[GHHF] Bala Samskar Kendras – Students learned Gayatri Mantra, its meaning, history, and Benefits of Chanting.

03 Aug 2023 923 Views

Ramana Maharshi: “The way honey is the essence of flowers, and butter of milk, in the same manner Gayatri is the essence of all the Vedas. Gayatri when realized is verily the Kamadhenu – the celestial wish-fulfilling cow.”
Global Hindu Heritage Foundation is extremely happy to inform that we are conducting about 200 Bala Samskar Kendras in five States in India – Assam, Telangana, Andhra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. We have many active Hindus who are helping in different ways to ensure our children are taught about the richness of Sanatana Dharma. Each school teaches different things and at the same time they follow the required syllabus to ensure all the students learn things that are common to all the students. It is challenging as the ages of the students vary from one school to another. This week they are taught about Gayatri Mantra. 
What is the Gayatri Mantra?
The Gayatri Mantra is a Sanskrit mantra that has been chanted for thousands of years. It was written down during the Vedic period (1500-500 BCE) and is considered to be one of the oldest known and most powerful mantras. It is said to contain all the knowledge of the universe.
The mantra is an expression of gratitude and praise to the powers of transformation, inner growth, and self realization provided by the radiant light of the divine. Meditating on this spiritual light purifies the heart chakra and opens it up to receive higher vibrations of love, wisdom, and bliss.
The Gayatri mantra
The Gayatri has 24 syllables, and is listed below with phonetic pronunciation in brackets:
Om bhuh, bhuvah, swaha (Aumm Bhoor Bhoo-va Su-va-ha)
Tat savitur varenyam (Tat Sa-vee-toor Var-ayn-yam)
Bhargo devasya dhimahi (Bar-go Day-vas-ya Dhee-ma-hee)
Dhiyo yo nah prachodayat (Dhee-yo Yo Nah Pra-cho-da-yaat)
The meaning of the Gayatri Mantra
A general translation of the mantra is:
O Divine mother, may your pure divine light illuminate all realms (physical, mental and spiritual) of our being. Please expel any darkness from our hearts and bestow upon us the true knowledge.
Translations vary, but Vyaas Houston’s is among the most accessible : “Earth, atmosphere, heavens. We meditate on the sacred light of the effulgent source. Let that inspire our thoughts.” Stuck on the word “effulgent”? Merriam-Webster’s defines it as “radiant splendor,” but in a yogic sense, it refers to the all-pervading light of the celestial realms.
Across cultures and throughout time, the sun symbolized spiritual light. The word “savitur” refers to Savitri, the Vedic sun deity. The mantra, considered the essence of all mantras, is personified as the resplendent Gayatri, the power behind the sun and the mother of the universe. As we chant her mantra, we tune into the frequencies of universal light and bring it down to the earth plane (bhuh) and ourselves.
The mantra is personified by the goddess Gayatri Devi, who is the bestower of knowledge and is referred to as “the mother of the Vedas.” She is often depicted as having 5 heads and 10 arms, and she rides upon a swan. The five faces symbolize the five pranas and the five elements of the universe. Gayatri Devi represents the combined strength of the three Goddesses, Lakshmi, Saraswati, and Kali. Her divine powers are protection, wisdom, and strength.
History of the Gayatri mantra
How the universal mantra came to be chanted here on earth is a rich story of anger, envy, lust, and forgiveness. It begins in ancient times, when King Vishwamitra and his army visited Sage Vashista, who was able to feed their numbers thanks to a wish-fulfilling cow. Vishwamitra wanted to take the cow with him, and Vashista’s refusal angered the king so much that he vowed to undertake austerities and meditate until his spiritual powers surpassed the sage’s. Each time Vishwamitra believed he was nearing success, however, he failed another test of ego.
When Vishwatmitra at last recognized his shortcomings and begged Vashista’s forgiveness, he experienced spontaneous Samadhi and the gods gifted him with the words of the Gayatri. (The poses Vashistasana and Vishwamitrasana honor these sages.) Vishwamitra is among the authors of the Rig Veda, the oldest known source of the Gayatri. His tale teaches that enlightenment is possible for anyone who practices with dedication, and the Gayatri is recommended as a practice suited to people from all walks of life.
Benefits of chanting the Gayatri
It’s said that by regularly chanting the Gayatri mantra , you accumulate spiritual light, and that you will not only raise your own vibratory level but also the levels of those around you your family and friends, your circle of acquaintances, the entire global community.
The sound of the Gayatri mantra brings us back to our own true nature, which is pure consciousness itself. It reminds us that we are already perfect beings, and that we have been given everything we need to manifest our highest potential. When we practice the Gayatri, we remember that we are divinely connected to the universe, and that we are blessed by its abundance.
A regular meditation practice using this mantra can bring peace, joy, grace, and happiness prosperity. It is also said to strengthen concentration, heal the physical body, and protect against negativity, fear, anger, jealousy, hatred, greed, and envy. The ancient texts claim that chanting the Gayatri 10 times per day removes the bad karma in this lifetime, and chanting 108 times daily will dissolve the karma from previous lives. Source: 
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