[GHHF] TTD cancel it’s own Dharma Sadassu; Hindu Temple cannot have meeting with Hindu Leaders; Sonia’s contempt for Hindu Swamijis

26 Nov 2010 2565 Views


"Hatred is the vice of narrow souls; they feed it with all their littleness, and make it the pretext of base tyrannies." Honore De  Balzac

The hatred of Sonia Gandhi, the President of Congress Party, for Hinduism, it’s leaders, Sadhus, Swamiji’s and Peethadhipathis as well as Hindu Temples is obvious, visible, rampant, widespread, compulsive, neurotic, uncontrollable and epidemic.  Her contempt for Hinduism is unmatched, her commitment to destroy Hindu Temples is unparalleled, her hatred for VHP, BJP and RSS is unsurpassed, her disdain for Hindu leaders and Acharyas is unparalleled, her zeal to taint Hindus as Saffron terrorists is overpowering, and her passion to destroy Hinduism is overwhelming.

But her fanaticism to implant Christianity, her unbridled fervor to convert India into a Christian land, her mindless obsession to destroy Hindu way of life, her blind support in “planting the cross” over Bharath as suggested by the Pope in 1999, her open invitations to all Christians in foreign countries to pour money to convert gullible Hindus, her selfish determination to use Hindu Temple money to propagate Christianity, and her deliberate mania to replace the Hindu symbols with Christian symbols, will continue to undermine Hinduism. In fact her sole and exclusive mission is to pull out the roots of Hinduism from Bharath.

A born Christian, she wields complete, absolute control over the leaders of Congress Party. She will entice them, blackmail them, use them, and dump them. Although as many as 70 percent of Congress MLAs and MPs are Hindus, they cannot call themselves Hindus. They will be branded “Hindu fundamentalists.”  Congress Party made them feel so little, so pride less, so insensitive to their religion, they act as robots; no independence, no pride, no thinking, no personality, no values, no ethics, no morals left any more among Hindu congress leaders and the government officials who work for them. Congress leaders play the role of eunuchs in front of her because they cannot look like effective, efficient, dynamic, forceful and powerful. They have to look meek, obedient, ignorant, submissive, docile and slavish. They have to look castrated.

Government officials who work in these “so called” secular governments are no different. They cannot question, they cannot challenge, they cannot protest and they cannot disobey the orders. Like brain dead people they do not think, they do not express, and they do not defy. They act like robots; they refuse to understand the role, the goal and the mission of Hindu Temples; they simply rubber stamp the orders from the government; they are silent partners and witnesses to implement government orders that undermine the very existence of Hindu Temples they work for. Some of them who are working in the Hindu Temples may apply Tilak on their forehead, wear classical Hindu clothes, but they fail to challenge the policies of the secular governments that are at odds with the mission of these Temples.

Here is an example of Sonia Gandhi’s unyielding power over the state government, the Hindu Temples and the employees of the state government including the employees of all the Temples controlled by the Central and state governments.

TTD Plans to hold Dharma Sadassu was cancelled – Sonia’s Supersonic Power.

On behalf of TTD in Andhra Pradesh, Sri PVRK Prasad conducted two Sanatana Dharma Prachara Sadas (known as Dharma sadassu) in 2006 and 2007.  Sadassus (gatherings) are conducted to discuss spiritual, religious, ethical and moral aspects of Sanatana Dharma; to make the Endowment officials responsible to protect, propagate and preserve Sanatana Dharma; to discuss about the effective use of Temple money for preservation of our religion, to discuss the plans to deter the well laid out plan to convert Hindus and how to deter them, to discuss the much needed facilities for Hindu pilgrims to the Temples, etc. As many as 60 Acharyas, Swamijis, Peethadhiapthis and Hindu Leaders participated and provided valuable suggestions to TTD and the government for the survival and revival of Sanatana Dharma.

Sri Adikeasavulu Naidu, the liquor baron with no basic understanding of Hinduism and has little appreciation for the heritage of the Temples, was a appointed as Chairman Of TTD which is the most sacred, sacrosanct and holy place for all Hindus. His servitude and subjugation to the then Chief Minister was total to the extent of belittling the pilgrims and denigrating the age-old cultural heritage. During those two years, Dharma Sadassu was planned, Hindi saints were invited, and agenda was sent to them. Here comes the Chairman Adikesavulu who cancelled the Dharma Sadassu for both the years. Let us all remember that he was supposed to have been appointed to preserve, manage, and meet the needs of Hindu pilgrims.

