it was known as Charan Sparsh – and according to Rishis, touching the feet of parents, grandparents, teachers or elders gives strength, intellect, fame and knowledge. In the modern era, people believe that doing Charan Sparsh helps get a longer life, fortune and wisdom.
We have read in an epic Mahabharata, Yudhistra stated that touching the feet of the elders gives strength and feeling of greatness. Even Rishis have observed four beneficial factors of touching the feet, i.e. it gives strength, intellect, knowledge and fame.

In India, tradition dictates that the young touch the feet of their elders to seek blessings – from children to adults, it is a common gesture to show respect to elders. In the Vedic period, it was known as Charan Sparsh – and according to Rishis, touching the feet of parents, grandparents, teachers or elders gives strength, intellect, fame and knowledge. In the modern era, people believe that doing Charan Sparsh helps get a longer life, fortune and wisdom. Little do we realize that the act of touching elders’ feet is backed by science. Turns out, it is an exercise as well.

6. Grama Devata Temples - Distributed Karthik Poornima Items to celebrate by lighting the Diyas in the Villages. (Nov 7)

Global Hindu Heritage Foundations in association with Haindava Bharathi  have decided to distribute about Puja kits to nearby SC/ST colonies to celebrate Karthik Purnima. Ashokji has undertaken this responsibility to distribute Puja kits to these needy villages to celebrate Karthik Purnima by lighting up the Diyas in and around the Temples to invite Sri Mahalakshmi to all the Temples and the houses.    GHHF also participated in the elaborate lighting of the lamps to represent Shiva Linga. It is an impressive visual treat to see the Shiva Linga decorated with lamps.

People believe that the huge light lit during 5 pm will make people close with Lord Shiva on Kathigai Deepam. Lord Shiva will shed all his blessings during this special time of the year. He is rigidly worshipped during this time. Great care is taken to light the huge fire in this place. People gather around the place and call in the name of Shiva to put an end to all the troubles and bring in peace in every life.


7. Ghar Waapasi in Assam – Welcomed 10 Christians and 2 Muslims to Hindu Dharma. (Nov 8)

GHHF Has appointed six Pracharaks who go to Christian as well as Muslim houses to talk about Hindu Dharma. Because of their efforts and Sri Samrat’s wide variety of activities, many villagers have been following all the activities being conducted over the last two months. 10 Christians and 2 Muslims returned to Hinduism. After that they embraced Hinduism. All of those who reconverted to Hinduism felicitated with dhoti, Saree, kumkum, Sindoor, Gangajal, and pictures of Gods and Goddesses.
Since these Christians came from different villages, the Ghar Waapasi Shuddhi program was conducted in association with ISKCON and HVP.
They Signed Affidavit of their Return to Hinduism
The Affidavits states: “I have been influenced by Teaching, preaching and customs of Sanatan Hindu Dharma. I have been practicing Hindu way of life since two years and now I feel I should leave Islam and thus I adopted Hinduism. I shall be leading my life as Hindu person and I will be remained as Hindu having full faith in Hindu religion.
There is no force, fraud, undue influence or coercion for taking the above decision of reconversion.


8. GHHF Invitation to Attend Gala Dinner / Annual Fund Raiser (Nov 9)

I would appreciate if you can attend the GHHF Gala Dinner on November 29th where we are going to present our activities in Bharath to ensure the survival of Sanatana dharma and also encounter aggressive Christian rampant conversion tactics through Ghar Waapasi, Bala Samskar (Sunday Schools), renovation of Grama Devatas, demolition of Illegal Churches and other activities. This kind of ground level  work is paramount  for survival of Hinduism in Bharath. Apathy, indifference, silence, and inaction are not the answer to prevent erosion of Hindu population. 


YOUR FRIENDS: Please encourage your friends to attend by appraising the ground realities.


               REGISTER:  We would be grateful if you can register and attend the event. 


9. Bala Samskar Kendras – Students celebrated Sri Guru Nanak Jayanti by reminiscing His contribution to Guru Concept, Sikhism and protection of Hinduism Sri Guru Grandh Sahib (Nov 10)

Guru Nanak, the first of the ten Sikh Gurus, was born as Nanak on 15 April 1469 and died on 22 September 1539. His birth is commemorated as Guru Nanak Gurpurab on Karthika Poornima.
Guru Nanak traveled throughout India and beyond to impart the teachings of love, peace, service and mutual respect for all God’s creation. He propagated the tradition of Kirtans, joyously singing of Hymns and experiencing God with Bhakti.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said Guru Nanak Dev's vision of a just, compassionate and inclusive society inspires the countrymen. "On the special occasion of the Parkash Purab of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, I recall his pious thoughts and noble ideals. His vision of a just, compassionate and inclusive society inspires us. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji's emphasis on serving others is also very motivating,
Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar on Tuesday extended greetings on Guru Purab, the birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev, reminding people of the path of inclusive society shown by him.



Ghar Waapasi is going on unimpeded. We appreciate it if you can help in hiring more people who can go to these villages to do Ghar Waapasi. We have employed 20 Pracharaks working at the ground level. More people we hire, more villages can cover to welcome them back and also create Chaitanya (Awareness) among the students and villagers.
1) Sponsor one Bala Samskar Kendra for $1000.00
2) Sponsor one Pracharak: In order to expand our base and hire one Pracharak, it would cost approximately $3000.00 per year. We have five anonymous donors who sponsored Assistants.
PayPal Method: To donate visit our website: savetemples.org. Click on the Donate button, then press the Purpose category, and select the Ghar Wapasi Donation category.
By Zelle: ghhfusaorg@gmail.com
By Check: Or you can send a check payable to GHHF, . It is tax-deductible.
RUPEES, if you would like to contribute to rupees, please either call or send an email. We will call you back to give you the required information
For more information, call Prakasarao Velagapudi at
; Email: ghhfusaorg@gmail.com


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