Why Bharat blocked Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity? | Dr. Prakasarao Velagapudi | GHHF

03 Jan 2022 1862 Views

The Indian government on Dec. 25  decided to ban the foreign funding of Missionaries of Charities started by Mother Teresa in 1950. It should have banned the flow of funds from foreign countries for all the illegal activities, swindling of money, child trafficking, abuse of funs and allowing people to die without proper medication. It is time for Government of India to confiscate the property, recover the funds deposited in foreign countries and  demolish the property to close this crooked operation. 
All Hindus must open their eyes now that Mother Teresa cam to India only to convert Hindus into Christianity and she no concept of selfless service. Thus she converted millions of Hindus into Christianity in the name of providing charity to these people. The word Missionary is “a person sent on a religious mission, especially one sent to promote Christianity in a foreign country.) that is what she had done for decades with the support of foolish Hindus, criminals, rapists and child traffickers. 



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