GHHF Welcomed 43 Christian families back to Hinduism in Visakhapatnam in October

04 Nov 2020 2380 Views

“The study of theology, as it stands in the Christian churches, is the study of nothing; it is founded on nothing; it rests on no principles; it proceeds by no authority; it has no data; it can demonstrate nothing; and it admits of no conclusion” -- Thomas Paine

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation (GHHF) in association with Sri Saidatta Manasa Peetham has been planning to organize this Ghar Wapsi for more than two months. Sri Sai Datta Swami went to many villages and talked about the richness of our culture knowing that they became Christians not because of the message of Bible but because of their financial circumstances, health-related issues, deceptive interpretation of Hindu scriptures and demeaning the multiplicity of Gods and Goddesses.

Any rational, objective, and logical person would know that how an illiterate person who cannot read or write even a single sentence becomes a Christian overnight and throws away the Hindu Gods pictures and even steps on them to please the pastors. Christian Pastors are the cruelest and deceptive people waiting like vultures to snatch away the Hindus.

Under the leadership of Sri Sai Datta Swami, 43 Christian families ((about 150 individuals) decided to come back home to their original Hindu houses. The October program was arranged under the auspices of GHHF.

Hinduism is being ambushed from all directions, from different religions and from diverse groups. Christians and Muslims are doing their best to convert Hindus by different means. Christians have used all kinds of tricks and incentives to convert the poor and rich.

As Thomas Paine observed , Christians used all kinds of treacherous acts, engaged in torturous execution, and participated in relentless vindictiveness to convert Hindus into Christianity. In fact, Pain Says they even corrupted and brutalized mankind. It is time for all Hindus to realize the gravity of the situation and ever-increasing efforts to convert Hindus either by hook or crook. Now we all have to work at the ground level and start reconverting and welcome them home with respect and dignity.

Prioritize our Efforts: We Hindus have been writing innumerable books, discussing the conversions endlessly, giving lectures profusely, criticizing others with gusto, and blaming others for not doing anything for centuries. If these attempts are going to stop the conversion, stop the destruction of Hindu Temples and Hindu Vigrahas, we are all for it and we will support wholeheartedly. These attempts are NOT producing the desired results, not able to expand our base. Sooner we recognize the importance of Ghar Wapsi, better it would be for Hindus.


We appreciate it if you can help in hiring more people who can go to these villages to do Ghar Waapasi. We have employed 7 people so far. More people we hire more villages can be covered to welcome them back and also create Chaitanya (Awareness) among the students and villagers.

How Much it would cost to Employ: Per year approximately $3000 is needed to employ one Assistant. Anybody interested in supporting our efforts or sponsor one Assistant, you can call me at .

We have three anonymous donors who sponsored FOUR Assistants.


As many of you are aware that it would take a lot of energy, time, and MONEY to engage in this kind of Ghar Wapsi program. Your financial support will help to continue our program in 5 different locations, and we continue to expand efforts going to as many villages as possible.

PayPal Method: To donate visit our website: Click on the Donate button, then press the Purpose category, and select Ghar Wapsi category.

By Check: Or you can send a check payable to: GHHF, . It is tax-deductible.

For more information, call Prakasarao V Velagapudi ; Email:


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