[GHHF] Why State Governments control Hindu Temples but not Churches and Mosques. Awareness campaign initiated; Posters pasted on different places

01 Sep 2023 650 Views

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation is established to preserve, protect, and promote Sanatana Dharma.  Also fight for the release of Hindu Temples from the government control. For the last 17 years we have been championing the cause of freeing Hindu Temples from the government control to ensure that the Temple generated money is not abused and the Temple lands are not usurped by the State governments. We have met Sri Y S RajaSekara Reddy, and Sri Chandra Babu Naidu during their management and submitted memorandums requesting them to free Hindu Temples from their control. Also, several letters have been written to question the use of Temples money, and misuse of Temple lands. 
Awareness Campaign. 
    To make Hindus and non-Hindus aware of injustice being done to Hinduism and Hindu Temples, posters are prepared and started pasting on the walls, on the buses, Auto rickshaw and other places. 

    We have met almost all the Executive Officers such as I Y R Krishna Rao, L V Subramanyam, Ramana Chary, Y Gopal, Sambasiva Rao, A. K Shingal and others and submitted letters expressing our concerns. Also met several Endowments Commissioners submitting our concerns.
We have 24 Pracharaks in five States with a mission to encourage the Hindus who converted to Christianity back to Hinduism.  No deception, no lying, no atrocities, no threats, no killings, no force, and such violent acts are used. We present the true nature of Christianity and revealed in the Bible.
GHHF earnestly requests the government to follow the principle that state and religion are separate and should not be mixed. The government should not interfere with religious institutions. The government has no authority to sell the land, tamper with the rituals, and divert funds for other purposes. Government is only a custodian, not the owner of Hindu Temples. Many government officials think that the Hindu Temples are the government property. Let us pay close attention to GO No 298 dated 18-08-2015 which states as follows: “Hindu temples and their properties are not Government properties. These temples have never been constructed by the Government with taxpayer’s money. They were built only by Hindu philanthropists, Mutts, Peethams, Zamindars, etc. since ancient times. Government is only acting as a sacred trustee of temple property and has brought the Endowment Act permitting itself to administer the Hindu temples for the benefit of Hindu society. Hence, under no circumstances, Hindu temples can be treated as Government property.”
Temple lands vs Land of Churches and Mosques
Hindu Temple lands have been taken by the government and distributed to the general population over the land two decades or so. Why should the government take the Temple lands while the lands of Churches and Mosques remain untouched. The government should also look at the landholdings of Christians and Muslims. A cursory look reveals that the Catholic Churches alone have more lands than all the Temple lands put together. Why their lands cannot be taken to distribute to landless poor?
TTD Money used to fund public works.
The Andhra government is constructing an elevated expressway corridor to link Tirupati with other parts to make transport hassle free. The project supposedly aims to reduce traffic congestion for locals and offer hassle free travel for pilgrims. Estimated to cost around Rs.684 crores, this project is being funded by the TTD with Rs.458 crores.
Srinivasa Setu Corridor is meant to provide an easy route for the Tirumala devotees and reduce the traffic congestion in the area. The six km long flyover between the Tiruchanur highway junction and Kapila Theertham also links the city from different directions. The flyover is expected to decrease the current 40-minute drive to just 10 to 12 minutes, as it avoids several traffic junctions.
In 2021, the AP government had amended the Andhra Pradesh Endowments Act to raise the contribution of TTD to Andhra government’s Common Good Fund. It was increased from Rs.2.5 crores to a whopping Rs.50 crores.
While many historical temples lie in neglect with their archakas not getting proper salary, the government uses backhanded methods to spend temple money for development projects.
Srivani Funds – No accountability
In June 2023, Sri Dharma Reddy, EO of TTD said, 
1)    “Financial assistance to the tune of ₹93 crore had been provided so far to 176 endowments and private temples.”
2)    ““Renovation of 1953 temples has been taken up by the State Endowments Department and 320 temples by Samarasata Seva Foundation,”
On July 9, 2023, GHHF asked TTD to provide information as to the names of the Temples, addresses and amount allocated to each of these Temples?
We asked if the construction of these Temples had been completed or at what stage of the construction. If they are not constructed, when are they expected to be completed.
We asked if they could provide the names and addresses of Temples the State Endowments Department has taken up.
    No response as of today (August 24, 2023)
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For more information, call Prakasarao Velagapudi at 601-918-7111; Email: ghhfusaorg@gmail.com


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