Proposed Agenda for Dharma Sadassu

In October 2010, 68 Hindu saints were invited to attend the Sanatana Dharma Prachara Sadas to be held in Tirupathi on November 29 and 30. The proposed agenda was extensive and inclusive of many issues facing the Hindus.  The agenda covers wide range of areas in six different sessions. They are as follows:

1) How to make each Temple a Dharmic Center? How to involve temple personnel to get involved in dharmic activities; role of Board and Endowment Department in achieving the objectives; How to involve local Hindus to execute dharmic activities; etc

2) How to protect the vulnerable Hindus from being targets of conversions; how to protect SC/ ST/ Fisherman form the conversions tactics; train a cadre of archakas to prevent conversions; role of Swamijis in arresting the conversions; etc

3) How to counter the negative propaganda of other faiths; create a cell to monitor and collect propaganda material; prepare materials to counter the allegations and misinterpretations by other faiths; Counter media bias; etc

4) Discuss the objectives and the present status of Dharmic Parishad of Andhra Pradesh; earmarking temple resources toward dharma prachara;  efforts be made to see that the Government accepts the recommendations; etc

5) Identify the issues related to the dharmic activities at different levels: state level, district level, and mandal level.

6) Suggest and improve the dharma prachara schemes already undertaken by TTD – TV channel, Kalyanamasthu, Dalith Govindam; Bhajan Mandals, Annamayya Projects, Dasa Sahitya project, Veda Rakshana, Sashtra Rakshana, etc.

Why did TTD cancel the Dharma Sadassu?        

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation, Hindu Devalaya Parirakshana Samith, T T D Parirakshana Samithi and a number of Hindus concerned about the cancellation of the Dharma Sadassu have talked to some of the officials who were planning to organize the meeting and also some of the Hindu leaders who expressed their dismay over the cancellation.

It appears that Adikesavulu Naidu, who wanted to be re-appointed as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of TTD for another two year period, approached Sri Veerappa Moily to cancel the meeting for a number of reasons. Moily, in charge of Andhra Pradesh Congress Party and Ahmed Patel, General Secretary of AICC, complained to Sonia Gandhi about this Dharmacharya Conference.  Sonia Gandhi in turn, called the then Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Shri Rosaiah and ordered the cancellation of this event.  Shri Rosaiah in turn ordered the Executive Officer of TTD to cancel the event and send out Telegrams to all the invited Swamijis.  This kind of cancellation in the last minute is happening for the 3rd time in the last 3 years.

TTD is an independently run Hindu religious organization.  Neither political nor Government intervention is needed for the administration of this institution.  Neither Rosaiah nor TTD officials had the guts to say ‘no’ to Sonia Gandhi, the lady who did not have stomach to digest the very thought that the Swamiji’s may be very powerful to curb the conversion. With her Christian agenda following the dictates of her “jealous” God, Sonia Gandhi ORDERED Sri Rosaiah to cancel the meeting.  Poor guy, what else can he do? For that matter which Congress leaders would dare and defy their MADam? These are little people with little vision with little brains.

Sri Kamal Kumar Swami

Undaunted and fearless Sri Kamal Kumar Swami is heading to Tirupathi and is holding a News Conference on November 28, 2010 along with few other Swamijis and local people demanding answers to a set of questions: Who is responsible for the cancellation of  Dharma Sadassu?  Who prompted the cancellation? What was the reason to cancel? Is TTD planning to have another Dharma Sadassu? Why no official of TTD or Sri Rosaiah objected to the cancellation? Is the agenda inconsistent with the mission of TTD? Why this silence on the part of Specified Authority? What is the difference between Specified Authority and the earlier Board if it would blindly follow the dictates of Sonia Gandhi?

He will be heading to Chennai to attend the Dharma Rakshana Samithi meeting on 29th.

Swamijis are meeting in Chennai

In the meanwhile, Dharma Rakshana Samithi headed by Sri Dayananda Saraswathi has taken up this sacred task of inviting and holding a meeting with all these Swamijis in Chennai on November 29, 2010. We are hoping that they would discuss about preservation, protection and propagation of Hindu ideals, morals and principles; and also address the broader issue of curbing CONVERSION of vulnerable Hindus. All Hindus should be proud of this effort by Dharma Rakshana Samithi to address the issue and come up with a plan to execute the policy recommendations. Mere passing the resolutions would not have enough strength. An action plan has to be developed to make sure that the sinister conversion efforts by other faiths are thwarted.

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