The Global Dharma Conference this weekend - September 11-13; Register today and attend the Conference the next three days Support and be a Role Model for First Generation

10 Sep 2015 2788 Views

Hindu Students Council (HSC) that has put tremendous efforts into organizing a Global Dharma Conference, inviting best minds to speak, and top notch artists to perform in a concert that is bound to leave one spellbound. I have seen these young people working day and night, bent over their laptops, working late night and through the nights, munching on snacks to keep going, making deals and negotiating best prices, contacting organizations and individuals for support and participation.  I have seen them putting signs in the middle of the night on Oak Tree Road and other places; I have seen them working out minute details of taking proper care of Swamijis. VIPs and artists, I have seen them grilling Expo Center staff to get all the information and commitment that they need; I have seen them choosing a balanced menu and working hard to get best prices from the food vendors and I have seen them worrying how all bills were going to be paid; I have seen their team spirit, spirit of Seva without worrying about name or fame and I have seen their Can Do attitude in face of indifference and apathy of our generation.

This is a challenge to us, first generation Hindus. If we really want the second generation to take over the mantle from us, we have to make sure that they succeed in this spectacular undertaking. We have to make sure that their financial needs are met. If they run in red, no second generation Hindu organization will dare to do a conference on this scale again. It will be our loss as a Hindu society.

So my earnest request as a first generation Hindu to you is, support Hindu Students Council and its Global Dharma Conference ggenerously. Open your heart and chip in. If you could attend the conference (even a part of it), nothing like that. But even if you cannot, please donate for this worthy cause. Your children will be proud of you. Click on  Donate.  or Go to <> and click on "Donate."

What is this conference about?

There is a unique opportunity to listen to some of the best minds of India- Spiritual, Yogic, activist, media, political and educational, all under one roof and also enjoy a world class concert featuring top artists from India and Bali. Yes, I am talking about Global Dharma Conference being organized by USA campus based Hindu Students Council which is celebrating its 25th Anniversary. Please see the attached program schedule to get a feel for variety  that this conference offers.

Global Dharma Conference
September 11-13 (Friday to Sunday), 2015
Raritan Expo Center
Edison, NJ

Think of this:

  • - Well known columnists and political analysts: Kanchan Gupta, Rajeev Srinivasan and Rupa Subramanya
  • - Rajesh Jain who conceived the idea of 272+ to lead BJP to a spectacular victory in 2014 elections and who owns the NitiCentral portal
  • - Atul Kothari, an educationist of repute
  • - Rajiv Malhotra, Dr. David Frawley, Dr.Subhash Kak, Aditi Banerjee
  • - H.R. Nagendra, a former NASA scientist and the personal Yoga teacher of Prime Minister Narendra Modi
  • - Shri AShok Singhal,  former International President of Vishwa Hindu Parishad and one of the tallest Hindu Leaders.
  • - There are swamis galore-  Swami Paripornanda, Swami Tatwamayanada and Swamini  Svatmavidyananda (Arsha Vidya Gurukulam) , Swami Tadatmananda (Arsha Bodha Center), Swami Shantananda (Chinmaya Mission), Swami Guruvanand.
  • - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji will address the gathering by a video link.

Concert will feature Flute virtuoso Rakesh Chaurasia (nephew of Hari Prasad Chaurasia), Ghatam player Giridhar Udapa and Balinese dance troupe Balam Dance Theatre. There would of course be Garba and Bhangra.

Do your Dharma of supporting our young generation's efforts to preserve, nurture and propagate Hindu Dharma and Culture.

Please go to to get more details and register; time is running out.

Thank you.

Brotherly yours,

Gaurang G. Vaishnav
VHP of America


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