Why should I Donate to Organizations like GHHF - Shishir Katote

15 Jul 2024 576 Views

After the Mahabharata war ended, Krishna asked Arjuna to leave his chariot before He did. When Arjuna left the chariot, it turned into ashes within a moment. Arjuna wondered and asked Krishna how it happened. Krishna said that the mighty warriors like Bheeshma, Drona and Karna had thrown their divine weapons on this chariot with intensity so fierce that even after being celestial; it was destined to be destroyed on the first day of war itself. But because of His presence in it, it could survive the onslaught. Hence, Krishna played an invisible but the most important role in letting pandavas with the war.

Similar to Krishna, there are many people and organizations that are playing a silent role in the survival of us Hindus and Hinduism. While we are asleep, they are fighting to save cows from butchers, save people from conversions and save temples from being desecration. One of such organizations is the Global Hindu Heritage foundation, which is working day and night to make sure that Hindus survive and thrive.

I cannot go on the ground to participate in these activities carried out by the GHHF. It is unfortunate. But I am also fortunate to know that there is a way I can still contribute to the mission of GHHF, by donating a part of my hard earned to money to it to make it run like a well oiled clock!

I have been following the GHHF for quite a while and for me, following are the reasons why they deserve to be funded by the common, yet awakened Hindu like myself. 

Bala Samskara Kendras of GHHF

GHHF runs Bala Samskara Kendras for the young children in the areas not accessible to general people who want to help them. These centers make sure that the young generation is acquainted to the values of Indian tradition, especially when it comes to respecting elders and serving them in the old age.

The present generation is drastically different from the previous. There has never been such a big generational gap earlier in the history of India. This is because of the corrupted education system of India, which though can provide a proper technical education, fails to raise children as Bharateeyas. Because of this, when these children get married, they expect the elderly people to let them stay separately. This is very much painful for the parents to stop receiving the much needed love & care of children, when the need it the most, in the old age.

Besides this, children in these centers learn to turn into a human being of character and integrity, which most of the youngsters of today are lacking. The young populace of today is mentally quite unstable, giving up on their goals easily, at the first site of failure. But the children programmed with the vedic philosophy and logic, mixed with the motivational stories of our ancestors and freedom fighters becomes immune to such weakness when they reach their teens.

In my opinion, Bala Samskara Kendras are doing some incredible work for saving the present generation. 

GHHF & Saving Temples

Temples are out identities. They tell which culture we come from. Remove this identity from a child, it will become susceptible to the identity crisis, having no ideas whatsoever as to who he/she is.

Such children and also elderly people lead a life filled with the inferiority complex, wondering why they were not born in the countries like USA. This is dangerous as the people tend to think that the best version of life is hedonistic life.

Temples are the physical reminders telling us where we come from and how glorious our past has been, and if the past was glorious, the present can very well be.

I used to think in the childhood as to why I was born in a country where the middle class doesn’t have access to what even the poor class has in the advanced countries like USA and European countries. But it was the scholars of traditional temples in temples, who mesmerized me with their intelligence and made me believe that we have the best philosophy and this, the way of life that anyone can have.

The present situation is that everyday I feel blessed to be born in Bharat, that teaches us about inquiring into who we are. It is a luxury, not available in any other country.

Unfortunately these temples are not in the hands of the original inheritors, the Hindus like myself.

To deal with this problem, GHHF is making their hands dirty for me. They are fighting the cases for freeing temples from the clutches of those who having nothing to do with it, while I just sit and enjoy. So I can at least help the GHHF to make sure that their work becomes though not easier, but less difficult.

Hence, we and I need help them financially. 

Temple Renovations

Many of the Hindu temples are not old enough that they direly need renovations. Without that, they may not see another decade. This is a kind of issue that is very elusive, yet it does exist.

Renovation is a very costly affair and can cost lakhs to crores. Hence, there is a need that these renovations are funded by someone.

Again, GHHF barges in to solve this problem. 


Cows are central to the survival of Hinduism and universe. Bhagavan has descended multiple times for the protection of cows.

Under the present circumstances, cows are facing an existential crisis. Mostly they are used for the milk and the old cows are being sent to the slaughterhouses. Even if there are stringent laws to prevent this, the financial crisis forces many poor farmers to give up on their old cows, which are ultimately and illegally sent to the slaughterhouses.

To address this issue, we have gaushalas. But these gaushalas cannot run without money, especially when most of the cows are old and unproductive.

The GHHF is helping these gaushalas to make sure that these cows survive, hence dharma.

This is the strongest reason why I prefer to donate my hard earned money to the organizations like the GHHF, which is directly working towards stopping the slaughtering of my mother cow.

Rejecting a Myopic Perspective Towards Life

In my coaching career, I have come across many shrewd businessmen who are extremely practical and knowledgeable when it becomes to investing money and turning 1 rupee into 100. The avenues they find out for multiplying money are simply unimaginable. But, unfortunately, they are successful only with the short term investments and fail miserably when it comes to long term. Because they don’t think about the possibility of getting benefited by their present wealth after they leave this mortal body.

For such people, donating to the causes like that of the GHHF is a sure way to earn incredible amount of punya that accompanies everyone even after death.

I learnt a beautiful Sanskrit verse in my childhood regarding the importance of daana.

दानं भोगो नाशः तिस्रो गतयो भवन्ति वित्तस्य।

यो न ददाति न भुङ्क्ते तस्य तृतीया गतिः भवति॥

There are three fates that wealth faces:

Donation, consumption and destruction. Wealth of the one who neither gives his wealth for charity nor uses it for appropriate self consumption has a third destination, destruction!

If I don’t donate a part of wealth to the causes and earn punya, according to me, the money means nothing for me even after it goes to the children. Because it cannot help me after death.

There is nothing wrong with leaving your wealth for children to be inherited, to make their lives comfortable. But why not be little selfish and earn a little punya for ourselves by donating some money to the dharmik causes that are being promoted by the Global Hindu Heritage Foundation?

Our life is not limited to the 70-80 years we are going to spend in the present body. There were many others previously and there will be many hereafter.

बहूनि मे व्यतीतानि जन्मानि तव चार्जुन
तान्यहं वेद सर्वाणि न त्वं वेत्थ परन्तप

The Blessed Lord said Many births of Mine have passed as well as of thine, O Arjuna; I know them all but thou knowest not, O Parantapa (scorcher of foes).

I have decided to reject my myopic perspective towards life and chosen to contribute to the cause of GHHF, that is helping the our Hindu people and Hindu temples, to make sure that I invest enough to lead multiple comfortable lives after this one, ultimately leading to moksha. 

About the Author 

Shishir Katote:   Owner & Life Coach at Satparva Education2023–present

M Sc in Geoinformatics & Microbiology, Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU)Graduated 2010

Lives in Pune, Maharashtra, India1987–present

16.9K content views3.5K this month; Joined July 2014


NOTE: GHHF is working at the ground level in the villages to make a difference in their lives, protect our heritage and expose the pressure from outside forces. 


Donations are appreciated;
By Zelle: ghhfusaorg@gmail.com
PayPal: savetemples.org
By Check: You can also send a check payable to GHHF,14726 Harmony Lane, Frisco, TX 75035.
It is tax-deductible.
For additional information,  601-918-7111; +91 83096 43979


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